[comp.sys.amiga.misc] CAN POST DO THE JOB? news at 11!

takeuch@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Travis L Takeuchi) (06/28/91)

I am looking for a PD program which will divert printer output and convert 
it into a postscript file. Does anyone know if such a beast exist? Is POST
capable of doing this? I think PixelScript can do this but I would like
to find out if there is a freely distributable program capable of this
before I decide to shell out my hard earned dough.
				Thanx in advance,

vinsci@nic.funet.fi (Leonard Norrgard) (06/30/91)

In article <1991Jun28.021247.10996@ccu.umanitoba.ca> takeuch@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Travis L Takeuchi) writes:
   I am looking for a PD program which will divert printer output and convert 
   it into a postscript file. Does anyone know if such a beast exist? Is POST
   capable of doing this? I think PixelScript can do this but I would like
   to find out if there is a freely distributable program capable of this
   before I decide to shell out my hard earned dough.

While not PD or otherwise freely distributable, PostDriver does what you want.
PixelScript is the other way around, ie. you feed it PostScript and it prints on your preferences printer.
  PostDriver is a fully compatible standard preferences PostScript
printer driver for the Amiga. Mail me for more info.

				   Thanx in advance,

-- Leonard