[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga 500 internal drive --DEAD!

jon@chopin.udel.edu (Jon Deutsch) (06/26/91)

The subject line says almost the entire story.
Any disk I put into  my internal drive comes up
as a BAD disk format.  Upon boot-up, half the time,
the system returns me to the "hand", and 
the other half, I get a request window telling
me that "Not a DOS disk in Drive 0" or something
to that effect.

What happened to my disk drive?

Any info appreciated.

       |  |   |\       |>jon@brahms.udel.edu<|  "For my 2 cents,  |
       | \|on |/eutsch |>>-----------------<<|  I'd pay a dollar" |

brant@cs.UAlberta.CA (Brant Coghlan) (06/29/91)

jon@chopin.udel.edu (Jon Deutsch) writes:
>Any info appreciated.

	I can't help you get your internal DF0: working, but I can
suggest a substitute.  If you can afford to, use your misfortune
as an excuse to upgrade your A500 (or A1000).  ICD sells a hard disk
interface called the ADIDE which can replace the internal DF0: with
a low power HD.  You will need an external floppy for regular use
which can also be used to boot from if you don't want to boot from
the HD.  ADIDE comes in a few versions:
	ADIDE 40 - standard 40 pin IDE interface for 3.5" HD's
		HD is internal for A2000's and A1000's (A1000 requires
		lots of work for internal HD placement but it
		is easy for external HD's), external only for A500's.
	ADIDE 44 - 44 pin IDE interface for the new ultra small
		(and expensive) HD's (used in newer lap/palm tops)
		Internal for A500, A1000, A2000.  No extra power needed.
	Novia 20i- the ADIDE 44 packaged with a 20 Meg HD
		Internal for A500, A1000, A2000.  No extra power needed.
	ADIDE PRIMA - Special ADIDE which allows you to replace your DF0:
		with a HD.  Works on A500 and A1000.  Requires an
		external floppy drive.  Call ICD for details.

	For more info call ICD (815) 968-2228.

I have no affiliation with ICD, although I hope to be a customer soon.
Brant Coghlan, Grad. Student, Comp. Sci., UofAlberta, Edmonton, Canada
brant@cs.ualberta.ca  or (403) 487-3619.