[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Cleveland Remarks

ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill) (06/22/91)

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) writes:
%A travel disc, where you can go and look up every major city in the world and
%see what they have to offer...I can see L.A. now, "Where the ground is brown,
%the air is brown, and the water is brown"...How about Detroit, "Where the weak
%are killed and eaten!"...Or Cleveland, "The mistake on the lake"...
   Another uninformed remark from somebody who probably hasn't been to
Cleveland in years. I have news for you. Cleveland has better summers than
Florida (and I know several people who moved back to Cleveland because Florida
was a "garbage dump"), less crime than a lot of those "media" centers (I don't
have to worry about getting shot while walking down the street or riding on
local highways), and has major "upgrades" underway as we speak (Rock & Roll
Hall Of Fame, new stadium, harbor projects, national rib burnoffs, plus MUCH
more). The lake is clean and getting cleaner, and the fishing is tops. I
personaly live right outside of Cleveland and the local town life is great.

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (06/22/91)

In article <30241@know.pws.bull.com> ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill) writes:
>rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) writes:
>%A travel disc, where you can go and look up every major city in the world and
>%see what they have to offer...I can see L.A. now, "Where the ground is brown,
>%the air is brown, and the water is brown"...How about Detroit, "Where the weak
>%are killed and eaten!"...Or Cleveland, "The mistake on the lake"...
>   Another uninformed remark from somebody who probably hasn't been to
>Cleveland in years. I have news for you. Cleveland has better summers than
>Florida (and I know several people who moved back to Cleveland because Florida
>was a "garbage dump"), less crime than a lot of those "media" centers (I don't
>have to worry about getting shot while walking down the street or riding on
>local highways), and has major "upgrades" underway as we speak (Rock & Roll
>Hall Of Fame, new stadium, harbor projects, national rib burnoffs, plus MUCH
>more). The lake is clean and getting cleaner, and the fishing is tops. I
>personaly live right outside of Cleveland and the local town life is great.
>   Tom

	I see we have a "sense of humor, lack thereof" problem
here. The general rule of thumb is: if you insult one of
something, you're being obnoxious. If you insult multiple things,
you're making a joke.
	He insulted L.A., Detroit and Cleveland, as well as
possibly others (you cut off some of his text so I don't know
what else he said). Come on! This isn't .advocacy! 8)
	-- Ethan

"...Know-Nothing-Bozo the Non-Wonder Dog, an animal so stupid that it
had been sacked from one of Will's own commercials for being incapable
of knowing which dog food it was supposed to prefer, despite the fact
that the meat in all the other bowls had engine oil poured all over it."

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) (06/24/91)

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) writes:
>In article <30241@know.pws.bull.com> ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill)
>>rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) writes:
>>%A travel disc, where you can go and look up every major city in the world an
>>%see what they have to offer...I can see L.A. now, "Where the ground is brown
>>%the air is brown, and the water is brown"...How about Detroit, "Where the we
>>%are killed and eaten!"...Or Cleveland, "The mistake on the lake"...
>>   Another uninformed remark from somebody who probably hasn't been to
>>Cleveland in years. I have news for you. Cleveland has better summers than
>>Florida (and I know several people who moved back to Cleveland because Florid
>>was a "garbage dump"), less crime than a lot of those "media" centers (I don'
>>have to worry about getting shot while walking down the street or riding on
>>local highways), and has major "upgrades" underway as we speak (Rock & Roll
>>Hall Of Fame, new stadium, harbor projects, national rib burnoffs, plus MUCH
>>more). The lake is clean and getting cleaner, and the fishing is tops. I
>>personaly live right outside of Cleveland and the local town life is great.
>>   Tom
>	I see we have a "sense of humor, lack thereof" problem
>here. The general rule of thumb is: if you insult one of
>something, you're being obnoxious. If you insult multiple things,
>you're making a joke.
>	He insulted L.A., Detroit and Cleveland, as well as
>possibly others (you cut off some of his text so I don't know
>what else he said). Come on! This isn't .advocacy! 8)
>	-- Ethan

WOW! I never saw any responce before this...Wonder if all the netnews is
making it to me!!

Anyways, Cleveland has alot going for it. It WAS just a joke...They have
really cleaned up Cleveland in the last 10 years...Can I dare say it, but they
have not been able to do anything wrong in awhile...But I have meet many from
Cleveland that say, "The mistake on the Great Lake" so it came to mind right

I do have a problem with Cleveland calling itself the North Coast of America
tho ;-)

-- C-UseNet V0.42e
 Ronald Kushner                          Life in Hell BBS  +1 (313) 939-6666
 P.O. Box 353                               14400 USR HST V.42 & V.42bis
 Sterling Heights, MI  48311-0353              Complete Amiga Support
 UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!rkushner     (We are not satanic, just NUTS!)
          No blood for oil! Raising C.A.F.E. to 40MPG is just that!

kudla@aix01.aix.rpi.edu (Robert J. Kudla) (06/25/91)

ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill) writes:

>   Another uninformed remark from somebody who probably hasn't been to
>Cleveland in years. I have news for you. Cleveland has better summers than
>Florida (and I know several people who moved back to Cleveland because Florida
>was a "garbage dump"), less crime than a lot of those "media" centers (I don't
>have to worry about getting shot while walking down the street or riding on
>local highways), and has major "upgrades" underway as we speak (Rock & Roll
>Hall Of Fame, new stadium, harbor projects, national rib burnoffs, plus MUCH
>more). The lake is clean and getting cleaner, and the fishing is tops. I
>personaly live right outside of Cleveland and the local town life is great.

Yes, but does it multitask, play all the latest BLAZEMONGER!!!! revisions,
or outsell IBM in Europe? 

Whoops, wrong thread.
Robert Jude Kudla, <kudla@rpi.edu> for the moment....

"Oh, forgive me, Assembly'O'God!
 Oh Jaysus, I jest stuck the tip in, oh ma god...."