[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Advertising

kdarling@hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu (Kevin Darling) (06/29/91)

arctngnt@amiganet.chi.il.us (Bowie J Poag) writes:
>Oh come on, now. We cant keep chasing the endless "Its THEIR fault!" excuse.
>Find the problem at the core and kill it. i.e. the nonexistant marketing
>department at CBM. They had $15,000,000.00 to work with. THEY BLEW IT. Geez, I
>would be more than HAPPY to drag out the ol' VHS deck and whip up a commercial
>for them for free, geez, if its >ssssssoooooooo HARD< for them just to come up
>with one commercial.

Well, that last sentence gives me an idea.  Has CBM ever asked for
advertisement material from general users?

Imagine this: They could throw open a (perhaps continuing) contest for
commercials created on the Amiga.  Prizes should be huge, of course :-)
Who knows?  They might well come across a real gem.

kevin <kdarling@catt.ncsu.edu>

nwickham@triton.unm.edu (Neal C. Wickham) (06/30/91)

In article <1991Jun29.102831.9114@ncsu.edu> kdarling@hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu (Kevin Darling) writes:

>Well, that last sentence gives me an idea.  Has CBM ever asked for
>advertisement material from general users?
>Imagine this: They could throw open a (perhaps continuing) contest for
>commercials created on the Amiga.  Prizes should be huge, of course :-)
>Who knows?  They might well come across a real gem.
>kevin <kdarling@catt.ncsu.edu>

I've read a lot about subliminal advertising and for several reasons I 
believe C= should adopt as a logo for the 3000 and maybe the 2000 the
Amiga Swan ...perhaps a crystal ray traced swan.  An animation could
show the Amiga Swan stretching and testing its wings.

Anyone like this? ...not like it?


rjc@geech.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Ray Cromwell) (06/30/91)

In article <1991Jun29.212032.28446@ariel.unm.edu> nwickham@triton.unm.edu (Neal C. Wickham) writes:
>In article <1991Jun29.102831.9114@ncsu.edu> kdarling@hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu (Kevin Darling) writes:
>>Well, that last sentence gives me an idea.  Has CBM ever asked for
>>advertisement material from general users?
>>Imagine this: They could throw open a (perhaps continuing) contest for
>>commercials created on the Amiga.  Prizes should be huge, of course :-)
>>Who knows?  They might well come across a real gem.
>>kevin <kdarling@catt.ncsu.edu>
>I've read a lot about subliminal advertising and for several reasons I 
>believe C= should adopt as a logo for the 3000 and maybe the 2000 the
>Amiga Swan ...perhaps a crystal ray traced swan.  An animation could
>show the Amiga Swan stretching and testing its wings.
>Anyone like this? ...not like it?

  Nah, I think they should use picture of the Nurtafry applicance along
with a repeating 1hz picture of "BUY ME- OBEY - MARRY AND REPRODUCE"
[anyone who is confused, just read alt.sex]
  What's subliminal about a Swan? It's not subliminal, it's sensual.
It appeals to the senses with images of grace, beauty, balance, 
smoothness. Just as a Bald eagle flying towards a lake grabbing fish out
of the water would convey wonder, power, precision, stamina, grace, etc.
The Infinity car commercials proved this type of campaign doesn't
work too well, since people were far more intertested at looking at the car
,not watching doves fly over a sunset. (You'll notice in the revised adds
they showed the car driving through a country kicking up leaves, etc. )
Follow-ups to alt.sex where this thread has been going on for 300+

[One last note even though it may be in vain: Not everything is
subliminal that appeals to our emotions, in fact, things that appeal
to our emotions are conciously perceived since they have a greater
effect on the concious mind. That phallic/vaginal symbol stuff is

>                                      NCW

/ INET:rjc@gnu.ai.mit.edu     *   // The opinions expressed here do not      \
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