[comp.sys.amiga.misc] MAYBE A SOLUTION TO AMIGA-RELAY

GELSON%SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR@uicvm.uic.edu (Gelson Dias Santos) (06/22/91)


Well, people. If you are one of the Amiga-Relay subscriber who is trying to
contact the administrator via amiga-relay-request@udel.edu and don't get an
answer, try geyer@udel.edu. It is the personal address of the actual
administrator (Steve Geyer). It seems he NEVER read posts to the request

To the rest of amigaland: Sorry to crosspost it. I'm trying to avoid that
UNSUBSCRIBE messages posted in the wrong place.

* Gelson Dias Santos  *  Bitnet/Internet: GELSON@SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR  *
* Porto Alegre - RS   *  Sorry, english is not my native language!  *
*       BRAZIL        *           (Alguem fala portugues?)          *