[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Comodore Stock

jc337s696@sycom.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) (06/24/91)

Well...  I recently purchased some C= stock, because you know, I figured it
would be a good investment.  But, within the last 2 weeks it has dropped about
3 points.  AnyBody out there no why?  From the content of the conversations on
the Net, it looked like commodore was doing really good.  Hmm... Was the
power-up just a plot to boost poor american sales or something.  Is CDTV not
working out the way they expected.  Is the power up deal decreasing sales of
other amiga models, because of the sudden flood of used amigas on the market?
Jeff Chmielewski

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (06/24/91)

In article <jc337s696.1631@sycom.UUCP> jc337s696@sycom.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:
>Well...  I recently purchased some C= stock, because you know, I figured it
>would be a good investment.  But, within the last 2 weeks it has dropped about
>3 points.  AnyBody out there no why?  From the content of the conversations on
>the Net, it looked like commodore was doing really good.  Hmm... Was the
>power-up just a plot to boost poor american sales or something.  Is CDTV not
>working out the way they expected.  Is the power up deal decreasing sales of
>other amiga models, because of the sudden flood of used amigas on the market?
>Jeff Chmielewski

	Well, American sales have never been really good news, so
I doubt that American sales going DOWN would be a major factor.
It is Europe that is probably the stock market's concern.
	Europe's economy is slowing, and the dollar is very
strong so sales don't look so good.
	-- Ethan

P.S. Re CDTV, no one really knows about its sales. It is too
early to tell. We'll have to wait for Christmas to determine
"...Know-Nothing-Bozo the Non-Wonder Dog, an animal so stupid that it
had been sacked from one of Will's own commercials for being incapable
of knowing which dog food it was supposed to prefer, despite the fact
that the meat in all the other bowls had engine oil poured all over it."

swarren@convex.com (Steve Warren) (06/24/91)

In article <jc337s696.1631@sycom.UUCP> jc337s696@sycom.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:
>Well...  I recently purchased some C= stock, because you know, I figured it
>would be a good investment.  But, within the last 2 weeks it has dropped about
>3 points.  AnyBody out there no why?  From the content of the conversations on
>the Net, it looked like commodore was doing really good.  Hmm... Was the
>power-up just a plot to boost poor american sales or something.  Is CDTV not
>working out the way they expected.  Is the power up deal decreasing sales of
>other amiga models, because of the sudden flood of used amigas on the market?
>Jeff Chmielewski

When IBM says they are hurting the mutual funds directors unload technology
stocks.  When the stock market is hick-upping downwards they start looking for
some stocks to unload.  Both these events occured recently.  Almost all
technology stocks dropped.  This is expected because technology stocks
typically swing much more wildly than other stocks.  They drop precipitously
when the market starts down, and they run up quickly when the market turns
around.  If you buy a tech stock right after it runs up, you are probably
going to loose money.  You should buy tech stocks in good companies while the
market is depressed and the stock is ridiculously undervalued.  Then after the
market turns around the stock will respond much more strongly than other
(non-tech) stocks, assuming that a host of other random factors have not
intervened in the meantime.   ;^)

Usually tech stocks gain so much momentum on the upswing that they wind up
*overvalued* for a brief period.  Then they drop back down to a more
reasonable price range after everyone figures out that the market is not
trending upwards at the moment.  That is what I think just happened to
Commodore.  The thing about stocks, especially technology stocks, is that
there is no guarantee about what the prices will do, and usually price swings
like this have nothing to do with anything the company has done.  Some major
player in the industry has major troubles, and everyone's stock will tumble.
It happens frequently in computers.  Wait long enough and the price will be
back up there again.

--Steve   ._||__
  Warren   v\ *|

peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) (06/24/91)

In article <1991Jun24.011602.2153@convex.com> swarren@convex.com (Steve Warren) writes:
>In article <jc337s696.1631@sycom.UUCP> jc337s696@sycom.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:
>>Well...  I recently purchased some C= stock, because you know, I figured it
>>would be a good investment.  But, within the last 2 weeks it has dropped about
>>3 points.

If I remember correctly, this happened often when approaching the fiscal
year's end (30th June), only to upswing the more after publishing of the
real numbers. And I have good hope that the numbers this year will be
sort of real, shining black :-).

>>  Is CDTV not
>>working out the way they expected.

It's far too early for a reaction of stock to CDTV at this moment.

>When IBM says they are hurting the mutual funds directors unload technology
>stocks.  When the stock market is hick-upping downwards they start looking for
>some stocks to unload.  Both these events occured recently.  Almost all
>technology stocks dropped.

