[comp.sys.amiga.misc] What's this Power-up deal?

larsm@eik.ii.uib.no (Lars Magnus Nordeide) (06/25/91)

I have seen mentioned a Power-up deal from Commodore. So far I have
understood it was a chance for 500/100/2000 owners to upgrade to a 3000,
and that it lasts until the end of June. (Is this correct?) I would
appreciate if someone could tell me a bit more about this. Like:

- Price?
- Was this an USA only offer?
- If so, are Commodore going to do a similar thing in other countries
(for instance in  Norway :-) )? 
- Why not?

    Lars Magnus Nordeide         |   I want to be famous, but Famous
    University of Bergen         |   doesn't want to be me.
	NORWAY			 |   
    larsm@eik.ii.uib.no		 |   Well, who would actually?

metahawk@aix01.aix.rpi.edu (Wayne G Rigby) (06/26/91)

In article <1991Jun25.154634.16691@eik.ii.uib.no> larsm@eik.ii.uib.no (Lars Magnus Nordeide) writes:
>I have seen mentioned a Power-up deal from Commodore. So far I have
>understood it was a chance for 500/100/2000 owners to upgrade to a 3000,
>and that it lasts until the end of June. (Is this correct?) I would
>appreciate if someone could tell me a bit more about this. Like:

Last official date to be able to Power Up is June 30th.

>- Price?
US$1500 off of an A3000-25/100   so approximately US$3200 (assuming MSRP)
US$1250 off of an A3000-25/50                     US$2250
US$1150 off of an A3000-16/50                and  US$1850 (before taxes)

>- Was this an USA only offer?
Yes, Canada had something similar, though.  Their's ended in May, I think.

>- If so, are Commodore going to do a similar thing in other countries
>(for instance in  Norway :-) )? 
I don't have a clue as to if C= will have something similar there.  It's up
to (evidentually) the regional C= headquarters.  In other words, C= USA
decided to have this deal, not C= International.

>- Why not?
Commodore USA considers it really important to get more machines in
circulation, whereas Commodore Europe doesn't consider this as important
(this is just a guess, of course), due to its support base.

>    Lars Magnus Nordeide         |   I want to be famous, but Famous
>    University of Bergen         |   doesn't want to be me.
>	NORWAY			 |   
>    larsm@eik.ii.uib.no		 |   Well, who would actually?

"Hello?  Is there anybody in there?      Wayne Rigby
"Just nod if you can hear me."           Computer and Systems Engineer
          - Pink Floyd                   (A delightful blend of EE and CS) 
                                         Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
     Yes, C-128's still live!            metahawk@rpi.edu