[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Looking for format of .WKS files

tedg@apollo.HP.COM (Ted Grzesik) (06/27/91)


Does anyone have the internal layout of .WKS files?  I have a trashed file
used in the 'Analyze!' spreadsheet program (using Lotus' file format).  Is
there a book with this information?

Better yet, is there a utility on the Amiga (I know of some on MESSY-DOS)
to patch these files?

	Ted Grzesik

Ted Grzesik       Massachusetts Language Lab             Hewlett-Packard Company
tedg@apollo.hp.com                          Chelmsford, MA  (508) 256-6600 x5959
"Civilization is the limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities."
                                       -- Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)