[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fish disk 491-500 listings

davids@btr.btr.com (Dave Schreiber) (06/21/91)

Does anyone have the listings for Fish disks 491-500 (yup, they're out)?
If so, could you please e-mail me a copy?  Thanks.

sutela@polaris.utu.fi (Kari Sutela) (06/24/91)

davids@btr.btr.com (Dave Schreiber) writes:

>Does anyone have the listings for Fish disks 491-500 (yup, they're out)?
>If so, could you please e-mail me a copy?  Thanks.

Please, post.

Kari Sutela	sutela@polaris.utu.fi

jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) (06/25/91)

They're usually posted to comp.sys.amiga.announce, but I haven't seen them
there yet.  Could someone please send them to the moderator?

  *  From the disk of:	|  jms@vanth.uucp		 |  "Let's become
  Jim Shaffer, Jr.	|  amix.commodore.com!vanth!jms  |   alive again."
  37 Brook Street	|  uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms	 |
  Montgomery, PA 17752	|  72750.2335@compuserve.com	 |	   --Yes

frank@hfsi.UUCP (Frank McPherson) (06/25/91)

In article <jms.4659@vanth.UUCP> jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) writes:
>They're usually posted to comp.sys.amiga.announce, but I haven't seen them
>there yet.  Could someone please send them to the moderator?

Speaking of the Fish disks, where'd the Aquarium database listings go?
I haven't seen any in quite a while.  Are they still being made somewhere,
or are they a thing of the past?

Frank McPherson

walrus@wam.umd.edu (Udo K Schuermann) (06/26/91)

In article <435@hfsi.UUCP> emcphers@manu.cs.vt.edu (Frank McPherson) writes:
>Speaking of the Fish disks, where'd the Aquarium database listings go?
>I haven't seen any in quite a while.  Are they still being made somewhere,
>or are they a thing of the past?
>Frank McPherson

Nope, I'm still updating the database (for my own use, too).
	I sent an announcement last week to the backup moderator of
c.s.a.announce, but I don't know what became of it.  I guess it's time
to put it up here.  (This will probably cause it to appear within
hours on .announce, but what the heck):

The 481-490 UPDATE DATASET for the Aquarium Database is now available
via anonymous ftp.  (I'll be putting up the 491-500 set within a few

Due to diskspace problems on the "traditional" site, ab20, the new set
can now be found on	hubcap.clemson.edu []
in the directory	pub/amiga/incoming/FISH/
as the file		aquarium-481-490.lzh
		and	aquarium-481-490.readme

PLEASE NOTE that floppy-only users must patch their Aquarium binary
(using NewZap or equivalent) because a single floppy can no longer
accommodate the database.  This patch is described in the Update.doc
file included in the .lzh
	The patch will extend the life of Aquarium up to Fish Disk
500, _perhaps_ 510.  A rewrite of Aquarium is required.  Anybody who
wishes to undertake this task, please contact me:  I will attempt to
coordinate the effort to avoid needless duplication.

I will attempt to keep both hubcap and ab20 up to date as my time and
their diskspace permits.

 ._.  Udo Schuermann	   "Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter
 ( )  walrus@wam.umd.edu    with the promise of the brave new world unfurled
 Seeking virtual memory     beneath the clear blue sky?" -- Pink Floyd