[comp.sys.amiga.introduction] window in csh and dmouse doesn't "like" eachother

pilgrim@daimi.aau.dk (Jakob G}rdsted) (05/23/91)

I am posting this from heaven, where we use csh5.13 and
Dmouse and powersnap at the same time. (Yo!)
But... My shell-startup moves and resizes the window
with the window command from csh(I use interlace workbench)
and this is bad with dmouse running, because...
It seems the window commando affects the active window,
and not necessarily the shell window from which it was
called; because of this,  the resized window sometimes
acts funny; the text is formatted for the old window,
so scrolling starts when 2 lines have been written, and
other things. Very annoying.

  In fact, it is good, that one can affect other windows
from the shell (i.e. "Click on the window you want zoom'ed"
, sunlike). But I wish, that window had an option, so
it always adressed it's invocation window, regardless
of what window is active/current. Is there something I
have missed ? Is it possible to make humble suggestions
to Matthew Dillon(I bow), so that if he thought it was
a nice idea he might implement it?
(I have trouble phrasing that last sentence right, for
is there one thing I can stand, then it's people that
posts things like "FUCK, STUPID PD PROGRAM, WHY DOES

Yes Yes, I appreciate what I have paid nothing for.
God, csh is better than any commercial thing I've ever
wasted money upon.
From the notorious
                      Jakob Gaardsted, Computer Science Department
Bed og arbejd !            University of Aarhus,  Jylland (!)
(Pray and work!)  AMIGA!  pilgrim@daimi.aau.dk | I'd rather play Moria.