(Francesco Caserta) (05/29/91)
Questo documento, prima parte di due parti, contiene un brochure in postscript su che mi e' stato spedito da Ugo Cei ( I due files devono essere concatenati. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Creator: dvips, version 5.4 (C) 1986-90 Radical Eye Software %%Title: leaflet.dvi %%Pages: 4 1 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 843 %%EndComments %%BeginProcSet: /TeXDict 200 dict def TeXDict begin /N /def load def /B{bind def}N /S /exch load def /X{S N}B /TR /translate load N /isls false N /vsize 10 N /@rigin{ isls{[0 1 -1 0 0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale Resolution VResolution vsize neg mul TR}B /@letter{/vsize 10 N}B /@landscape{ /isls true N /vsize -1 N}B /@a4{/vsize 10.6929133858 N}B /@a3{/vsize 15.5531 N }B /@ledger{/vsize 16 N}B /@legal{/vsize 13 N}B /@manualfeed{statusdict /manualfeed true put}B /@copies{/#copies X}B /FMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]N /FBB[0 0 0 0 ]N /df{/sf 1 N /fntrx FMat N df-tail}B /dfs{div /sf X /fntrx[sf 0 0 sf neg 0 0 ]N df-tail}B /df-tail{/nn 8 dict N nn begin /FontType 3 N /FontMatrix fntrx N /FontBBox FBB N string /base X array /BitMaps X /BuildChar{CharBuilder}N /Encoding IE N end dup{/foo setfont}2 array copy cvx N load 0 nn put /ctr 0 N[ }B /E{pop nn dup definefont setfont}B /ch-image{ch-data dup type /stringtype ne{ctr get /ctr ctr 1 add N}if}B /ch-width{ch-data dup length 5 sub get}B /ch-height{ch-data dup length 4 sub get}B /ch-xoff{128 ch-data dup length 3 sub get sub}B /ch-yoff{ch-data dup length 2 sub get 127 sub}B /ch-dx{ch-data dup length 1 sub get}B /ctr 0 N /CharBuilder{save 3 1 roll S dup /base get 2 index get S /BitMaps get S get /ch-data X pop /ctr 0 N ch-dx 0 ch-xoff ch-yoff ch-height sub ch-xoff ch-width add ch-yoff setcachedevice ch-width ch-height true[1 0 0 -1 -.1 ch-xoff sub ch-yoff .1 add]/id ch-image N /rw ch-width 7 add 8 idiv string N /rc 0 N /gp 0 N /cp 0 N{rc 0 ne{rc 1 sub /rc X rw}{G}ifelse} imagemask restore}B /G{{id gp get /gp gp 1 add N dup 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/SI save N @rigin 0 0 moveto}B /eop{clear SI restore showpage userdict /eop-hook known{eop-hook}if} B /@start{userdict /start-hook known{start-hook}if /VResolution X /Resolution X 1000 div /DVImag X /IE 256 array N 0 1 255{IE S 1 string dup 0 3 index put cvn put}for}B /p /show load N /RMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]N /BDot 8 string N /v{/ruley X /rulex X V}B /V{gsave TR -.1 -.1 TR rulex ruley scale 1 1 false RMat{BDot} imagemask grestore}B /a{moveto}B /delta 0 N /tail{dup /delta X 0 rmoveto}B /M{ S p delta add tail}B /b{S p tail}B /c{-4 M}B /d{-3 M}B /e{-2 M}B /f{-1 M}B /g{ 0 M}B /h{1 M}B /i{2 M}B /j{3 M}B /k{4 M}B /l{p -4 w}B /m{p -3 w}B /n{p -2 w}B /o{p -1 w}B /q{p 1 w}B /r{p 2 w}B /s{p 3 w}B /t{p 4 w}B /w{0 rmoveto}B /x{0 S rmoveto}B /y{3 2 roll p a}B /bos{/SS save N}B /eos{clear SS restore}B end %%EndProcSet %%BeginProcSet: TeXDict begin /SDict 200 dict N SDict begin /@SpecialDefaults{/hs 612 N /vs 792 N /ho 0 N /vo 0 N /hsc 1 N /vsc 1 N /ang 0 N /CLIP false N /BBcalc false N /p 3 def}B 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ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg TR}if xflip yflip not and{pop S neg S TR pop 180 rotate ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg 0 TR}if yflip xflip not and{ppr 1 get neg ppr 0 get neg TR}if}{noflips{TR pop pop 270 rotate 1 -1 scale}if xflip yflip and{TR pop pop 90 rotate 1 -1 scale ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg TR}if xflip yflip not and{TR pop pop 90 rotate ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg 0 TR}if yflip xflip not and{TR pop pop 270 rotate ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg 0 S TR}if} ifelse scaleby96{ppr aload pop 4 -1 roll