[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Momboard revision #, was: Amiga Custom Chips and others

bleys@tronsbox.xei.com (Bill Cavanaugh) (07/01/91)

In article <phils.3248@ampun.UUCP> phils@ampun.UUCP (Philip Sokolowski) writes:
>In article <9117613.21405@mulga.cs.mu.OZ.AU> rayhann@ee.mu.OZ.AU (rayhann chee) writes:

[stuff deleted]

>	I'm not to sure about the compatibility of 2.0 on your rev6
>motherboard, but my guess would be that it would work, and if not, you could
>get an upgrade through Commodore to get yourself a newer version. (I think) but
>as for the Agnus chip, You could probably download a program from one of the
>BBS's in your area a file that will check your chips and tel you what kind
>they are.. I have one here called "Check4Agnus" I believe, and you just run it
>and it tells you what kind of Agnus chip you have, be it Fat, Fatter, or Super
>Fat.. It turns out I have just a Fat.. Look for a program like this in your

I keep seeing people refer to the revision number of their motherboard.
My A500 is from '87, Kickstart v33.180.  How do I tell what revision of
the motherboard I've got?  I know (obviously) that I don't have the new
Agnus, but I also have no idea if it's even possible to get it to work
in my machine.


 *         Bill Cavanaugh       bleys@tronsbox.xei.com          *
 *                                                              *
 *       Who woulda thought that by staying in one place        *
 *                 I'd become a refugee?                        *
 *                                                              *
 *                             Doug and the Slugs               *