[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Plink is gone! Come join us on Portal!

Harv@cup.portal.com (Harv R Laser) (06/29/91)

People/Link is gone.  The Amiga Zone is moving to Portal.
28 June 1991
Dear Amiga Modem Users:
It's with great sadness that I must inform you that People/Link 
shut its doors this afternoon and, to the best of my personal
knowledge is no longer in business.  I founded and ran (Sysoped)
the Amiga Zone Clubs on Plink for the last 6 years.  Seeing as how
the rug was pulled out from under me before I was able to announce
this to the 10000 plus members of the Zone, I'm posting it here
with the hopes that all you kind folks will pass the word around
to as many people, as quickly as possible.
The Amiga Zone crew is moving our act to Portal.  Portal is a
multi-user realtime national dialup network similar to Plink with
many additional features: Zmodem batch file transfers, a full
Usenet newsfeed, real-time live conferencing, and soon, in the
tradition of the Amiga Zone, the best online Amiga support
The entire crew of the Zone is moving to Portal with me: Dan
James, Steve Tibbett, Oran Sands, Bill Seymour, Steve Gillmor,
John Hoffman, and Jim Meyer (all Amigoids of renown in their own
right) will work with me to set up, open, expand and manage Portal's
Amiga support areas. 
If you're a former Plink subscriber, we hope to see you on Portal
soon!  You can sign up any of these ways:
By Voice: 1-408-973-9111 (9am-5pm Pacific Time)
By Modem: 1-408-725-0561 (24 hours)
Or just dial your local Telenet/SprintNet node and type "C PORTAL"
(without the quotes) at Telenet's "@" prompt for online signup,
rates, and more information.  Portal's rates are very low: a small
flat monthly fee for all you can "eat", a small surcharge for
access via Telenet unless you dial direct.  Users in the 408 area code
should dial direct.
Portal is, like Plink was, a PCPursuit "DAF" (Direct Acccess
Facility). If you log into Portal with a PCPursuit account, you're
looking at an hourly equivalent rate of under $1.50/hour! 
Rate/Pricing info is available when you sign up.
When you sign up, be sure to tell them I sent you.  I hope to see
you online on Portal soon.  It'll take us a short time to get
things up to speed but there's already a library chocked full of
Amiga files with thousands more to come in the next few weeks. 
The entire Fred Fish collection (500 disks) will soon be online in
its entirety.
Please post this notice everywhere: your local BBSes, put it in
your User Group Newsletters, tell your friends, especially if you
or they were Plink subscribers.  Give it to 10 friends. Ask them to
do the same.
I thank you for your time.  Keep the faith.
Harv Laser
Portal: harv

srp@modcomp.uucp (Steve Pietrowicz) (06/30/91)

I called and asked about the new AmigaZone set up, the person on the phone 
said nothing had yet been set up but they expected to soon.  When I asked 
about the PLINK libraries, he said they were not available.  Since PLINK has 
those disks, all the data may never be recoverable.  That would be a shame...
there was a lot of good info out there.

Indeed a bad day for the Amiga.  It's a shame when an Amiga-related resource
goes down the tubes like that.  Good luck with your rebuilding efforts on 
Portal in the coming weeks!


aelric@aix01.aix.rpi.edu (John S Schroder) (07/01/91)

  Just a note here... Portal is not as cheep as Mr. Laser would have you
believe.  Intrigued by the statement "Portal's rates are very low" I called
up Portal through Telenet and got the prices.  While it system does seem to
have more features than Plink did it is also a bit more.
  There's a $20 signup fee along with a $14 monthly fee... On top of that
there is a $2.50 an hour fee for Telenet's off-peak hours (after 6pm).
Telenet's peak hour cost is like $5 or $10 depending.

  I will admit though a direct dialup or PC pursuit (though you get only 30
hrs/month) is a good deal.  That's what I used to use when I connected to

  Just some 'additional' information before people start jumping in on
something unknown.

/John S. Schroder                  +  SCA: East Kingdom, Shire of Anglespur   \
/Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  +  Underachiever, And Proud of It Man!     \
/aelric@rpi.edu                    +  Amiga 3000 - THE ONLY Computer          \