[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Imagine Documentation

dale@b24a.ingr.com (Dale Rogers) (06/24/91)

I have been working with my new copy of Imagine and, being new to the 3D 
animation world, I am having difficulties using lighting and material
attributes.  The documentation provided with Imagine seems to be geared
toward people who are already familiar with many of the concepts.  What I'm
looking for is an independent document that can give me more info on using
Imagine.  Something more than a simple explanation of a command.

I work in the 3D CAD field so I comfortable with 3D coordinates and CAD in
general.  However, lighting, setting up an animation, image wrapping, and
other animation specific concepts have me somewhat baffled.  I suppose I'll
figure it out eventually through trial and error, but it would be nice to
start animating while I'm still a young man.

Manuals on 3D animation in general (not C code, but higher level concepts 
an animator would need), and Imagine specifically would be welcome.

Thanks for the info.

johnh@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (John J Humpal) (06/25/91)

In article <1991Jun24.150505.15714@b24a.ingr.com> dale@b24a.ingr.com (Dale Rogers) writes:
>I have been working with my new copy of Imagine and, being new to the 3D 
>animation world, I am having difficulties using lighting and material
>attributes.  The documentation provided with Imagine seems to be geared
>toward people who are already familiar with many of the concepts.  What I'm
>looking for is an independent document that can give me more info on using
>Imagine.  Something more than a simple explanation of a command.
>I work in the 3D CAD field so I comfortable with 3D coordinates and CAD in
>general.  However, lighting, setting up an animation, image wrapping, and
>other animation specific concepts have me somewhat baffled.  I suppose I'll
>figure it out eventually through trial and error, but it would be nice to
>start animating while I'm still a young man.
>Manuals on 3D animation in general (not C code, but higher level concepts 
>an animator would need), and Imagine specifically would be welcome.

	Two video tapes are available for Imagine.  I have not seen
them but I've heard from folks who have and there are mixed reviews.
One of the tapes is from Impulse and received only fair-to-middling
reviews. I forget who produced the other video but I heard that it is
generally better than the Impulse tape.
	For general help, I strongly recommend Steve Worley's
tutorials. They are free and available by anonymous ftp from
hubcap.clemson.edu ( in /pub/amiga/INCOMING/IMAGINE. Steve
also moderates an Imagine mailing list which you can join by sending
him mail at spworley@athena.mit.edu.

John J. Humpal -- johnh@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu -- short .sig, std. disclaimer