[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga BBS software

kcampbel@uafhp.uark.edu (Keith Alan Campbell) (06/24/91)

A friend of mine is considering starting up a local BBS using either his 3000
or a 1000 dedicated just for the BBS. He'd like to know what software is 
available, either commercial or PD, that can handle fidonet and/or usenet news
and email. 


phils@ampun.UUCP (Philip Sokolowski) (06/25/91)

In article <6767@uafhp.uark.edu> kcampbel@uafhp.uark.edu (Keith Alan Campbell) writes:
>A friend of mine is considering starting up a local BBS using either his 3000
>or a 1000 dedicated just for the BBS. He'd like to know what software is
>available, either commercial or PD, that can handle fidonet and/or usenet news
>and email.

	If your friend is planning on usiong the 1000 for the BBS, then he had
better have a hard drive on it or else it will never really work.

	My suggestion would be to use the A3000 for the BBS, and the 1000 for
programs that will not mutitask.  since the A3000 is equipted with the 68030,
He would be able to run a full time BBS, while multitasking, and not have to
worry about SLOW dragging programs.  Also if you are using the A3000 for the
BBS, you have the option to add a muti serial card, then you could (example)
run a 6 port bbs full time, while havinf your OWN modem line, AND a full time
UUCP line, where as on the 1000 you could only have 1 line.

	And for a BBS software choice, I would have to say to get C-Net.
It IS the best..

Philip Sokolowski                                  (__)   Moooooo
31700 Lexington Hgts.                              (oo) /
Warren Michigan                             /-------\/
48092-5002                                 / |     ||    Cow by
            Here is the Cow of the week!  *  ||----||  Eric Tilenius
                                             ~~    ~~
UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!ampun!phils

taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu (Steve Sheldon) (06/26/91)

In article <phils.3214@ampun.UUCP>, phils@ampun.UUCP (Philip Sokolowski) writes:
>In article <6767@uafhp.uark.edu> kcampbel@uafhp.uark.edu (Keith Alan Campbell) writes:
>>A friend of mine is considering starting up a local BBS using either his 3000
>>or a 1000 dedicated just for the BBS. He'd like to know what software is
>>available, either commercial or PD, that can handle fidonet and/or usenet news
>>and email.
>	If your friend is planning on usiong the 1000 for the BBS, then he had
>better have a hard drive on it or else it will never really work.
>	My suggestion would be to use the A3000 for the BBS, and the 1000 for
>programs that will not mutitask.  since the A3000 is equipted with the 68030,
>He would be able to run a full time BBS, while multitasking, and not have to
>worry about SLOW dragging programs.  Also if you are using the A3000 for the
>BBS, you have the option to add a muti serial card, then you could (example)
>run a 6 port bbs full time, while havinf your OWN modem line, AND a full time
>UUCP line, where as on the 1000 you could only have 1 line.

 This is one of the nice things about the Amiga, but if you have a 1000
just sitting around, might as well use it.

  You don't need a harddrive, unless your friend plans on having lots of
downloads.  If it's just messages, a two floppy system would work 
adequately.  But if you want any downloads, you will need a harddrive,
in which case it's probably better to expand the 3000.

>	And for a BBS software choice, I would have to say to get C-Net.
>It IS the best..

 C-net is the Best?  Best at what?  Perhaps the best at being incredibly
hard to use, from the caller's viewpoint at least.

 No, you're better off with one of the Shareware/PD BBS programs.

TAG is not bad for a multi purpose BBS.  It has a fairly decent message
system, and file system.  And is Shareware.

 IMHO Citadel is by far the best for a message only system, and is
free. It is just a little difficult to set up at first, but typically
runs flawlessly for being PD. Citadel is available for CP/M, MS-DOS,
Amiga, and Atari ST's.  Possibly Mac, but I'm not sure if that ever
got done or not.  As well as a couple Unix versions running around,
but they are almost entirely different from the PC versions.
Citadel has it's own nation wide network.  Not as far reaching as
Fidonet, but Citanet has nodes in MN, New York, Canada, Washington, and
a couple other eastern states I forget.

  Look on ab20, I remember seeing Citadel there and I think TAG.  There was
also some software for Fido, which I'm not familiar with.

 Citadel's main push has come from the Twin Cities, MN region.  For more
information on setting up a Citadel system for the Amiga call
 'Images at Twilight' at 612-884-7951

Just my opinion...

Steve Sheldon               /// 
taak9@ccvax.iastate.edu    ///
Iowa State University    \XX/ 

lmbailey@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Laurana Bailey) (06/26/91)

In article <6767@uafhp.uark.edu> kcampbel@uafhp.uark.edu (Keith Alan Campbell) writes:
| A friend of mine is considering starting up a local BBS using either his 3000
| or a 1000 dedicated just for the BBS. He'd like to know what software is 
| available, either commercial or PD, that can handle fidonet and/or usenet news
| and email. 
| Thanks!  

Well, falling into that catagory in the commercial arena are: Dialog
(fido & usenet), Paragon/StarNet (FidoNet recieve and send and Usenet
Receive only), C-Net (Usenet), XenoLink (FidoNet)

In the PD arena only TransAmiga so far is capable of FidoNet. It's
actually Shareware, but is pretty good.


|Just another lemming...        | Yet another Amiga maniac set loose   | 
|                               | on the world...and you thought things| 
|lmbailey@vela.acs.oakland.edu  | couldn't get any worse.              |

phils@ampun.UUCP (Philip Sokolowski) (06/26/91)

In article <1991Jun25.184329.7292@news.iastate.edu> taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu (Steve Sheldon) writes:
>In article <phils.3214@ampun.UUCP>, phils@ampun.UUCP (Philip Sokolowski) writes:
>>In article <6767@uafhp.uark.edu> kcampbel@uafhp.uark.edu (Keith Alan Campbell) writes:
>>>A friend of mine is considering starting up a local BBS using either his 3000
>>>or a 1000 dedicated just for the BBS. He'd like to know what software is
>>>available, either commercial or PD, that can handle fidonet and/or usenet news
>>>and email.
>>	If your friend is planning on usiong the 1000 for the BBS, then he had
>>better have a hard drive on it or else it will never really work.
> This is one of the nice things about the Amiga, but if you have a 1000
>just sitting around, might as well use it.
>  You don't need a harddrive, unless your friend plans on having lots of
>downloads.  If it's just messages, a two floppy system would work
>adequately.  But if you want any downloads, you will need a harddrive,
>in which case it's probably better to expand the 3000.

