[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Here is your chance!!!!!!

manes@vger.nsu.edu ((Mark D. Manes), Norfolk State University) (06/21/91)

Greetings one and all!

Here is your chance... the chance you have always wanted!   I know
that I have always wished to have a say in 'advertising' of our
favorite computer.  So here is the deal:

Video Computer Resources in Chesapeake Virginia has arranged for
18 months of billboard advertisements.  We are actively seeking
opinions and slogans for this advertising.  We are already considering
"Life is too short for boring computers:  Amiga by Commodore" and
possibly "If you insist on paying $10,000 for 68030 technology may
we humbly suggest you buy 3 Amiga 3000s.".   

Of course the dealership will seek all the proper permissions to use 
the Amiga trademark.  It should not be too difficult, afterall Commodore 
authorized us to use the Amiga trademark as our store sign. :-)

This is your chance to influence advertising.  Send mail to 
manes@vger.nsu.edu and I will post the ones we select.  We are
allowed to change the billboard four times.


+------------------------------------------------------+              /////
| Mark D. Manes                                        |            /////
| email:  manes@vger.nsu.edu                           |          /////
| phone:  (804) 683-2532                               |   \\\\\/////
+------------------------------------------------------+     \\\\//  Amiga!
"Ohh say can you C!"

baxter_a@wehi.dn.mu.oz (06/23/91)

In article <1097.2861c03f@vger.nsu.edu>, manes@vger.nsu.edu ((Mark D. Manes), Norfolk State University) writes:
> Greetings one and all!
> Here is your chance... the chance you have always wanted!   I know
> that I have always wished to have a say in 'advertising' of our
> favorite computer.  So here is the deal:
> Video Computer Resources in Chesapeake Virginia has arranged for
> 18 months of billboard advertisements.  We are actively seeking
> opinions and slogans for this advertising.  We are already considering
> "Life is too short for boring computers:  Amiga by Commodore" and

Sounds like the Amiga is an example of a boring computer.

> possibly "If you insist on paying $10,000 for 68030 technology may
> we humbly suggest you buy 3 Amiga 3000s.".   

You loose all the folk who don't know what a 68030 is.

> Of course the dealership will seek all the proper permissions to use 
> the Amiga trademark.  It should not be too difficult, afterall Commodore 
> authorized us to use the Amiga trademark as our store sign. :-)
> This is your chance to influence advertising.  Send mail to 
> manes@vger.nsu.edu and I will post the ones we select.  We are
> allowed to change the billboard four times.

What about having a picture of a computer and your store's address.
The punters might know what you do and where you are then.

Regards Alan