[comp.sys.amiga.introduction] tar.Z decompression?

v126npaq@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (Jeffrey F Sick) (06/30/91)

that I've recently gotten through ftp. Maybe some kind soul
will let me know how do unpack it -- if that's possible on an
Amiga 500. thanks, I appreciate it.

civir1070@ucsvax.sdsu.edu (FURRY R) (06/30/91)

In article <81713@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU>, v126npaq@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (Jeffrey F Sick) writes...
>that I've recently gotten through ftp. Maybe some kind soul
>will let me know how do unpack it -- if that's possible on an
>Amiga 500. thanks, I appreciate it.
>					js

 Well, I'll assume it's Filename.tar.Z since that makes more sense. Anyhow,
get CompressV4.0 from ab20.larc.nasa.gov, and do compress -d Filename.tar
to get rid of the .Z portion.  Then get TAR from ab20.larc.nasa.gov,
or from one of the fish disks on grind.isca.uiowa.edu, and do
(might not be exactly correct) tar -f Filename to get rid of the .tar
on the program.  You then should have a perfectly good directory full
of whatever Filename was.
Hope it helped.

/ |CIVIR1070@ucsvax.sdsu.edu| Q: Is there a UNIX FORTRAN optomizer? \
\ |    Scott Ellis          | A: Yeah, "rm *.f"    _                /
/ |_________________________|                   _ // Amiga          \