[comp.sys.amiga.misc] AWESOME - I finally got it to work

mmoore@ux.acs.umn.edu (Malcolm Diallo Moore) (06/23/91)

Well the subject sez it all, I finally got Awesome to work on my A500.

A couple of months ago I was telling everyone on the net how I could not
get Awesome to work because it would ask for Disk 2 even when Disk 2 was in
the drive.  Well, I purchased it again for $20 and I fired it up and the
same thing happened.

So I shifted the disks around, putting disk 2 in my df1: and disk 3: in my 

It worked!....for a stage, then it froze up again.

So I consulted the (worthless) manual and I came across a blurb saying that
in 1-plus-meg Amigas, the program could only use the bottom 512K for the sound
and grafix, and would use the upper 512K for a Ram Disk.

Ram Disk?

Immediately, I thought of the A501.  Hmmm, let's see what happenz when we 
remove the A501!

So I pried open my trusty little 500 and carefully pulled the memory expansion
box from its slot, and put it in a safe place (i.e. my desk.)

Then I replugged the computer and fired up Awesome again.

It worked without a hitch.

Now my drives still gronk a lot, and there's more time to wait during disk
loads, but it ain't like it'll kill you or anything.  See, the program de-
termines whether you have only 512K or 1MB or more in your Amiga, and it
loads the data differently.  I guess the sickeningly horrid copy protection
does not agree with my df0: when my computer has 1MB, but seeing that it
has to load the data differently in 512K mode, it doesn't have a problem.

So there'z a hintt: If you have problems running Awesome on the A500, remove
your A501.

If that doesn't work, you're jacked.


**********************Malcolm "The Capital MD" Moore**************************
*  CHICAGO BULLS   *    Microcomputer & Workstation   *                      * 
*       --          *        Networks Center         *    Jackin For Beats   *
*       NBA         *      would have to PAY me      *	      IN 1991        * 
*     CHAMPZ!       *    to express any kind of an   *                       *
* 		    *    opinion in their behalf.    *   (Empty Space Here   *
* Yall DESERVED IT! *				     * 			     *