[trial.soc.culture.italian] soc.culture.italia

vancleef@iastate.edu (Van Cleef Henry H) (05/12/91)

In article <1991May11.183134.20155@agate.berkeley.edu> marchi@gold.cchem.berkeley.edu (Massimo Marchi) writes:
>And so am I! 
>Nevertheless, I want to raise a point here. There are in the United
>States and Canada lots of people who think they are Italian, but do not
>speak the language or/and understand the culture. This, I think, is
>what differentiate us from other international communities. Since the
>old newsgroup trial.soc.culture.italian has gotten most of its input
>either from Italians abroad or from Italy itself and the topics of
>discussion have always been related to Italian internal affairs, I
>would suggest to call the new newsgroup SOC.CULTURE.ITALIA(or ITALY)
>instead. This mainly to stress the linkage to the homeland.
>Any comments?
>Massimo Marchi

I think that to those Americans of Italian extraction, the
nature of the group will become clear quite quickly.  I don't
notice such a question coming up in the German or French

Hank van Cleef  
vancleef@iastate.edu	Iowa State University, Ames. Ia.
tmn!vancleef		The Union Institute, Cincinnati, Oh.