add 2 div 3 1 roll add 2 div 2 copy TR .96 dup scale neg S neg S TR}if}N /cp{pop pop showpage pm restore}N end}if} if}N /normalscale{Resolution 72 div VResolution 72 div neg scale magscale{ DVImag dup scale}if}N /psfts{S 65536 div N}N /startTexFig{/psf$SavedState save N userdict maxlength dict begin /magscale false def normalscale currentpoint TR /psf$ury psfts /psf$urx psfts /psf$lly psfts /psf$llx psfts /psf$y psfts /psf$x psfts currentpoint 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} bdef /S_LOADFONT { AldusDict2 /AD_TopOfFonts known exch { { AD_TopOfFonts restore } if } { not { save /AD_TopOfFonts exch def } if } ifelse } bdef /SURSTR { AD_SomethingOnPage SUsv restore } bdef /SUSAVE { AldusDict2 /AD_TopOfFonts known vmstatus exch sub exch pop AD_WorkingMemory lt { dup { AD_TopOfFonts restore } if } if not { save /AD_TopOfFonts exch def } if save /SUsv exch def /AD_SomethingOnPage exch def } bdef /_ftName 66 string def /_AutoRecode { /recode exch def _ftName cvs dup length 7 gt { dup 0 7 getinterval (|______) eq { dup length 7 exch 7 sub getinterval recode { FTRECODE } { FTRENAME } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } bdef /SYM_SAV { save /SYMsv exch def } bdef /SYM_RSTR { AD_SomethingOnPage SYMsv restore /AD_SomethingOnPage exch def } bdef /AD_save_xform null def /SET_TX_XFORM { /m_x exch def /r_angle exch def /ref_y exch def /ref_x exch def /AD_save_xform save def ref_x ref_y translate m_x { -1 1 scale } if r_angle neg rotate ref_x neg ref_y neg translate } bind def /CLEAR_TX_XFORM { AD_SomethingOnPage AD_save_xform restore /AD_SomethingOnPage exch def } bind def /SHADOWFLAG 16#1 def /OUTLINEFLAG 16#2 def /BOLDSMEAR 16#4 def /OUTLINESMEAR 16#8 def /ReENCODED 16#10 def /BOLDPSBUMP 16#20 def /ITALICOBLIQUE 16#40 def /SET { count 5 eq not{6 array astore}if /AD_textcolor exch def /AD_fontbits exch def /AD_20EMS exch def 1 index FontDirectory exch known not { 1 index ReENCODED AD_fontbits _iand _AutoRecode } if BOLDPSBUMP AD_fontbits _iand { 1 add } if dup _ActivateFont ITALICOBLIQUE AD_fontbits _iand { _ActivateObliqueFont } if /AD_width_factor_internal AD_width_factor def AD_width_factor 1 ne { currentfont [AD_width_factor 0 0 1 0 0] makefont setfont } if /AD_EmNotMatch AD_20EMS 20 div (M) _ADStringWidth pop sub abs 1 gt def false SETTEXTCUTOUT } bdef /S_SETUPRUN /SET load def /OUT { /here save def /runwidth exch def /nspaces exch def /nchars exch def /textrun exch def /letterspace exch def /wordspace exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def nchars 0 gt { AD_textcolor dup _Gray? {setgray} {aload pop {PREGISCOLOR}{PCOLOR}ifelse } ifelse /letterspace AD_EmNotMatch { runwidth textrun _ADStringWidth pop nchars dup 1 gt {1 sub} if letterspace mul add nspaces wordspace mul add sub nchars dup 1 gt {1 sub} if div } { 0 } ifelse letterspace add def SHADOWFLAG AD_fontbits _iand { save OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand { _OLShadowOffset } { AD_textcolor _Gray?{_ShadowScreen}if AD_textcolor _ShadowColor _ShadowOffset } ifelse OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand OUTLINESMEAR AD_fontbits _iand not and { _ActivateSolidFont _SetTextWidth } if AD_TextCutout {1 setgray} if _ShowRun BOLDSMEAR AD_fontbits _iand { _BoldSmearOffset _ShowRun } if restore } if OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand OUTLINESMEAR AD_fontbits _iand and { _OLSmearRun } { OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand { save _ActivateSolidFont _SetTextWidth AD_textcolor _Gray? 