[comp.sys.amiga.introduction] FTP and README files on a VAX

ccsoola@sacemnet.af.mil (CCSOOLA) (06/26/91)

In article <1991Jun24.041800.7222@ucselx.sdsu.edu>, civir@ucsvax.sdsu.edu
(FURRY R) writes:

>   All that good info is great.  Thanks guys.  Only problem is, I use a
>VAX (waiting for collective "ah, poor Scott" from everybody) about 90%
>of the time.  And that includes most of my FTPing. Hmm. Oh well.

Well, on the VAX I use for FTP (VMS 5.4, TWG FTP 5.01-1), the command

	GET <filename> TTY:

works just fine.  For example:

	GET foobarbaz.readme TTY:

>  ___________________________________________________________________
> / |CIVIR1070@ucsvax.sdsu.edu| Q: Is there a UNIX FORTRAN optomizer? \
> \ |    Scott Ellis          | A: Yeah, "rm *.f"    _                /
> / |_________________________|                   _ // Amiga          \
> \_______________________________________________\X/_________________/

|    John L. Schuncke, Jr.     | "I wanted to say something completely    |
|    CCSOOLA@SACEMNET.AF.MIL   |  mindless, but now I can't think of it." |
|    Staff Sergeant, USAF      +------------------------------------------+
|    Command and Control Systems Center, Operating Location "A"           |
|    Offutt AFB, Nebraska                                                 |
|  Standard Meaningless Disclaimer:  The opinions and policies expressed  |
|    in the above electronic communication are those of its author ONLY.  |
|                  (As if anyone else would have them!)                   |

cactus@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu (Todd Masco) (06/27/91)

In article <57261@nigel.ee.udel.edu> ccsoola@sacemnet.af.mil (CCSOOLA) writes:
>Well, on the VAX I use for FTP (VMS 5.4, TWG FTP 5.01-1), the command
>	GET <filename> TTY:
>works just fine.  For example:
>	GET foobarbaz.readme TTY:

This will depend highly upon what TCP/IP package you have.  Multinet,
for example, doesn't define TTY:.

The earlier post saying "GET <file> SYS$OUTPUT" is the correct thing
to do and will work across packages.  Or, for nicer output, find out
whether you can spawn out of FTP (will of course be different for
different TCP/IP packages).  If so, get the file to a local directory,
and spawn a TYPE/PAGE <file>. 

(signed) Just another VMS weenie...
Todd L. Masco - CMU Physics   | "Free speech is the right to shout
cactus@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu |   'theatre' in a crowded fire."

jcjust01@ulkyvx.bitnet (J. Crazyrat Justen) (06/27/91)

In article <1991Jun26.191916.825@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu>, cactus@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu (Todd Masco) writes:
> In article <57261@nigel.ee.udel.edu> ccsoola@sacemnet.af.mil (CCSOOLA) writes:
>>Well, on the VAX I use for FTP (VMS 5.4, TWG FTP 5.01-1), the command
>>	GET <filename> TTY:
>>works just fine.  For example:
>>	GET foobarbaz.readme TTY:
> This will depend highly upon what TCP/IP package you have.  Multinet,
> for example, doesn't define TTY:.
> The earlier post saying "GET <file> SYS$OUTPUT" is the correct thing
> to do and will work across packages.  Or, for nicer output, find out
> whether you can spawn out of FTP (will of course be different for
> different TCP/IP packages).  If so, get the file to a local directory,
> and spawn a TYPE/PAGE <file>. 

Ok, that's fine and all, but how in the world do you do this on an IBM 
mainframe running CMS and FTP?  It's very difficult indeed and usually involves
me issuing the command "GET Readme" and then typing "CMS FLIST" to go and 
read it.  

Is there an easy way to do this from CMS Ftp?

> (signed) Just another VMS weenie...


A (forced) IBM weenie..

Joel C. Justen                       BIT : JCJUST01@ulkyvx.bitnet
Computing and Telecommunications           JCJUST01@ulkyvm.bitnet
University of Louisville             UUCP: ..!psuvax1!ulkyvx.bitnet!jcjust01
Louisville, KY  40292                      crazyrat@disk.uucp

#include <stddisclaim.h>

ake@dayton.saic.com (Earle Ake) (06/28/91)

In article <1991Jun27.105159.622@ulkyvx.bitnet>, jcjust01@ulkyvx.bitnet (J. Crazyrat Justen) writes:
>> The earlier post saying "GET <file> SYS$OUTPUT" is the correct thing
>> to do and will work across packages.  Or, for nicer output, find out
>> whether you can spawn out of FTP (will of course be different for
>> different TCP/IP packages).  If so, get the file to a local directory,
>> and spawn a TYPE/PAGE <file>. 
> Ok, that's fine and all, but how in the world do you do this on an IBM 
> mainframe running CMS and FTP?  It's very difficult indeed and usually involves
> me issuing the command "GET Readme" and then typing "CMS FLIST" to go and 
> read it.  
> Is there an easy way to do this from CMS Ftp?

	I would suggest from the FTP prompt typing help and see what happens.
On some systems there is a 'TYPE' command which will get the remote file and
display to the terminal.  Not having access to an IBM running CMS, I can't tell
you.  There may not be an easy one step way.

             ____ ____    ___
Earle Ake   /___ /___/ / /     Science Applications International Corporation
           ____//   / / /__                 Dayton, Ohio
Internet: ake@dayton.saic.com        uucp: dayvb!ake         SPAN: 28284::ake