dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu (David Domenick Cotelessa) (04/30/91)
Sorry to bother, but what is TurboTitler? Is it PD/shareware? If so, can anyone point me to an ftp site that has it? (I was looking for such a program and can't seem to locateit the AC's guide as a commercial product.) Thanks. **A friendly word from*********************.-.******************************* .--. .-..-. .-..--..-.-, .--..--. / / a.k.a. Dave Cotelessa / O) / O|| D)/ O)| O| \'/ / __)| O| / / <dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu> / /|| / ||_// O)`--' // / (_ )`--' `-' `-' `'`-^--' `----' `' `.___.' () "GET WILD AND TOUGH!" --City Hunter *****************************************************************************