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/leftx exch def currentfont /FontInfo known { currentfont /FontInfo get /UnderlinePosition known { /deltay currentfont /FontInfo get /UnderlinePosition get currentfont /FontMatrix get 3 get mul pointsize AD_fontscale AD_PointsToUCS div div mul def } if currentfont /FontInfo get /UnderlineThickness known { /width currentfont /FontInfo get /UnderlineThickness get currentfont /FontMatrix get 3 get abs mul pointsize AD_fontscale AD_PointsToUCS div div mul def } if } if /underliney 0 baseline deltay add transform round exch round exch itransform exch pop def color dup _Gray? {setgray}{aload pop {PREGISCOLOR}{PCOLOR}ifelse }ifelse width setlinewidth SHADOWFLAG AD_fontbits _iand { save OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand { _OLShadowOffset } { color _Gray?{_ShadowScreen}if color _ShadowColor _ShadowOffset } ifelse leftx underliney rightx underliney _ShowUnderline restore } if leftx underliney rightx underliney _ShowUnderline OUTLINEFLAG AD_fontbits _iand OUTLINESMEAR AD_fontbits _iand not and { save color _Gray?{1 color sub setgray} {0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor }ifelse /AD_OutlineWidth AD_OutlineWidth 1000 div AD_fontscale mul def width 3 AD_OutlineWidth mul ge { width 2 AD_OutlineWidth mul sub } { width 3 div } ifelse setlinewidth leftx AD_OutlineWidth add underliney rightx AD_OutlineWidth sub underliney _ShowUnderline restore } if here restore /AD_SomethingOnPage true def } bdef /_ShowUnderline { newpath moveto lineto stroke } bdef /S_STRIKETHRU { /here save def count 4 eq not{6 array astore}if /color exch def /y exch def /rightx exch def /leftx exch def /y 0 y transform round exch round exch itransform exch pop def color _Gray? {color setgray}{color aload pop {PREGISCOLOR}{PCOLOR}ifelse }ifelse _StrikeThruWidth setlinewidth newpath leftx y moveto rightx y lineto stroke here restore /AD_SomethingOnPage true def } bdef /DV_DRAW_TEXT { /here save def /text exch def /y exch def /x exch def Black setgray (Helvetica-Bold) FTRECODE /|______Helvetica-Bold 9 dup _ActivateFont x y moveto text show here restore /AD_SomethingOnPage true def } bdef /DV_DRAW_BOX { /here save def /draftflag exch def /shadowflag exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def AD_PointsToUCS 2 div setlinewidth newpath x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto closepath shadowflag { gsave STD_SCREEN 0.5 setgray fill grestore} { gsave 1.0 setgray fill grestore 0.0 setgray stroke } ifelse draftflag { x1 y1 moveto x2 y2 lineto stroke x2 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto stroke } if here restore /AD_SomethingOnPage true def } bdef /DV_DRAW_LINE { /here save def /lw exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x1 y1 transform round exch round exch itransform /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x2 y2 transform round exch round exch itransform /y2 exch def /x2 exch def 0 lw transform round exch round exch itransform /lw exch def pop lw setlinewidth 0 setseparationgray newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y2 lineto stroke here restore /AD_SomethingOnPage true def } def /DV_DRAW_CIRCLE { /here save def /lw exch def /r exch def /y exch def /x exch def x y transform round exch round exch itransform /y exch def /x exch def 0 r transform round exch round exch itransform /r exch def pop 0 lw transform round exch round exch itransform /lw exch def pop lw setlinewidth Black setgray newpath x y r 0 360 arc stroke here restore /AD_SomethingOnPage true def } bdef /_ActivateFont { /AD_fontscale exch AD_PointsToUCS mul def /AD_fontscaleX exch AD_PointsToUCS mul def /AD_fontname exch def AD_fontname findfont [ AD_fontscaleX 0 0 AD_fontscale neg 0 0 ] makefont setfont } bdef /_ActivateObliqueFont { AD_fontname findfont [ AD_fontscaleX 0 0 AD_fontscale neg 0 0 ] [ 1 0 AD_ObliqueAngle 1 0 0 ] matrix concatmatrix makefont setfont } bdef /_ActivateSolidFont { AD_solidfont AD_fontscaleX AD_PointsToUCS div AD_fontscale AD_PointsToUCS div _ActivateFont } bdef /_ShadowOffset { AD_ShadOffset AD_fontscaleX mul AD_ShadOffset AD_fontscale mul translate } bdef /_OLShadowOffset { AD_OLShadOffset AD_fontscaleX mul AD_OLShadOffset AD_fontscale mul translate } bdef /_ShadowScreen { 100 AD_PrevScreen 1 get AD_PrevScreen 2 get setscreen } bdef /_ShadowColor { dup _Gray? exch dup _White? 