	I'm not to sure about that exactly. We had a BBS running over here on
only 2 floppy drives and let me tell you.. it was SLOW!!!  The only thing that
this guy could actually do is write up some messages, and that is about it.

	No files, SLOW as HELL, and not to mention he had to optimise the
messsage disk every night or else it took almost 5 minutes to just logg on and
go to your message base!  He also couldn't really multitask, since BOTH drives
ALWAYS had to have the disks in them, and well, you can only fit SO much on a
>>	And for a BBS software choice, I would have to say to get C-Net.
>>It IS the best..
> <+Flame>
> C-net is the Best?  Best at what?  Perhaps the best at being incredibly
>hard to use, from the caller's viewpoint at least.
> No, you're better off with one of the Shareware/PD BBS programs.
> <-Flame>
>TAG is not bad for a multi purpose BBS.  It has a fairly decent message
>system, and file system.  And is Shareware.
> IMHO Citadel is by far the best for a message only system, and is

	(stuff deleted)

	Yeah, for MESSAGES only, and as from above, you can see that you will
 definetly want files as well..  And Lets not forget "You get what you pay for." And you dont
want a "free" BBS program..  There are over 3 local C-Net boards i call, and
let me tell you, they have to be the best boards around.  It is SO easy to
move about the base, ud area, And it is NOT that expensive for the program.
If you can afford an Amiga 3000, and a 1000, then you can definetly dish out
the money on a little BBS program.

Philip Sokolowski                                  (__)   Moooooo
31700 Lexington Hgts.                              (oo) /
Warren Michigan                             /-------\/
48092-5002                                 / |     ||    Cow by
            Here is the Cow of the week!  *  ||----||  Eric Tilenius
                                             ~~    ~~
UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!ampun!phils

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) (06/26/91)

lmbailey@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Laurana Bailey) writes:
>In article <6767@uafhp.uark.edu> kcampbel@uafhp.uark.edu (Keith Alan Campbell)
>| A friend of mine is considering starting up a local BBS using either his 300
>| or a 1000 dedicated just for the BBS. He'd like to know what software is
>| available, either commercial or PD, that can handle fidonet and/or usenet ne
>| and email.
>| Thanks!
>Well, falling into that catagory in the commercial arena are: Dialog
>(fido & usenet), Paragon/StarNet (FidoNet recieve and send and Usenet
>Receive only), C-Net (Usenet), XenoLink (FidoNet)

Don't expect C-Net to run on an A3000 under 2.0...

All the Amiga BBS's are really lame...I'm running C-Net right now, but always
looking for something else...Seems everyone wants $200 for a program and are
out of state with no 800 number support lines...(For that price, I want FREE

Everything looks like TAG, flat message bases, screwball commands, etc, C-Net
is allmost standard in this area, everyone is confortable with it at least...
We have a local Skyline board, and let me tell ya, that really blows...I hear
good/bad about DLG Professional...And the guy at Shareware HQ keeps telling me
that FreeForm will be good(again, one mans opinion)...

Last time I checked C-Net sold 300++ copies in its first year, and I have been
running it from the begining, and its been very rough, Ken Pletzer isn't a
world class programmer and has bad luck with using null pointers that have
always driven any hardware configuration I have had nuts(but others don't have
problems)...With C-Net, you're a beta tester...But Pletzer has installed
allmost EVERY suggestion I ever made to him, so he's more responsive than
some others I have delt with...

-- C-UseNet V0.42e
 Ronald Kushner                          Life in Hell BBS  +1 (313) 939-6666
 P.O. Box 353                               14400 USR HST V.42 & V.42bis
 Sterling Heights, MI  48311-0353              Complete Amiga Support
 UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!rkushner     (We are not satanic, just NUTS!)
       If I had a nickel for every time Elizabeth Taylor was married
                             I would have $.35

griffin@frith.egr.msu.edu (Danny Griffin) (06/26/91)

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) writes:

>We have a local Skyline board, and let me tell ya, that really blows...

I hope your not talking about Fireline...gee, we welcome you with open
arms and what happens?

Dan Griffin

bmaple@isis.cs.du.edu (Bob Maple) (06/26/91)

> Don't expect C-Net to run on an A3000 under 2.0...

Why not?  There are a lot of people doing it.  I am running it under 2.0 

There have been very few BAD versions of C-Net where nothing hardly works. I
for one like the constant updates and features being added rather than sitting
around waiting for ages like Skyline.

 : Bob Maple, The Brazilian : "If Milli Vanilli fall in a forrest, does  //:
 :   bmaple@nyx.cs.du.edu   : someone else make a sound?"            _  // :

jdickson@jato.jpl.nasa.gov (Jeff Dickson) (06/27/91)

In article <phils.3238@ampun.UUCP> phils@ampun.UUCP (Philip Sokolowski) writes:
>In article <1991Jun25.184329.7292@news.iastate.edu> taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu (Steve Sheldon) writes:
>>In article <phils.3214@ampun.UUCP>, phils@ampun.UUCP (Philip Sokolowski) writes:
>>>In article <6767@uafhp.uark.edu> kcampbel@uafhp.uark.edu (Keith Alan Campbell) writes:
>>>>A friend of mine is considering starting up a local BBS using either his 3000
>>>>or a 1000 dedicated just for the BBS. He'd like to know what software is
>>>>available, either commercial or PD, that can handle fidonet and/or usenet news
>>>>and email.
>>>	If your friend is planning on usiong the 1000 for the BBS, then he had
>>>better have a hard drive on it or else it will never really work.
>> This is one of the nice things about the Amiga, but if you have a 1000
>>just sitting around, might as well use it.
>>  You don't need a harddrive, unless your friend plans on having lots of
>>downloads.  If it's just messages, a two floppy system would work
>>adequately.  But if you want any downloads, you will need a harddrive,
>>in which case it's probably better to expand the 3000.

	Unless you're choosing to run a BBS under UNIX and on an A3000UX,
there's no sense in dedicating an A3000 to a BBS if you have an old A1000
lying around. AmigaDOS does not implement memory protection and so it is
"unsafe" to concurrently use the A3000 for your own uses and run a BBS. A
possible route would be to use one of those expansion chassis. The only
problem is that the chassis' on board power supply may be too wimpy to supply
the power you need. I tried to combine an A2058 and an Applied Ingenuity
Hard Disk. One would run without the other, but not together. If your BBS is
multiline, you may need the A3000 just, because it can deliver more horse
power. If not, the A1000 should do just fine. 
>Philip Sokolowski                                  (__)   Moooooo
>31700 Lexington Hgts.                              (oo) /
>Warren Michigan                             /-------\/
>48092-5002                                 / |     ||    Cow by
>            Here is the Cow of the week!  *  ||----||  Eric Tilenius
>                                             ~~    ~~
>UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!ampun!phils


rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) (06/27/91)

bmaple@isis.cs.du.edu (Bob Maple) writes:
>> Don't expect C-Net to run on an A3000 under 2.0...
>Why not?  There are a lot of people doing it.  I am running it under 2.0

He's flaky, everyone elses runs, and I get it and its dead...Everything since
1.95p doesn't even boot up..My A2000 was the same deal!! For some reason,
which i have not figured out yet, every Amiga I have owned hates bad
programming with hits on bad pointers when the same program will run on
other A2000's...I was hoping my A3000 would be different, now I wonder if its
something in the electricity ;-)

>There have been very few BAD versions of C-Net where nothing hardly works. I
>for one like the constant updates and features being added rather than sitting
>around waiting for ages like Skyline.

Well, there was no new version of C-Net from October 1990 until April 1991..
Thats quite a long time, especially when you're waiting for a bug fix...

-- C-UseNet V0.42e
 Ronald Kushner                          Life in Hell BBS  +1 (313) 939-6666
 P.O. Box 353                               14400 USR HST V.42 & V.42bis
 Sterling Heights, MI  48311-0353              Complete Amiga Support
 UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!rkushner     (We are not satanic, just NUTS!)
                     It works better if you plug it in.

davewt@NCoast.ORG (David Wright) (06/27/91)

In article <rkushner.2661@sycom.UUCP> rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) writes:
>Don't expect C-Net to run on an A3000 under 2.0...
	Why do you say that? I have been testing out my new multiplayer game
using C-Net on my 3000 under 2.0 and have not had any problems at all. In fact,
it seems to be working even better than it did on my old 2000.
>Last time I checked C-Net sold 300++ copies in its first year, and I have been
>running it from the begining, and its been very rough, Ken Pletzer isn't a
>world class programmer and has bad luck with using null pointers that have

	You can say that again. Most of the "doors" are written in Arexx,
and extremely slow. Some are so slow that people usually think the system has
locked up because it takes 20 or 30 secs for them to start doing anything.
And example code for doors written in "C" is pretty scarce. But in any case,
C-Net is *MUCH* cleaner and better written than Paragon/StarNet.


bmaple@isis.cs.du.edu (Bob Maple) (06/27/91)

> Everything since 1.95p doesn't even boot up..My A2000 was the same deal!!

If it doesn't work on your 2000 then you have a bad file or are installing
SOMETHING wrong.  I have consistantly ran EVERY version of C-Net Amiga since
v1.1 with no problems beyond known bugs.

> Well, there was no new version of C-Net from October 1990 until April 1991..

That amused me, especialy the number of people that were whining on Future
World about no update.  First everyone complains that there are too many
versions coming out and they can't keep up, and THEN they turn around and
moan that there is no new version.

 : Bob Maple, The Brazilian : "If Milli Vanilli fall in a forrest, does  //:
 :   bmaple@nyx.cs.du.edu   : someone else make a sound?"            _  // :

r3med@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU (Mark E Daniel) (06/27/91)

In article <phils.3238@ampun.UUCP> phils@ampun.UUCP (Philip Sokolowski) writes:
>	I'm not to sure about that exactly. We had a BBS running over here on
>only 2 floppy drives and let me tell you.. it was SLOW!!!  The only thing that
>this guy could actually do is write up some messages, and that is about it.
>	No files, SLOW as HELL, and not to mention he had to optimise the
>messsage disk every night or else it took almost 5 minutes to just logg on and
>go to your message base!  He also couldn't really multitask, since BOTH drives
>ALWAYS had to have the disks in them, and well, you can only fit SO much on a

I used to run my BBS one a one drive system.  It went from a nightly thing
to 24 hours.  But anyway, ythat's a different story.  I started on AmiExpress
and had messages only.  It's not any slower then anything else.  The reason
the BBS programs are so slow is because the vast majority of them scan each
base for mail *ONE MESSAGE AT A TIME*.  Now I have a hard drive, and that
part of the BBS is still slow.  Except mow I run TransAmiga.  It's a nice
program with FidoNet, and the ability to run Paragon doors.  So, you get 
a program which supports FidoNet message format, has external protocol
support amd can run Paragon doors via an external program for about $45.

>	Yeah, for MESSAGES only, and as from above, you can see that you will

I used to run Citadel myself.  I like the power it gives someone as far as
the message structure.  Users can create their own rooms to their heart's
content.  That way I don't have to listen to "Why is there not a/an "x"
base on this BBS?  Go create it, I say!  And you can give certian people
access to certian "invataion only" rooms.  You can also give a certian
person moderation powers for that room.  I realize other BBS programs 
have similar features but I like Citadel's structure.

On the down side, I heard constant bickering because people hated learning
new commands.  Lots of power but it takes a while to master it.

For example, you can download the messages in a room in text file format
using any file transfer protocol. (XY or ZModem)

"To Study is to survive..." -Me (Now if I could only grasp that..)

"Somewhere...There's Someone Who Cares....With a Heart of GOLD to Have and to
Hold" - Depeche Mode.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(Now for the real stuff)=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Mark E Daniel  (Strugling student at The Universaty of Akron) **Music fan***

chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Erik Funkenbusch) (06/27/91)

> Don't expect C-Net to run on an A3000 under 2.0...
I know of 2 people running C-Net under 2.0 on 3000's and i know of a developer
running C-Net under 2.0 on a 2500.
> All the Amiga BBS's are really lame...I'm running C-Net right now, but
> looking for something else...Seems everyone wants $200 for a program and are
> out of state with no 800 number support lines...(For that price, I want FREE
You want someone who's only sold 300+ copies of a program to give you toll
support?  your crazy.  you won't see toll free support on IBM programs unless
they've sold over 1 million copies.
> Everything looks like TAG, flat message bases, screwball commands, etc,
> is allmost standard in this area, everyone is confortable with it at
> We have a local Skyline board, and let me tell ya, that really blows...I
> good/bad about DLG Professional...And the guy at Shareware HQ keeps telling
> that FreeForm will be good(again, one mans opinion)...
NOTHING i know of looks like TAG other than TAG.  What do you mean by flat
message bases?  and the commands in C-Net are customizable, so if you think
they're screwball change them.
> Last time I checked C-Net sold 300++ copies in its first year, and I have
> running it from the begining, and its been very rough, Ken Pletzer isn't a
> world class programmer and has bad luck with using null pointers that have
> always driven any hardware configuration I have had nuts(but others don't
> problems)...With C-Net, you're a beta tester...But Pletzer has installed
> allmost EVERY suggestion I ever made to him, so he's more responsive than
> some others I have delt with...
He's not THAT bad... you just seem to have had some bad experiences.  With
your a beta tester if you WANT to be a beta tester.  he's said that if you
feel comfortable beta testing, stick with the last official release.
| UUCP: {amdahl!tcnet, crash}!orbit!pnet51!chucks | "I know he's come back |
| ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!chucks@nosc.mil        | from the dead, but do  |
| INET: chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org                  | you really think he's  |
|-------------------------------------------------| moved back in?"        |
| Amiga programmer at large, employment options   | Lou Diamond Philips in |
| welcome, inquire within.                        | "The First Power".     |

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) (06/27/91)

bmaple@isis.cs.du.edu (Bob Maple) writes:
>> Everything since 1.95p doesn't even boot up..My A2000 was the same deal!!
>If it doesn't work on your 2000 then you have a bad file or are installing
>SOMETHING wrong.  I have consistantly ran EVERY version of C-Net Amiga since
>v1.1 with no problems beyond known bugs.

Ha! My A2000 running 1.3.2 and my A3000 under 1.3.3 and 2.0!?  Bullshit! There
is something bad in his programming that causes these problems. I have not
even had a chance to customize this A3000 and using a stock workbench, all
partitions are original, etc...Remember 1.5.5 C-Net?  You probably don't, but
I do...Because I had a problem with it no one else had...This guy expects me
to debug his program for him. I was having trouble with something I wrote so
I loaded up the enforcer, and C-Net kept reading/writing to low memory it was
sick!! The guy must access a dozen null pointers at any one time I'm telling
you!! He probably is walking all over exec lists! Don't accuse me of doing
something wrong...I've walked Pletzer through my problems over the phone
enough to know he doesn't think about what he's doing sometimes...I will
guarantee you that his pfiles:bbs/load is defective, and thats where my
problem is comming from(I have debugged it that far)..

Take a look on Future World, and see how many people whine about it not
working.. Pletzer only has an A2000 with a GVP 3001 kit I believe with no ram
on it... Testing a commerical product on one system is really ignorant on his
part...If I would have had complaints from someone about something not
working, I would buy his computer, just to get a model of the 10% that fail
and see why it failed, and to test future programs on it...

-- C-UseNet V0.42e
 Ronald Kushner                          Life in Hell BBS  +1 (313) 939-6666
 P.O. Box 353                               14400 USR HST V.42 & V.42bis
 Sterling Heights, MI  48311-0353              Complete Amiga Support
 UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!rkushner     (We are not satanic, just NUTS!)
      Program complexity grows until it exceeds the capability of the 
                      programmer who must maintain it.

bmaple@isis.cs.du.edu (Bob Maple) (06/28/91)

> And you can give certian people access to certian "invataion only" rooms.

C-Net almost has TOO MANY features!  You can now set what hours the subboard
is open, what gender you have to be to enter, minimum baud rates, how old
or young you have to be.... plus you can give them ENTRY access but not let
them post or upload or anything.  The great thing about it is C-Net has still
retained about 95% of the speed it had as v1.1 which was virtualy featureless
compared to what I'm running now.

No matter how small your BBS is, even if it IS message only, I would reccomment
getting atleast a SMALL hard drive.

 : Bob Maple, The Brazilian : "If Milli Vanilli fall in a forrest, does  //:
 :   bmaple@nyx.cs.du.edu   : someone else make a sound?"            _  // :

bmaple@isis.cs.du.edu (Bob Maple) (06/28/91)

> Most of the "doors" are written in Arexx, and extremely slow. Some are so 
> slow that people usually think the system has locked up because it takes 20 
> or 30 secs for them to start doing anything.

Thats ARexx's fault, not CNet.

And in regards to 3000 operation; it COULD be that it's ZIPPED.  I know that
PKAZIP does NOT like the 3000 that much, so some of your files could be getting
munched in there.  In fact, I have a user on my BBS who I have to LZH Cnet for
him so he can use the new versions!  (I wish Ken would stop using ZIP, I hate
that program..)

 : Bob Maple, The Brazilian : "If Milli Vanilli fall in a forrest, does  //:
 :   bmaple@nyx.cs.du.edu   : someone else make a sound?"            _  // :

bmaple@isis.cs.du.edu (Bob Maple) (06/28/91)

> Ha! My A2000 running 1.3.2 and my A3000 under 1.3.3 and 2.0!?  Bullshit! 
> There is something bad in his programming that causes these problems.

So why is it I have consistantly ran every version of C-Net with no problem,
again besides known bugs in the program (Like aborting an Xmodem upload to
make it guru on 1.95)?  Yes, some previous versions have crashed my machine
but when I get on Future World and see all these total ignorants trying to
install new versions and wondering why it crashes all the time because they
are using only half the files, I begin to wonder if these people should be
running BBSes in the first place.

> Because I had a problem with it no one else had...This guy expects me to 
> debug his program for him.

And you expect him to buy 5 diferent Amiga setups so he can test it on a bunch
of obscure machines?  I can guarantee you you won't get any help from that
Skyline guy if you ra it.  I don't want to argue with you or anything, but
is it any diferent when I got ProPage 2.0 and it would guru because the
date was 1991?

 : Bob Maple, The Brazilian : "If Milli Vanilli fall in a forrest, does  //:
 :   bmaple@nyx.cs.du.edu   : someone else make a sound?"            _  // :

taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu (Steve Sheldon) (06/28/91)

In article <1441@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU>, r3med@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU (Mark E Daniel) writes:
>In article <phils.3238@ampun.UUCP> phils@ampun.UUCP (Philip Sokolowski) writes:
>>	I'm not to sure about that exactly. We had a BBS running over here on
>>only 2 floppy drives and let me tell you.. it was SLOW!!!  The only thing that
>>this guy could actually do is write up some messages, and that is about it.
>>	No files, SLOW as HELL, and not to mention he had to optimise the
>>messsage disk every night or else it took almost 5 minutes to just logg on and
>>go to your message base!  He also couldn't really multitask, since BOTH drives
>>ALWAYS had to have the disks in them, and well, you can only fit SO much on a

  I believe I am correct in assuming this, haven't looked at in a while.

 If you wish to dedicate your computer, and have enough memory, say 1.5 Megs
Citadel will load the message base into RAM.  It will write to disk once
the caller has logged off.  This makes it a lot faster, and also saves
quite a bit of drive wear.

>>	Yeah, for MESSAGES only, and as from above, you can see that you will
>I used to run Citadel myself.  I like the power it gives someone as far as
>the message structure.  Users can create their own rooms to their heart's
>content.  That way I don't have to listen to "Why is there not a/an "x"
>base on this BBS?  Go create it, I say!  And you can give certian people
>access to certian "invataion only" rooms.  You can also give a certian
>person moderation powers for that room.  I realize other BBS programs 
>have similar features but I like Citadel's structure.
>On the down side, I heard constant bickering because people hated learning
>new commands.  Lots of power but it takes a while to master it.

  Ahh, we Citadel users up in MN always figured that this was the ultimate
test of whether or not we wanted you calling the BBS.

 It's kind of like an IQ test for membership.

 The thing is, I'm so used to Citadel, that if I call a C-Net or some other
piece of menu-based BBS software, it takes me forever to do anything.
Have to constantly read the menu's trying to figure out where I am, and
what I want to do.

 Citadel is very nicely strucutered, in that no matter where you are the
commands all work the same.  I.e. there is only one level, no menu's to
read through, etc.

 The unfortunate thing is, IMHO, is that some people have taken the
simplicity and ease of use of Citadel and tried adding all the things
that the old Menu-based systems had.  Message, subjects, numbers, To
fields, even menu's.
  There are quite a few variations from the original.

>For example, you can download the messages in a room in text file format
>using any file transfer protocol. (XY or ZModem)

 You can also easily upload messages using X, Y, or Zmodem.

Steve Sheldon               /// 
taak9@ccvax.iastate.edu    ///
Iowa State University    \XX/ 

gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) (06/28/91)

From article <5240@orbit.cts.com>, by chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Erik Funkenbusch):
> NOTHING i know of looks like TAG other than TAG.  What do you mean by flat
> message bases?  and the commands in C-Net are customizable, so if you think
> they're screwball change them.

tsk, tsk.  Don't say that...  There are a few bbses I know of that
began in first carnations as tag 1.03 source.  And C-Net is one of
them...  There are a few more...  :)

It's source.  If you can build on existing stuff, more power to ya.
Frankly, I like C-Net better than TAG, so I guess that says 'nuff.

BTW, I don't use C-Net.  :D

Socrates:  "I drank WHAT????"
LMFAP:  "Next time you see me, it won't be me."
Wubba:  "A dream is nothing more than a wish dipped in chocolate and sprinkled
with a little imagination." (From my poem, "A Dream")			-Wubba

lmbailey@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Laurana Bailey) (06/28/91)

In article <rkushner.2661@sycom.UUCP> rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) writes:

[...bunch of earlier stuff deleted...]

| Don't expect C-Net to run on an A3000 under 2.0...

Okay, I didn't know that.

| All the Amiga BBS's are really lame...I'm running C-Net right now, but always
| looking for something else...Seems everyone wants $200 for a program and are
| out of state with no 800 number support lines...(For that price, I want FREE

I can agree with that. My boyfriend, Les Jenkins, has been on your
system and runs his own system under Paragon/StarNet (Just about to go
back on-line sometime next week with a new GVP Series II controller.)
Les is also looking for something new and has applied to be a
beta-tester for Free Form BBS that Bill at Sharewarer's HQ keeps going
on about. So far Free Form sounds like the best contender.

| Everything looks like TAG, flat message bases, screwball commands, etc, C-Net
| is allmost standard in this area, everyone is confortable with it at least...
| We have a local Skyline board, and let me tell ya, that really blows...I hear
| good/bad about DLG Professional...And the guy at Shareware HQ keeps telling me
| that FreeForm will be good(again, one mans opinion)...

Agreed. Les is on Amiga Bank which is local to him and is also a C-Net
Amiga. It's not bad, but Les won't buy it unless it supports Fidonet.
True it does support UseNet, but he doesn't have the HD room for all
the newsgroups he'd want to carry.

| Last time I checked C-Net sold 300++ copies in its first year, and I have been
| running it from the begining, and its been very rough, Ken Pletzer isn't a
| world class programmer and has bad luck with using null pointers that have
| always driven any hardware configuration I have had nuts(but others don't have
| problems)...With C-Net, you're a beta tester...But Pletzer has installed
| allmost EVERY suggestion I ever made to him, so he's more responsive than
| some others I have delt with...

Les has told me old stories about Ken. I think the statement that
"With C-Net, you're a beta tester" applies to most of the BBS systems
out right now. Paragon is making the switch to StarNet and it still
has many rough edges. Dialog is still in Beta-form and hasn't been
released as a full release yet. Xenolink was still beta last I checked
as well. I wish something would come out that supported ANSI in the
messages as well as TAG for the IBM does.


|Just another lemming...        | Yet another Amiga maniac set loose   | 
|                               | on the world...and you thought things| 
|lmbailey@vela.acs.oakland.edu  | couldn't get any worse.              |

lmbailey@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Laurana Bailey) (06/28/91)

In article <1991Jun26.231736.25803@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu> bmaple@isis.UUCP (Bob Maple) writes:
| > Everything since 1.95p doesn't even boot up..My A2000 was the same deal!!
| If it doesn't work on your 2000 then you have a bad file or are installing
| SOMETHING wrong.  I have consistantly ran EVERY version of C-Net Amiga since
| v1.1 with no problems beyond known bugs.

Give me a break. Just because he's had problems and you haven't
doesn't mean he's doing something wrong. Perhaps the set-up of your
computer is different from his in such a way that allows flawless
usage of C-Net on your system. Les had the same problem with Paragon
BBS. He and a lot of other owners had TONS a problems and then there
was a select few who NEVER had problems with Paragon. Just because it
runs great for one guy doesn't mean it always will.

| > Well, there was no new version of C-Net from October 1990 until April 1991..
| That amused me, especialy the number of people that were whining on Future
| World about no update.  First everyone complains that there are too many
| versions coming out and they can't keep up, and THEN they turn around and
| moan that there is no new version.

Of the two I'd rather have too many than too few.

|Just another lemming...        | Yet another Amiga maniac set loose   | 
|                               | on the world...and you thought things| 
|lmbailey@vela.acs.oakland.edu  | couldn't get any worse.              |

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) (06/28/91)

bmaple@isis.cs.du.edu (Bob Maple) writes:
>> Most of the "doors" are written in Arexx, and extremely slow. Some are so
>> slow that people usually think the system has locked up because it takes 20
>> or 30 secs for them to start doing anything.
>Thats ARexx's fault, not CNet.
>And in regards to 3000 operation; it COULD be that it's ZIPPED.  I know that
>PKAZIP does NOT like the 3000 that much, so some of your files could be gettin
>munched in there.  In fact, I have a user on my BBS who I have to LZH Cnet for
>him so he can use the new versions!  (I wish Ken would stop using ZIP, I hate
>that program..)

I don't use PKAZIP, I use Un-Zip_030 that was up on Future World, which was
what Pletzer said to use to undo it....I hate ZIP alltogether, but some people
are too frickin lazy to write a script....I mean, I wrote a script to
recompile my programs, lzh them up, and then move them to the UD area....and
like Pletzer couldn't do that....

I think he's just abusing something somewhere...he has a bunch of null
pointers he accesses in the load program...I keep bitching about it, been
bitching since he released 1.95...its just gotten worse...Alot of it has to do
with compiler flukes I am pretty sure, because C-Net only started dying when
he switched to the beta Manx...But its probably because of some bad code
somewhere that the compiler is handling differently all of a sudden..

My biggest beef with C-Net is his inconsistant 'C' interface to PFiles though,
he should have thought it out better instead of using internal structures that
should be "private" to C-Net...Having to recompile code for every new release
is stupid...and when you write a program and others start bitching it doesn't
work on their beta copies, and I can't run that beta copy, its what drives a
screw into my side....


-- C-UseNet V0.42g
 Ronald Kushner                          Life in Hell BBS  +1 (313) 939-6666
 P.O. Box 353                               14400 USR HST V.42 & V.42bis
 Sterling Heights, MI  48311-0353              Complete Amiga Support
 UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!rkushner     (We are not satanic, just NUTS!)
      Always remember that strength is obtained by meeting resistance.

gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) (06/28/91)

Okay, I've read my post.  :)

> began in first carnations as tag 1.03 source.  And C-Net is one of

Excuse me while I laugh at myself, and tell myself NEVER to write
messages when I'm this tired.  :D

Socrates:  "I drank WHAT????"
LMFAP:  "Next time you see me, it won't be me."
Wubba:  "A dream is nothing more than a wish dipped in chocolate and sprinkled
with a little imagination." (From my poem, "A Dream")			-Wubba

chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Erik Funkenbusch) (06/29/91)

gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) writes:
>From article <5240@orbit.cts.com>, by chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Erik Funkenbusch):
>> NOTHING i know of looks like TAG other than TAG.  What do you mean by flat
>> message bases?  and the commands in C-Net are customizable, so if you think
>> they're screwball change them.
>tsk, tsk.  Don't say that...  There are a few bbses I know of that
>began in first carnations as tag 1.03 source.  And C-Net is one of
>them...  There are a few more...  :)

C-Net bears ZERO resemblance to TAG.  I don't understand how you can say that
it started from Tag source, since C-Net Amiga is Modeled after C-Net 64.

