[comp.sys.amiga.misc] What's next?

kzyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (06/23/91)


	June 30th is just around the corner, and with it the end of the
Power-Up Program (at least, in the US).
	What's next?...

	* Will the A3000T be finally announced in the U.S.?

	* 2.0 roms ready for shippment?

	* Amiga Unix available as an individual item?

	* ROM disk drive for A2000 - A3000 ?

	* 68040 daughter board announced ? (A3000)

	* OS upgrade with parallel processing capability ? (especially A3000)

	* 386 bridgeboard available?

	* Will a new Amiga with a revised chip set (esp. Denise) be announced?

	* OS upgrade with built-in networking capability?

	* Price cut on the entire Amiga line?

	* New Educational Price list?

	* You name it ....

	Just an inquiring mind....

		Edval Santos

don@chopin.udel.edu (Donald R Lloyd) (06/24/91)

In article <1991Jun23.152037.5672@vax5.cit.cornell.edu> kzyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu writes:
>	June 30th is just around the corner, and with it the end of the
>Power-Up Program (at least, in the US).

	 More importantly, July 1st is just around the corner.  The beginning of the
new fiscal year.  

>	What's next?...

	 Well, I can't really say for sure, but based on rumors, ramblings, and wild
guesses, I'd predict that we'll see the following in the first quarter:

>   * 2.0 roms ready for shippment?                
>   * Amiga Unix available as an individual item?
>   * 68040 daughter board announced ? (A3000)               
      Probably from CBM & at least 2 3rd parties, if they can get the chips.
>   * Price cut on the entire Amiga line?     
     BTW, the 2500 recently had its price cut substantially (sorry, don't know
exact #s)
>   * New Educational Price list?

	 As far as some of your other questions/ideas:

>	* Will the A3000T be finally announced in the U.S.?

	 Not yet; maybe 2nd quarter or early 3rd, I'd say.  The magazines (esp. 
AmigaWorld) really jumped the gun in talking about it while it was really only
in early prototype stages.

>	* ROM disk drive for A2000 - A3000 ?

	 You mean like a battery-backed RAM disk?  I doubt from CBM, but maybe
from 3rd parties (I think there's already one available).

>	* OS upgrade with parallel processing capability ? (especially A3000)

	 Wouldn't hold my breath on this one, but then I could be wrong.  I think
CBM would be better off working harder on more device independence so a move
could eventually be made to RISC processors.

>	* 386 bridgeboard available?
     Dunno about a 386; SX seems more likely, to replace the 2286.  The 2088
will probably die soon.

>	* Will a new Amiga with a revised chip set (esp. Denise) be announced?
     I believe James Dionne at World of Amiga hinted at next summer for this
kind of change to start being talked about in an official way.

>	* OS upgrade with built-in networking capability?

     In what way?  Maybe a net.device or some such thing for mounting network
devices as local devices (TCP/IP already does this & much more).

     Note that none of the above predictions are based on any kind of inside
knowledge, so don't base buying decisions on them :-).

  Gibberish   May the        Publications Editor, AmigaNetwork 
  is spoken   fork() be      Amiga Student On-Campus Consultant, U of D
    here.     with you.      DISCLAIMER:  It's all YOUR fault.