3 -1 roll or { dup _White? {pop 1 }if 0.6 mul 0.8 exch sub setgray} {_ShadeColor }ifelse } bdef /_ShadeColor { /AldusTint .2 def aload pop {PREGISCOLOR}{PCOLOR}ifelse /AldusTint 1 def } bdef /_Gray? { dup type 0 type eq exch type 0.0 type eq or } bdef /_White? { dup type [] type eq {aload pop pop pop add add add 0 eq {true}{false }ifelse }{pop false }ifelse } bdef /PCOLOR { findcmykcustomcolor AD_NonSepPat {1 currentgray sub setcustomcolor} {AldusTint setcustomcolor}ifelse } def /ndf { 1 index where {pop pop pop}{dup xcheck {bind }if def }ifelse } bdef /setoverprint { AldusDict2 begin /AD_Overprint exch def end }ndf /currentoverprint { AldusDict2 /AD_Overprint get }ndf /setcmykcoloroverprint { 4{dup -1 eq{pop 0}if 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor }ndf /findcmykcustomcolor { 5 /packedarray where {pop packedarray}{array astore readonly }ifelse }ndf /setcustomcolor { exch aload pop pop 4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor pop }ndf /setcmykcolor { 1 exch sub _Ccmyk _Ccmyk _Ccmyk pop setrgbcolor }ndf /customcolorimage { pop image }ndf /separationimage { image }ndf /setseparationgray { setgray }ndf /_Ccmyk { dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 _Max exch }bdef /_Max { 2 copy lt {exch }if pop } bdef /_OLSmearOffset { AD_OLSmearFact AD_fontscaleX mul AD_OLSmearFact AD_fontscale mul } bdef /_BoldSmearOffset { AD_BoldSmearFact AD_fontscaleX mul AD_BoldSmearFact AD_fontscale mul translate } bdef /_StrikeThruWidth { AD_fontscale 16 div } bdef /_iand { and 0 ne } bdef /FTRENAME { dup (|______) exch ftMakeName cvn /NewName local FontDirectory NewName known {pop} {cvn findfont dup maxlength dict false copyDict dup /FontName known {dup /FontName NewName put} if NewName exch definefont pop } ifelse } bdef /FTRECODE { dup (|______) exch ftMakeName cvn /NewName local FontDirectory NewName known {pop} {cvn findfont dup maxlength dict false copyDict dup /FontName known {dup /FontName NewName put} if dup /Encoding MacEncoding put NewName exch definefont pop } ifelse } bdef /AD_encode_vector_size 256 def /AD_encode_vector null def /AD_doing_recoding false def /BEG_RECODE { dup (|______) exch ftMakeName cvn /NewName local FontDirectory NewName known { pop /AD_doing_recoding false def /AD_encode_vector null def } {cvn findfont dup maxlength dict false copyDict dup /FontName known {dup /FontName NewName put} if /AD_encode_vector AD_encode_vector_size array def dup begin Encoding AD_encode_vector copy pop end dup /Encoding AD_encode_vector put NewName exch definefont pop /AD_doing_recoding true def AD_encode_vector dup } ifelse } bdef /ENCODE_CHAR { AD_doing_recoding { put dup } { pop pop } ifelse } bdef /END_RECODE { AD_doing_recoding { pop pop } if /AD_doing_recoding false def /AD_encode_vector null def } bdef /FTOUTLINE { ReENCODED FTOLINE } bdef /FTOLINE { /AD_fontbits exch def cvn /OlineName local dup /AD_solidfont exch def AD_solidfont FontDirectory exch known not { AD_solidfont ReENCODED AD_fontbits _iand _AutoRecode } if FontDirectory OlineName known {pop} {cvn findfont dup maxlength 2 add dict true copyDict dup /FontName known {dup /FontName OlineName put} if dup /PaintType 2 put dup /StrokeWidth AD_OutlineWidth put OlineName exch definefont pop } ifelse } bdef /AD_nameString1 66 string def /ftMakeName { 1 index length /PrefixLen local dup length PrefixLen add AD_nameString1 exch 0 exch getinterval dup PrefixLen 4 -1 roll putinterval dup 0 4 -1 roll putinterval } bdef /copyDict { /NoUnique local begin { 1 index /FID ne NoUnique {2 index /UniqueID