[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Price reduction on Mega-Midget Racer?

takeuch@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Travis L Takeuchi) (06/19/91)

aI read recently in some amiga magazine (can't remember the name either .info or AWorld) that due to a new '030 chip that motorola is producing the prices for the Mega-Midget Racer have been substantially reduced. Can anyone out in Net-Landconfirm this? How much would a 25 or 33 megahertz MMR cost after the price reduction? When does it come into effect? 
			Thanx in advance,

matt@vrtwo.UUCP (Matt Buford) (06/26/91)

>aI read recently in some amiga magazine (can't remember the name either .info
>ing the prices for the Mega-Midget Racer have been substantially reduced. Can
>megahertz MMR cost after the price reduction? When does it come into effect?

I think the new cheaper MMRs do NOT have MMUs... That's why they're cheaper...
Take a look at some of the small print on the mail order pages in the boxes
advertising MMRs...
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