[comp.sys.amiga.introduction] How is the Workbench variable set?

angst@cs.uq.oz.au (Andrew Moran) (05/22/91)

I recently upgraded to WB 2.03, with disks labelled "Kickstart v37.74",
"Extras v37.33" plus the basic workbench disk (no version number) and the
install disk (v2.6).  When I boot, it says "Kickstart v37.33, Workbench v36.68".

Shouldn't this be "Workbench v37.33"?  The file version.number in sys:t has
this number in it, but the Workbench variable that the startup-sequence uses to
print that message is always set to 36.68.

What's the story?


"Hire you a horse?  For ninepence?  On Jewish New Year's Eve in the rain?  A
 bare fortnight after the dreaded horse plague of Old London Town?  With the
 blacksmith's strike in its fifteenth week and the Dorset Horse-Fetishists
 fair tomorrow?" -- Baldrick, dogsbody to the butler to the Prince Regent.