ne and} if { def } { pop pop } ifelse } forall currentdict end } bdef /MacEncoding 256 array def MacEncoding 0 /Times-Roman findfont /Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval MacEncoding 16#27 /quotesingle put MacEncoding 16#60 /grave put /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex /udieresis /dagger /degree /cent /sterling /section /bullet /paragraph /germandbls /registersans /copyrightsans /trademarksans /acute /dieresis /notequal /AE /Oslash /infinity /plusminus /lessequal /greaterequal /yen /mu /partialdiff /summation /product /pi /integral /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /Omega /ae /oslash /questiondown /exclamdown /logicalnot /radical /florin /approxequal /Delta /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /space /Agrave /Atilde /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /divide /lozenge /ydieresis /Ydieresis /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /apple /Ograve /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron MacEncoding 128 128 getinterval astore pop /getAnInt{2 getinterval dup 0 get 16#100 mul exch 1 get add cvi}def /CharBitStr 30 string def /BuildCharDict 16 dict def /AFONT { gsave /FName local /BMFSize local 1 add /LastChar local /FirstChar local /DefChar LastChar FirstChar sub 2 mul def 20 dict dup begin 10 1 roll /LocTableLen local /OWTableLen local /BMRowLen local /PixelHeight local /FontWidth local /MaxWidth local /MaxKern local /Descent local /Ascent local /Bits BMRowLen PixelHeight mul string currentfile exch readhexstring pop def /LocTable LocTableLen string currentfile exch readhexstring pop def /OWTable OWTableLen string currentfile exch readhexstring pop def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix matrix def /FontBBox[MaxKern Descent neg MaxWidth MaxKern add Ascent]def /Encoding 256 array def Encoding 0 MacEncoding 0 256 getinterval putinterval /Mummble 257 array def 0 1 256{Mummble exch DefChar put}for FirstChar 1 LastChar{Mummble exch dup FirstChar sub 2 mul put}for /BuildChar { BuildCharDict begin /1Char local /FDict local FDict /Mummble get 1Char get /2Char local FDict /OWTable get 2Char getAnInt 16#FFFF eq {/2Char DefChar assign}if FDict /LocTable get 2Char getAnInt /BitLoc local FDict /LocTable get 2Char 2 add getAnInt BitLoc sub /BitWidth local BitLoc 8 mod /ShiftVal local 16#FF 8 ShiftVal sub dup neg /RemShift local bitshift 16#FF and /BMask local 16#FF 8 BitLoc BitWidth add 8 mod sub dup 8 ge{pop 0}if BitWidth 0 eq{pop 8}if bitshift /AMask local BitWidth ShiftVal add 7 add 8 idiv dup 0 eq{pop 1}if /ByteWidth local BitLoc 8 idiv /WhichRow local FDict /OWTable get 2Char get cvi /Offset local FDict /OWTable get 2Char 1 add get cvi /Charwidth local Charwidth 0 BMFSize divPoint FDict /MaxKern get FDict /Descent get neg BMFSize divPoint BitWidth Offset add FDict /MaxKern get add FDict /Ascent get BMFSize divPoint setcachedevice gsave ByteWidth 8 mul FDict /PixelHeight get true [FDict /PixelHeight get FDict /Descent get sub 1 add 0 0 FDict /PixelHeight get FDict /Descent get sub 1 add neg Offset neg 0.5 add FDict /PixelHeight get FDict /Descent get sub 0.5 add] { FDict /Bits get WhichRow ByteWidth getinterval CharBitStr copy /ThisRow local 16#100 ByteWidth 1 sub 1 neg 0 { /iV local ThisRow iV get 1 index 16#100 eq{AMask and}if dup BMask and RemShift bitshift 3 1 roll ShiftVal bitshift add 16#FF and cvi ThisRow iV 3 -1 roll put }for pop ThisRow /WhichRow WhichRow FDict /BMRowLen get add assign } imagemask grestore end }def end FontDirectory FName cvn known {pop} {FName cvn exch definefont pop} ifelse grestore }def /AldusTint 1 def /AD_Overprint false def /AD_NonSepPat false def /const /def load def /var /def load def /local[/exch load /def load]cvx def /assign /def load def /incr{dup cvx exec 1 add assign}bdef /postIncr{dup