Sounds reasonable.

Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions... 
Commodore Frankfurt, Germany  \X/ {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmger!peterk

rcj2@cbnewsd.att.com (ray.c.jender) (06/25/91)

In article <jc337s696.1631@sycom.UUCP> jc337s696@sycom.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:
>Well...  I recently purchased some C= stock, because you know, I figured it
>would be a good investment.  But, within the last 2 weeks it has dropped about
>3 points.  AnyBody out there no why?  From the content of the conversations on
>the Net, it looked like commodore was doing really good.  Hmm... Was the
>power-up just a plot to boost poor american sales or something.  Is CDTV not
>working out the way they expected.  Is the power up deal decreasing sales of
>other amiga models, because of the sudden flood of used amigas on the market?
>Jeff Chmielewski

	Though I'm not an expert on the Stock Market, I'll venture
	to say that "As IBM goes, so do most other computor stocks".
	If CBM continues to drop, it may become attractive again.

jtravis@dworkin.Amber.mccc.edu (Jim, Sysop) (06/25/91)

jc337s696@sycom.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:

> Well...  I recently purchased some C= stock, because you know, I figured it
> would be a good investment.  But, within the last 2 weeks it has dropped abou
> 3 points.  AnyBody out there no why?  From the content of the conversations o
> the Net, it looked like commodore was doing really good.  Hmm... Was the
> power-up just a plot to boost poor american sales or something.  Is CDTV not
> working out the way they expected.  Is the power up deal decreasing sales of
> other amiga models, because of the sudden flood of used amigas on the market?
> Jeff Chmielewski

        It's not so much of anything else CBM is doing (or not doing) but as 
a reflection to what's happening to computerdom on the whole. Dow Jones did 
a little piece recently about how lower earning among IBM and Apple are 
forcing stock values down.  While those 2 are fighting for their market 
share, DJ still has CBM as a preferred stock OVER Apple and IBM. Their 
thoughts are the CDTV, and CBM's entrenchment in home equipment and foreign 
opportunities (they've moved BIG into Hungery and East Germany recently, and 
is now doing something for Poland and the USSR I hear) keeps them in a 
different league than Apple and IBM, who are very US dependant for sales. 
And while sales for those 2 companies are up, earnings are way down.
        Jim (as paraphrased from Dow Jones/Prodigy)

ptavoly@cs.ruu.nl (Peter Tavoly) (06/25/91)

In <625244w163w@dworkin.Amber.mccc.edu> jtravis@dworkin.Amber.mccc.edu (Jim, Sysop) writes:

>jc337s696@sycom.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:

>        It's not so much of anything else CBM is doing (or not doing) but as 
>a reflection to what's happening to computerdom on the whole. Dow Jones did 
>a little piece recently about how lower earning among IBM and Apple are 
>forcing stock values down.  While those 2 are fighting for their market 
>share, DJ still has CBM as a preferred stock OVER Apple and IBM. Their 
>thoughts are the CDTV, and CBM's entrenchment in home equipment and foreign 
>opportunities (they've moved BIG into Hungery and East Germany recently, and 
You mean Hungary of course :) Please tell us details, I am very interested
in anything having to do with computers in Hungary. Three of my main interests
in one place: Amiga, computers and Hungary!

Could you cite were you saw it, or maybe post/mail it to me?

Thanks in advance,


This account expires on 01-Sep-91. No more VR, it's RL now! :)
---------------------------------------------------------------          ____
Thomas Tavoly, Commercial Computer Science, HEAO Utrecht, NL.           / / /
ptavoly@praxis.cs.ruu.nl - Thomas speaking!  .sig v3.3               AMIGA /
--------------------------------------------------------------- ____  / / /
 ICE - brain-blasting zombie-making voodoo electronics.         \ \ \/ / /
---------------------------------------------------------------  \_\_\/_/

mykes@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) (06/26/91)

In article <1991Jun24.171951.17837@cbnewsd.att.com> rcj2@cbnewsd.att.com (ray.c.jender) writes:
>In article <jc337s696.1631@sycom.UUCP> jc337s696@sycom.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:
>>Well...  I recently purchased some C= stock, because you know, I figured it
>>would be a good investment.  But, within the last 2 weeks it has dropped about
>>3 points.  AnyBody out there no why?  From the content of the conversations on
>>the Net, it looked like commodore was doing really good.  Hmm... Was the
>>power-up just a plot to boost poor american sales or something.  Is CDTV not
>>working out the way they expected.  Is the power up deal decreasing sales of
>>other amiga models, because of the sudden flood of used amigas on the market?
>>Jeff Chmielewski
>	Though I'm not an expert on the Stock Market, I'll venture
>	to say that "As IBM goes, so do most other computor stocks".
>	If CBM continues to drop, it may become attractive again.

