[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help req with Oki printer driver

clear@cavebbs.gen.nz (Charlie Lear) (06/24/91)

Hi. I'm not an Amiga-type person, but this has got me baffled. I'd 
appreciate any assistance anyone can provide.

A customer of mine was sold (by another shop) an Okidata 180 printer, and
was assured (by yet another shop) that it was 100% compatible with his Ami
500 (Workbench 1.3) and software.

He is running Kindwords, Pagesetter and Ultraplan. The printer won't do 
anything except print in draft mode. Underline, italics, NLQ, it just
goes into a flat spin and prints garbage.

The printer works fine on a PC, the printer cable has been tried out and
works fine, another printer has been tried on his Amiga and it works fine.
Its just the A500/Oki180 combination that won't work. The printer is set to
Epson emulation by dip switches and he's tried every printer driver 
Commodore NZ (the agents for Amiga here) sent him a driver creation disk that
would enable him to enter his own escape sequences. It only works under 1.2.
Other than that they can't help.
Could someone PLEASE let me know if an Oki 180 printer driver is available
for the A500 under WB1.3 - this particular customer is on the point of 
throwing away a perfectly good printer because he can't use it properly.

Thanks in advance
Charlie "The Bear" Lear | clear@cavebbs.gen.nz | Kawasaki Z750GT  DoD#0221
The Cave MegaBBS  +64 4 642269 V22b | PO Box 2009, Wellington, New Zealand