cvx exec exch incr}bdef /SpaceChar 16#20 const /cvPA{2 array astore cvx}bdef /point{cvPA def}bdef /locPoint{3 1 roll point}bdef /pointXpoint{3 -1 roll mul 3 1 roll mul exch}bdef /pointDpoint{3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div exch}bdef /setPoint{load astore pop}bdef /dupPoint{2 copy}bdef /addPoint{exch 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add}bdef /subPoint{exch 3 1 roll sub 3 1 roll sub exch}bdef /mulPoint{dup pointXpoint}bdef /divPoint{dup pointDpoint}bdef /exchPoint{4 2 roll}bdef /overPoint{3 index 3 index}bdef /anyStatD systemdict /statusdict known const /thisProduct anyStatD {statusdict /product known{statusdict /product get}{()}ifelse} {()}ifelse const /PerCentChg 1.0 -1.0 point /boxPath{/y2 local /x2 local /y1 local /x1 local x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath}bdef /dump{4{pop}repeat}bdef /rBoxPath{/r local /y2 local /x2 local /y1 local /x1 local x1 r add y1 moveto x2 y1 x2 y2 r arcto dump x2 y2 x1 y2 r arcto dump x1 y2 x1 y1 r arcto dump x1 y1 x2 y1 r arcto dump closepath}bdef /SaveMatrix matrix var /ButtCap 0 const /SquareCap 2 const /MiterJoin 0 const /BevelJoin 2 const /Black 0 const /White 1 const /Wide 0 const /Narrow 1 const /PictPostScript false var /isHairline false var /PBEGIN{ dup not {save /PSave exch def} if /isLBO exch def /PBotRight locPoint /PTopLeft locPoint isLBO not {newpath PTopLeft PBotRight boxPath clip} if newpath isLBO {ButtCap}{SquareCap} ifelse setlinecap MiterJoin setlinejoin 3 setmiterlimit AD_PointsToUCS setlinewidth /deviceRound { dup AD_DeviceScale mul round AD_DeviceScale div dup 0 eq { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def /HairWidth AD_PointsToUCS 4 div AD_DeviceScale mul deviceRound dup 1.5 lt { pop 0 } if const Black setgray /LineScale 1 var /LineWidth AD_PointsToUCS var /LineHeight AD_PointsToUCS var /DoingWedge false var /DoingArc false var AldusDict2 /PatternShade known not { /psb {} bdef /pse {} bdef /PatternShade Black var /DeclaredPattern <00> var /PCurPat <01> var } if }bdef /PEND{ newpath isLBO not {PSave restore} if /AD_SomethingOnPage true def }bdef /SetPattern { dup /PatternShade exch def setgray } bdef /bitison{ /ybit local /xbit local PCurPat ybit PatWidth mul xbit 8 idiv add get 1 7 xbit 8 mod AD_NestedMirror {exch pop}{sub} ifelse bitshift and 0 ne}bdef /PSHADE{ STD_SCREEN 100 div dup /PatternShade exch def /AD_NonSepPat true def setgray <01> /PCurPat local } def /BK { /AD_NonSepPat true def Black setgray } bdef /WT { /AD_NonSepPat true def White setgray } bdef /PBLACK /BK load def /PWHITE /WT load def /PREGISCOLOR { pop AD_NonSepPat { pop currentgray}{AldusTint mul 1 exch sub}ifelse setseparationgray pop pop pop } bdef /PUSETHISPATTERN { dup PCurPat eq {pop}{ PPATTERN } ifelse PatternShade /AD_NonSepPat true def setgray /VerifyUsedPattern false def } bdef /PUSEPATTERN { VerifyUsedPattern {DeclaredPattern PCurPat ne {DeclaredPattern PPATTERN} if } if PatternShade setgray /VerifyUsedPattern false def } bdef /PDECLAREPATTERN { /DeclaredPattern exch def /VerifyUsedPattern true def /AD_NonSepPat true def } bdef /PatWidth 1 const /PatSide 8 const /PFreq 300 32 div const /PPATTERN{/PCurPat local /AD_NonSepPat true def /VerifyUsedPattern false def 0 /Onbits local 0 /Offbits local AD_Invert {{1 exch sub} settransfer} {{} settransfer} ifelse PFreq PerCentChg pop dup 0.96 eq {pop}{div}ifelse 0 { 1 1 addPoint 2 divPoint PatSide mulPoint cvi exch cvi exch bitison AD_Invert xor {/Onbits incr 1} {/Offbits incr 0}ifelse } setscreen Offbits dup Onbits add div AD_Invert {1 exch sub} if SetPattern /AD_StdScreen false assign}def /vertLines{pop dup mul -2 mul 1 add}bdef /sPat { AD_Invert {{1 exch sub} settransfer} {{} settransfer} ifelse setscreen setgray }def /PALDUSSHADE { <11> /PCurPat local /AD_NonSepPat true def /AD_StdScreen