CBM Stock has been a real roller coaster ride over the last several years.
It fluctuates wildly between $4 and $20.  I recommend that you hang on until
you make a profit!

* I want games that look like Shadow of the Beast  *
* but play like Leisure Suit Larry.                *

kherron@ms.uky.edu (Kenneth Herron) (06/27/91)

jc337s696@sycom.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:

>Well...  I recently purchased some C= stock, because you know, I figured it
>would be a good investment.  But, within the last 2 weeks it has dropped about
>3 points.

This happened last year.  It started at about 8, dropped to 4.5 in august,
then rebounded to over 20 after christmas, partly on the strength of 
good christmas sales.

If you possibly can, hang on until after christmas.  That's when commodore
has most of its sales.
Kenneth Herron                                            kherron@ms.uky.edu
University of Kentucky                                       +1 606 257 2975
Department of Mathematics       "So this won't be a total loss, can you make
         it so guys get to throw their mothers-in-law in?"  "Sure, why not?"

ritz@msb.com (Chris Mauritz) (06/27/91)

In article <1991Jun24.171951.17837@cbnewsd.att.com> rcj2@cbnewsd.att.com (ray.c.jender) writes:
>In article <jc337s696.1631@sycom.UUCP> jc337s696@sycom.UUCP (Jeff Chmielewski) writes:
>>Well...  I recently purchased some C= stock, because you know, I figured it
>>would be a good investment.  But, within the last 2 weeks it has dropped about
>>3 points.  AnyBody out there no why?  From the content of the conversations on
>>the Net, it looked like commodore was doing really good.  Hmm... Was the
>>power-up just a plot to boost poor american sales or something.  Is CDTV not
>>working out the way they expected.  Is the power up deal decreasing sales of
>>other amiga models, because of the sudden flood of used amigas on the market?
>>Jeff Chmielewski
>	Though I'm not an expert on the Stock Market, I'll venture
>	to say that "As IBM goes, so do most other computor stocks".
>	If CBM continues to drop, it may become attractive again.

Well, not really.  Historically, most tech stocks fall in the summer
time since that is the quarter with the weakest earnings (normally).  Also,
tech stocks in general are taking a beating right now due to disappointing
earnings at a few of the big tech companies (including IBM and Apple).
If you really think CBU can keep up their earnings, then this is probably
a good opportunity to buy.  If you buy more now, you'll lower your average
cost for the stock.  HOWEVER, I think CBU is a very risky stock.  You
would probably be a lot better off buying something like Quantum Corp, 
which is very attractively priced now at about 5-6 times earnings.



Chris Mauritz                       |People are strange
ritz@msb.com                        |when you're a stranger.
Copyright (C) 1991                  |The Doors-

cactus@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu (Todd Masco) (06/27/91)

So, where is CBM stock right now, approximately?
Todd L. Masco - CMU Physics   | "Free speech is the right to shout
cactus@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu |   'theatre' in a crowded fire."

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (06/28/91)

In article <1991Jun27.134241.3943@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu> cactus@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu (Todd Masco) writes:
>So, where is CBM stock right now, approximately?

	11.5 or so, last I checked.
	-- Ethan

FF buckets of bits on the bus,	FF buckets of bits.
Take one down,			Short it to ground,
FE buckets of bits on the bus.

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) (06/28/91)

cactus@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu (Todd Masco) writes:
>So, where is CBM stock right now, approximately?

11 3/8

-- C-UseNet V0.42f
 Ronald Kushner                          Life in Hell BBS  +1 (313) 939-6666
 P.O. Box 353                               14400 USR HST V.42 & V.42bis
 Sterling Heights, MI  48311-0353              Complete Amiga Support
 UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!rkushner     (We are not satanic, just NUTS!)
      Always remember that strength is obtained by meeting resistance.

mykes@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) (06/28/91)

In article <1991Jun27.134241.3943@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu> cactus@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu (Todd Masco) writes:
>So, where is CBM stock right now, approximately?
>Todd L. Masco - CMU Physics   | "Free speech is the right to shout
>cactus@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu |   'theatre' in a crowded fire."

CBM is hovering around $12 a share.  Apple is at $42.
* I want games that look like Shadow of the Beast  *
* but play like Leisure Suit Larry.                *