[comp.sys.amiga.misc] HELP! Prefs-Problems under Wb 2.0

hgschmie@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Henning Schmiedehausen) (06/19/91)

Hi, everyone!

Most important first: I use an A3000 with Kick 37.175, WB 37.48

I want my system to boot up with an standard NTSC Hires Interlace 
Display, but even if I set this with the prefs/Screenmode and the
prefs/Overscan program, the machine boots up with an 640x256 PAL
display, and only after starting the iprefs program, the machine
switches to the wanted resolution (AFTER closing the CLI, of 
course). So my question is: How can I tell my Amy to boot with
NTSC 640x400 resolution? I do not need WB very often, and it's annoying
to close all CLI windows, wait for resolution change and the opening
my CLIs again whenever I boot up. 
I've seen the same versions of software on an A2000 with GVP 3001
board, and these versions (Kick @ $200000 ) boot up with an NTSC screen.
But I've set up my system exactly like my friends' and it won't work
with me.
I have scanned the kickstart-file for filenames and I stumbled over
a 'devs:system-configuration'. But none of the prefs programs change
the ( old Wb 1.3 ??? ) devs:system-configuration file. So, what magic
must I do to my Amy to do the trick?


ONLY  ///    Real: Henning Schmiedehausen         | Logik? Logik und Berechen-
 __  ///     INT:  hgschmie@immd4.uni-erlangen.de | barkeit? Was ist das?
 \\\///      UUCP: henning@castle.erh.sub.org     | Kann man das essen?
  \XX/ AMIGA 3000 / 1510 -- UUCP 1.12D | Welcome to A3000. Welcome to machine.

darrell@comspec.uucp (Darrell Grainger) (06/22/91)

In article <1991Jun19.132820.19300@informatik.uni-erlangen.de> hgschmie@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Henning Schmiedehausen) writes:
>Hi, everyone!
>Most important first: I use an A3000 with Kick 37.175, WB 37.48
>I want my system to boot up with an standard NTSC Hires Interlace 
>Display, but even if I set this with the prefs/Screenmode and the
>prefs/Overscan program, the machine boots up with an 640x256 PAL
 Just packed our demo 3000 for sale (getting an A3000UX-D!) so I cannot
test this to be sure but... there is a program prefs/Workbenchscreen (or
something like that). Try setting your screen resolution in there.

>display, and only after starting the iprefs program, the machine
>switches to the wanted resolution (AFTER closing the CLI, of 
>course). So my question is: How can I tell my Amy to boot with
>NTSC 640x400 resolution?

>	Ciao
>		Henning

Darrell Grainger % Comspec Communications Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
darrell@comspec  % Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own. 
(416) 617-1475   % (416) 633-5605	(416)785-3553

drtiller@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (Donald Richard Tillery Jr) (06/25/91)

2.0 doesn't open up the actual screen during boot-up until it absolutely has
to.  If you have commands in your startup-sequence that must (or could
potentially) send output to the CLI, it is opened at that time.  If this is
before the iprefs command, you get the stock size (640x200|256|400|512) until
iprefs is run.  Then the CLI is opened so iprefs must wait for it to close to
change the screen (why I don't know, CLIs and Shells can be sized and have the
text autoroute, I don't know why they couldn't do that same thing after the
screen was re-sized). 

Just make sure that any command you have in your startup-sequence that could
send output to the CLI before the iprefs call is re-directed to NIL: (i.e.
cpu >nil: nofastrom burst cache) and the CLI won't be opened until the
screen size is what you desire.

Rick Tillery (drtiller@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu)