[comp.sys.amiga.misc] csh 5.15 available

umueller@iiic.ethz.ch (Urban Dominik Mueller) (06/30/91)

I had trouble with sending this to comp.sys.amiga.announce, therefore posting
it here.

                           ANNOUNCING: CSHELL 5.15
CShell is a replacement for the standard Amiga command line interface (CLI).
It can be used as a script programming language, and it can talk to appli-
cations through built in AREXX.  It's PD, with all sources available.
FTP:     At ab20.larc.nasa.gov (, either in:
FIDONET: File request at the AUGL BBS (2:302/906), csh515.lzh.
Phone:   AUGL BBS +417582018, login=cshell, password=support, file area 24
Email:   Send a mail 'FILE: csh515.lzh' to filerequest@deepthot.cary.nc.us
                             CHANGES SINCE 5.14
New features:
- 'exec' has a new option to ignore the return code of the subcommand
- 'mem -l' flushes the memory several times now
- 'foreach' can now be interrupted with CTRL-D
- 'qsort' and 'readfile' less memory consuming
- $_titlebar can now show the number of open shells
- $_qcd can now be unset, disabling quick cd mechanism
- ^D now suppresses path names
- ESC-= and ESC-* introduced for listin and insertion of matching files
- new editing function for character swapping
- created 'overview.doc' for the impatient
- documented 'error' command and 'htype -r'
Bug fixes:
- 'csh -r' did not work due to wrong compilation (optimizer was on)
- 'qsort' would occasionally get stuck if not redirected
- 'diskchange' was not compatible with a few handlers
- @fileblks returned wrong figures if called with more than one arg
- @drives and @volume now add colons as they should
- $_abbrev was broken in the last release
- $_bground was always set to 1
- some kinds of corrupt dates still printed garbage
- use backtick and $( ) corrupted shell variables
- failed functions weren't handled correctly
- files with very long names could be 'source'd when started
- empty lines inside multi line blocks caused trouble
- nested blocks did not work as expected
- added forgotten files to distribution: syms.c and updated sample.sh
 |      U. Dominik Mueller        |      / / |    U. D. Mueller    |
 | EMAIL:  umueller@iiic.ethz.ch  | __  / /  |    Schulhausstr. 83 |
 | FIDO: Urban Mueller@2:302/906  | \ \/ /   | CH-6312 Steinhausen |
 |   "Don't tell my employer"     |  \__/    |    SWITZERLAND      |