false assign Wide eq { 0.774 20 45 {vertLines} sPat } { 0.643 30 45 {vertLines} sPat } ifelse } bdef /PHAIRWIDTH { HairWidth setlinewidth /isHairline true def } bdef /LW { LineScale mul deviceRound /LineHeight exch def LineScale mul deviceRound dup /LineWidth exch def setlinewidth /isHairline false def }bdef /PLNWIDTH /LW load def /PLNSCALE{div /LineScale exch def} bdef /roundCoord { 0.5 add round 0.5 sub } bdef /roundPoint { transform round exch round exch itransform } bdef /adjCoord { dup 1 AD_DeviceScale div gt { deviceRound 2 div } { pop .5 AD_DeviceScale div } ifel se } bdef /pULAdj{ roundPoint currentlinewidth adjCoord LineHeight adjCoord addPoint }bdef /pLRAdj{ roundPoint currentlinewidth adjCoord LineHeight adjCoord subPoint }bdef /QD_LINE { /qd_save save def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x1 x2 gt { x1 y1 x2 y2 /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def } if newpath y1 y2 gt { x1 y1 moveto x2 y2 lineto x2 LineWidth add dup y2 lineto y2 LineHeight add lineto x1 LineWidth add y1 LineHeight add lineto x1 y1 LineHeight add lineto x1 y1 lineto } { x1 y1 moveto x1 LineWidth add y1 lineto x2 LineWidth add dup y2 lineto y2 LineHeight add lineto x2 y2 LineHeight add lineto x1 y1 LineHeight add lineto x1 y1 lineto } ifelse closepath eofill qd_save restore } bdef /PLINETO { PictPostScript { moveto lineto } { /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def currentlinecap ButtCap setlinecap newpath x1 x2 eq y1 y2 eq and { LineWidth 1 le LineHeight 1 le and { x1 y1 moveto } { x1 y1 x1 LineWidth add y1 LineHeight add boxPath fill} ifelse } { y1 y2 eq { LineWidth x1 x2 lt { x2 add /x2 exch def } { x1 add /x1 exch def } ifelse LineHeight setlinewidth x1 y1 LineHeight 2 div add roundPoint moveto x2 y2 LineHeight 2 div add roundPoint lineto mayStroke } { x1 x2 eq { LineHeight y1 y2 lt { y2 add /y2 exch def } { y1 add /y1 exch def } ifelse x1 LineWidth 2 div add y1 roundPoint moveto x2 LineWidth 2 div add y2 roundPoint lineto mayStroke } { x1 y1 pULAdj moveto x2 y2 pULAdj lineto mayStroke } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse setlinecap } ifelse }bdef /HairRect { save /here exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def PHAIRWIDTH newpath (Francesco Caserta) (05/29/91)
Seconda parte, ed ultima, di un documento in postscript contenente un brochure su I due files devono essere concatenati. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ x1 x2 sub abs y1 y2 sub abs lt { x1 x2 add 2 div dup y1 roundPoint moveto y2 roundPoint lineto stroke} { y1 y2 add 2 div dup x1 exch roundPoint moveto x2 exch roundPoint lineto stroke } ifelse here restore } bdef /PHAIRLINE { count 4 gt { newpath PHAIRWIDTH addPoint 2 divPoint roundPoint moveto addPoint 2 divPoint roundPoint lineto pop pop stroke } { HairRect } ifelse } bdef /PHANGLINE { roundPoint /yb exch def /xr exch def roundPoint /yt exch def /xl exch def deviceRound /delta exch def { {yt delta sub /yt exch def} {yb delta add /yb exch def} ifelse } { {xl delta sub /xl exch def} {xr delta add /xr exch def} ifelse } ifelse newpath 1 AD_DeviceScale div 2 div dup dupPoint xl yt addPoint exchPoint xr yb exchPoint subPoint boxPath fill } bdef /PCURVETO { curveto } bdef /PMOVETO { moveto } bdef /PRECT{newpath pLRAdj exchPoint pULAdj exchPoint boxPath}bdef /PRRECT { pLRAdj /Botts locPoint pULAdj /Tops locPoint currentlinewidth dup subPoint /Diams locPoint newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop Botts Tops subPoint /Sides locPoint Sides pop abs Diams pop ge{Diams}{Sides}ifelse pop Sides exch pop abs Diams exch pop ge{Diams}{Sides}ifelse exch pop /Diams locPoint Diams 2 div /YRad local 0 gt {Diams exch pop 0 eq {1} {Diams div} ifelse } {1}ifelse 1 /PRRscale locPoint Tops translate PRRscale scale 0 0 Sides PRRscale pointDpoint Diams 0 