[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Need DCTV pics/anims!

don@chopin.udel.edu (Donald R Lloyd) (06/27/91)

     Is there an ftp site around that has any DCTV images or animations on it,
or is anyone aware of any source for them without having to make lots of
long distance phone calls to BBSs to get them?
	 Our users' group is doing Multimedia as the meeting topic this month,
and DCTV will be one of the products demoed.  We'd like to try to get something
more than the sample images that come with it.  Can DCTV pics be shown through
any slideshow/viewer type program, or must the DCTV software be used?

	 Any ftp sites with collections of 24-bit pictures in some format that ADPro
can convert to IFF or DCTV format?  (As you can tell, I haven't yet used either
product... our local dealer's giving us access to them for the meeting).


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