>It's source.  If you can build on existing stuff, more power to ya.
>Frankly, I like C-Net better than TAG, so I guess that says 'nuff.
>BTW, I don't use C-Net.  :D
>Socrates:  "I drank WHAT????"
>LMFAP:  "Next time you see me, it won't be me."
>Wubba:  "A dream is nothing more than a wish dipped in chocolate and sprinkled
>with a little imagination." (From my poem, "A Dream")			-Wubba

| UUCP: {amdahl!tcnet, crash}!orbit!pnet51!chucks | "I know he's come back |
| ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!chucks@nosc.mil        | from the dead, but do  |
| INET: chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org                  | you really think he's  |
|-------------------------------------------------| moved back in?"        |
| Amiga programmer at large, employment options   | Lou Diamond Philips in |
| welcome, inquire within.                        | "The First Power".     |

chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Erik Funkenbusch) (06/29/91)

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) writes:
>I think he's just abusing something somewhere...he has a bunch of null
>pointers he accesses in the load program...I keep bitching about it, been
>bitching since he released 1.95...its just gotten worse...Alot of it has to do
>with compiler flukes I am pretty sure, because C-Net only started dying when
>he switched to the beta Manx...But its probably because of some bad code
>somewhere that the compiler is handling differently all of a sudden..

Yes, i just got the new Beta Aztec Compiler as well, tons of bug fixes, and
some of them look suspiciously like bugs that were in C-Net.

>My biggest beef with C-Net is his inconsistant 'C' interface to PFiles though,
>he should have thought it out better instead of using internal structures that
>should be "private" to C-Net...Having to recompile code for every new release
>is stupid...and when you write a program and others start bitching it doesn't
>work on their beta copies, and I can't run that beta copy, its what drives a
>screw into my side....

This i think is C-Net's most powerful feature.  You yourself have written
utilities that utilize this (DosWho).  You can literaly re-program the bbs
since many parts of it are just Pfiles.  He's changing the Pfile structure for
2.0, which  will most likely stay standard for quite some time, i'm glad he's
doing it now, rather than in the future.

| UUCP: {amdahl!tcnet, crash}!orbit!pnet51!chucks | "I know he's come back |
| ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!chucks@nosc.mil        | from the dead, but do  |
| INET: chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org                  | you really think he's  |
|-------------------------------------------------| moved back in?"        |
| Amiga programmer at large, employment options   | Lou Diamond Philips in |
| welcome, inquire within.                        | "The First Power".     |

bmaple@isis.cs.du.edu (Bob Maple) (06/29/91)

> My biggest beef with C-Net is his inconsistant 'C' interface to PFiles

Once we are through with all this pre-2.0 monkey business, the C headers won't
be changing as often.  C-Net is going through a MAJOR changing state to where
the interfacing between Cnet and external Pfiles is nearly obsolete the next
day.  Have patience, we all have to wait around just like you do.

 : Bob Maple, The Brazilian : "If Milli Vanilli fall in a forrest, does  //:
 :   bmaple@nyx.cs.du.edu   : someone else make a sound?"            _  // :

jma@reef.cis.ufl.edu (John 'Vlad' Adams) (06/30/91)

In article <rkushner.2661@sycom.UUCP> rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) writes:
>All the Amiga BBS's are really lame...I'm running C-Net right now, but always
>looking for something else...Seems everyone wants $200 for a program and are
>out of state with no 800 number support lines...(For that price, I want FREE

Bullshit.  I run Paragon/StarNet.  It's far from lame.  It interfaces
DIRECTLY with FIDO without using doors like Skyline and C-Net.
Paragon can be had for $97 via mail-order.  

TransAmiga and Xenolink are also excellent, although TransAmiga
requires a front-end like Trapdoor or Welmat to be FIDO-compatible.

As for support, you are forgetting that all the Amiga BBS programs
are written by individuals, not companies.  If you wrote a BBS
would you have the resources to put a 1-800 line into your
HOUSE?  I get free support when I call up the support board BBS
for Paragon/StarNet.  Yes, it costs me a long distance call,
or eleven cents a minute...

>Everything looks like TAG, flat message bases, screwball commands, etc, C-Net
>is allmost standard in this area, everyone is confortable with it at least...

Both Paragon and Xenolink are quite configurable if the sysop spends time at it.
My board hardly looks like a TAG board, and I can choose what commands to
use.  I've called CNET boards to see what the hype was.  The systems
on hard drives, had a slow response.  The commands were not standard
compared to the thousands of BBS packages used on FIDO bbs's, and
the message base was disgusting.  I had to read all the messages
under a subject before I could reply.
John  M.  Adams   --*****--   Professional Student      ///
Internet: jma@cis.ufl.edu             Genie:  vlad     ///  Only the Amiga
Sysop of The Beachside, Amiga Support, StarNet BBS  \\V//  Makes it Possible
Fido Net 1:3612/557.    904-492-2305     (Florida)   \X/

jma@reef.cis.ufl.edu (John 'Vlad' Adams) (06/30/91)

In article <1991Jun26.191046.15484@NCoast.ORG> davewt@NCoast.ORG (David Wright) writes:
>	You can say that again. Most of the "doors" are written in Arexx,
>and extremely slow. Some are so slow that people usually think the system has
>locked up because it takes 20 or 30 secs for them to start doing anything.
>And example code for doors written in "C" is pretty scarce. But in any case,
>C-Net is *MUCH* cleaner and better written than Paragon/StarNet.

Funny, AREXX doors on my BBS don't take 20 seconds to load.  They start
immediately upon execution.

Mind telling me, or giving me one bloody example of how C-Net is much cleaner
and better written that StarNet?  I run StarNet.  I get FIDO messages
directly without running doors.  I support FREQs.  I am in two networks
(Fido and EggNet) and can be in at least seven more networks.  I have
the ability to support multiple lines.  My system doesn't crash unless
I run a poorly written door, or program not related to the BBS.
John  M.  Adams   --*****--   Professional Student      ///
Internet: jma@cis.ufl.edu             Genie:  vlad     ///  Only the Amiga
Sysop of The Beachside, Amiga Support, StarNet BBS  \\V//  Makes it Possible
Fido Net 1:3612/557.    904-492-2305     (Florida)   \X/

gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) (06/30/91)

From article <5261@orbit.cts.com>, by chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Erik Funkenbusch):
> C-Net bears ZERO resemblance to TAG.  I don't understand how you can say that
> it started from Tag source, since C-Net Amiga is Modeled after C-Net 64.

He didn't take C-Net 64 source and port it, you know.  And I know
someone who's seen source for one of the verrrry veeeeery early
versions.  The comments from TAG source was still in there.  Of
course, now it bears little to no resemblance.

Socrates:  "I drank WHAT????"
LMFAP:  "Next time you see me, it won't be me."
Wubba:  "A dream is nothing more than a wish dipped in chocolate and sprinkled
with a little imagination." (From my poem, "A Dream")			-Wubba

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) (06/30/91)

bmaple@isis.cs.du.edu (Bob Maple) writes:
>> My biggest beef with C-Net is his inconsistant 'C' interface to PFiles
>Once we are through with all this pre-2.0 monkey business, the C headers won't
>be changing as often.  C-Net is going through a MAJOR changing state to where
>the interfacing between Cnet and external Pfiles is nearly obsolete the next
>day.  Have patience, we all have to wait around just like you do.

If something was well thought out to begin with, there would have never been
any problems. You can't expect backwards compatablity to be lost with every
release of the software can you? I had a HD crash last September and lost some
source, and don't feel like re-writing the stuff from scratch.

Who's to say the headers won't change from 2.0 to 2.20? There is no guarantee
of this. Even if one was made, I wouldn't believe it. I believe the internal
structures were changed many times from 1.0 to 2.0, and will change as many
times from 2.0 to 3.0...Using internal "private" structures seemed kinda silly
and I complained when I first looked at C-Net's PFile interface. It would be
like Commodore changing the NewScreen structure somewhere in the middle of
the structure...

As Steve told me in E-Mail this morning, "Pletzer is adding all these features
and flags galore, and is it really necessary?" This is a die-hard C-Net SysOp,
he had run the AmigaBank for years on C-Net, actually it was the Bank before
he bought his Amiga running on the C128...

Someone mailed me stating that C-Net and Paragon are fighting for the ugliest
codeing, and looking at the vote module Pletzer supplied, if C-Net looks like
that internally its got my vote for uglyness...the 8100005 GURU's also show he
devides by zero when you come across an error sometimes...YEACH!

(I'd mail you but it bounces)

-- C-UseNet V0.42f
 Ronald Kushner                          Life in Hell BBS  +1 (313) 939-6666
 P.O. Box 353                               14400 USR HST V.42 & V.42bis
 Sterling Heights, MI  48311-0353              Complete Amiga Support
 UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!rkushner     (We are not satanic, just NUTS!)
      Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) (06/30/91)

chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Erik Funkenbusch) writes:
>rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) writes:
>>My biggest beef with C-Net is his inconsistant 'C' interface to PFiles though
>>he should have thought it out better instead of using internal structures tha
>>should be "private" to C-Net...Having to recompile code for every new release
>>is stupid...and when you write a program and others start bitching it doesn't
>>work on their beta copies, and I can't run that beta copy, its what drives a
>>screw into my side....
>This i think is C-Net's most powerful feature.  You yourself have written
>utilities that utilize this (DosWho).  You can literaly re-program the bbs
>since many parts of it are just Pfiles.  He's changing the Pfile structure for
>2.0, which  will most likely stay standard for quite some time, i'm glad he's
>doing it now, rather than in the future.

Well, true, but the DosWho hack could have been made with only the structures
and knowing how to find the mainport pointer of C-Net(which
myp = (struct MainPort *)FindPort("cnetport") is all I did in an external
file(for DosWho that is) and then pulling the info I wanted from the

I wish he would move the bases to a PFile and then release the source ;-)

Ah, It has good points and bad points. I am still working on SuperUtilities
here and there, I basically have it 1.95 happy(I started it totally from
scratch, just to eliminate <some> sorry code), but now 1.96 has changed
things(granted, I have not looked yet, its probably nothing major)..

I have a small C-Net base networking hack drawn out, but waiting for things to
settle down before going on with it...

-- C-UseNet V0.42f
 Ronald Kushner                          Life in Hell BBS  +1 (313) 939-6666
 P.O. Box 353                               14400 USR HST V.42 & V.42bis
 Sterling Heights, MI  48311-0353              Complete Amiga Support
 UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!rkushner     (We are not satanic, just NUTS!)
   Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.

lmbailey@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Laurana Bailey) (06/30/91)

In article <rkushner.4341@sycom.UUCP> rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald
Kushner) writes

| Someone mailed me stating that C-Net and Paragon are fighting for the ugliest
| codeing, and looking at the vote module Pletzer supplied, if C-Net looks like
| that internally its got my vote for uglyness...the 8100005 GURU's

I can go along with that. Paragon has cleaned up significantly since
Eric took it back over and StarNet (Paragon with it's original name
and a total re-write in SAS/C instead of Manx) looks to be very clean
and well writen as well as improved if Eric ever gets happy enough
with it to release it. (All former Paragon owners can switch over for
like $15 or so.)

Paragon DOES have some of the nicest door programs out for it right
now. Elysium Editor Gold has got to be the nicest ANSI Message Editor
I have ever seen. (The first to support Line by Line scrolling.)

MCI in C-Net, however, is still a lot of fun I must admit. Some of the
stuff you can do with it is a blast.


|Just another lemming...        | Yet another Amiga maniac set loose   | 
|                               | on the world...and you thought things| 
|lmbailey@vela.acs.oakland.edu  | couldn't get any worse.              |