[comp.sys.amiga.introduction] solution to boot from RAD: problem

barber@jazz.concert.net (Scott Barber) (04/30/91)

A while back I posted a query after having problems booting from
the recoverable ram drive (RAD:).  I had followed the Enhancer
SW manual's startup script carefully, and RAD: was getting set
up ok (including the ASSIGNs to WB directories on RAD:, etc.),
but it just wouldn't warm-boot from RAD: . 

2 or 3 of you gave me some immediate suggestions, which were
so convincing, I "C"ancelled my post before testing (which is
why many of you may not have read the post).

Anyway, at the good ol' Triangle Amiga User's group meeting
on Sunday here in Chapel Hill, some folks who remembered past 
posts on c.s.a suggested including an "r" switch on the SETPATCH
command in the startup-sequence.  Gee, I don't know why I didn't
think of that....  8-O

Well, it worked!  Something about getting memory pointers 
set correctly or something.  Anyway, I thought this might be
worth posting, since some other poor soul who hasn't read c.s.a.
forever may not think of "SETPATCH r" either! 

And now I'm living in relative independence from disk swapping
AND from some of the anxiety of the GURU, since rebooting takes
a mere 25 seconds or so, instead of about 4 minutes!

And thanks to those of you who sent suggestions on this.  I learned
something from all of them.

Scott Barber
