[comp.sys.amiga.misc] CBM Lease Program

merlin@presto.UUCP (Jeff W. Hyche) (06/25/91)

	I just read about the new Commodore lease program in AmigaWorld,
but no details were given.  Any of you Commodore people want to spill
the beans?

                                // Jeff Hyche           
  There can be only one!    \\ //  Usenet: hychejw@infonode.ingr.com
                             \X/   UUCP: ...!uunet!sci34hub!presto!merlin

metahawk@aix01.aix.rpi.edu (Wayne G Rigby) (06/25/91)

In article <merlin.0877@presto.UUCP> presto!merlin@uunet.uu.net writes:
>	I just read about the new Commodore lease program in AmigaWorld,
>but no details were given.  Any of you Commodore people want to spill
>the beans?
>                                // Jeff Hyche           
>  There can be only one!    \\ //  Usenet: hychejw@infonode.ingr.com
>                             \X/   UUCP: ...!uunet!sci34hub!presto!merlin

I tried tracing down info. on this.  Basically, my local dealer couldn't
tell me anything, Commodore wasn't able to tell me anything either.  
Master Lease is the only people you deal with.  It's like getting a leasing
program from a company not affiliated with C= in any way (almost).  It is
only available to businesses, which is where I stopped getting information.

"Hello?  Is anybody in there?"     Wayne Rigby
"Just nod if you can hear me."     Computer and Systems Engineer (in training)
     - Pink Floyd                  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute