[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Eric Schwartz' TheDatingGame and ATF_Agility available for FTP

ake@dayton.saic.com (Earle Ake) (06/27/91)

	Eric Schwartz's newest animation "TheDatingGame" is now available at
ab20.larc.nasa.gov [] in the directory:

total 754
-rw-rw-rw-  1 ftp          1361 Jun 12 14:56 TheDatingGame.readme
-rw-rw-rw-  1 ftp        331776 Jun 12 14:55 TheDatingGame1.lzh
-rw-rw-rw-  1 ftp        415232 Jun 12 15:04 TheDatingGame2.lzh

This will be moved to the /amiga/graphics/anims/Eric-Schwartz directory soon.

Due to ab20 being full right now, I have not been able to post Eric's remake
of ATF_Agility.  I have instead posted it to the /pub/amiga/incoming/ANIMS
directory on hubcap.clemson.edu as ATF_Agility.lzh.

             ____ ____    ___
Earle Ake   /___ /___/ / /     Science Applications International Corporation
           ____//   / / /__                 Dayton, Ohio
Internet: ake@dayton.saic.com        uucp: dayvb!ake         SPAN: 28284::ake