gt exch 0 gt and{YRad rBoxPath}{boxPath}ifelse SaveMatrix setmatrix}bdef /POVAL{newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop 0 359 false pArc closepath SaveMatrix setmatrix}bdef /PARC{ newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop /DoingArc true assign false pArc SaveMatrix setmatrix }bdef /PWEDGE{newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop /DoingWedge true assign true pArc closepath SaveMatrix setmatrix }bdef /modAdj{ dup 360 gt{360 sub}if dup 0 lt{360 add}if}bdef /pArc{/Fill local /ArcAng local /BegAng local pLRAdj /PLR locPoint pULAdj /PUL locPoint 360 BegAng ArcAng add sub 90 add modAdj /StartAng local StartAng ArcAng add /EndAng local PLR PUL subPoint 2 divPoint /Rad locPoint PUL Rad addPoint translate Rad neg scale Fill{0 0 moveto}if 0 0 1 StartAng EndAng dupPoint eq {pop pop 0 359 arc closepath} {ArcAng 0 lt {arcn}{arc}ifelse } ifelse }bdef /PBEGPOLY{ newpath pULAdj moveto }bdef /PBEGSMOOTHPOLY { newpath } bdef /PPOLYPOINT { pULAdj lineto } bdef /PENDPOLY{ /Closed local Closed{closepath}if }bdef /PENDSMOOTHPOLY { PENDPOLY } bdef /PBEGRGN{mark}bdef /PREGION{PRECT cleartomark}bdef /PTXBEG {/PTSave1 save const} bdef /PROTATE { currentdict /PRotateSave known not {save /PRotateSave exch def} if 3 1 roll dupPoint neg exch neg exch 5 2 roll translate rotate translate } bdef /PHFLIP { currentdict /PRotateSave known not {save /PRotateSave exch def} if dupPoint neg exch neg exch 4 2 roll translate -1 1 scale translate } bdef /PVFLIP { currentdict /PRotateSave known not {save /PRotateSave exch def} if dupPoint neg exch neg exch 4 2 roll translate 1 -1 scale translate } bdef /PROTATE_END { PRotateSave restore } bdef /PSCALETEXT { AD_PointsToUCS mul div /Xscale exch def AD_PointsToUCS mul div /Yscale exch def currentfont [ Xscale 0 0 Yscale 0 0 ] makefont setfont /AD_fontscaleX AD_fontscaleX Xscale mul def /AD_fontscale AD_fontscale Yscale mul def } bdef /PSTBEG { userdict /md known not { userdict begin /md 0 def end } if PBLACK /PictPostScript true def } bdef /PSTEND { /PictPostScript false def } bdef /mayStroke{ currentlinewidth 0 gt isHairline or { gsave /s_matrix null def /stroke_xform false def DoingWedge {MiterJoin setlinejoin} if currentlinewidth 1 AD_DeviceScale div sub setlinewidth LineWidth LineHeight ne { /s_matrix matrix currentmatrix def 1 LineHeight LineWidth div scale /stroke_xform true def } if stroke stroke_xform {s_matrix setmatrix} if grestore } if /DoingWedge false assign } bdef /RESET_PAT_SEP { /AD_NonSepPat false def } bdef /PFRAME{mayStroke RESET_PAT_SEP}bdef /PPAINT { mayStroke gsave eofill grestore RESET_PAT_SEP }bdef /PERASE { mayStroke gsave eofill grestore RESET_PAT_SEP }bdef /PFILL { mayStroke gsave eofill grestore RESET_PAT_SEP }bdef /PTINT { 100 exch sub 100 div /AldusTint exch def } bdef /PRESETTINT { AldusTint 1 eq not {/AldusTint 1 def }if } bdef /PHORZSHADE { 0 eq {/widehorz}{/narrowhorz }ifelse findfont _OpaquePatternfill } bdef /PVERTSHADE { 0 eq {/widevert}{/narrowvert }ifelse findfont _OpaquePatternfill } bdef /PHATCHSHADE { 0 eq {/widehatch}{/narrowhatch }ifelse findfont _OpaquePatternfill } bdef /PDIAGSHADE { 0 eq {/widediag}{/narrowdiag }ifelse findfont _OpaquePatternfill } bdef /_SetCoords { /y2 local /x2 local /y1 local /x1 local } bdef /_DefinePattern { 7 dict begin /FontDict 9 dict def FontDict begin /cache exch def /key exch def /proc exch cvx def /mtx exch matrix invertmatrix def /height exch def /width exch def /ctm matrix currentmatrix def /ptm matrix identmatrix def /str (12345678901234567890123456789012) def end /FontBBox [ 0 0 FontDict /width get FontDict /height get ] def /FontMatrix FontDict /mtx get def /Encoding StandardEncoding def /FontType 3 def /BuildChar { pop begin FontDict begin width 0 cache { 0 0 width height setcachedevice }{ setcharwidth } ifelse 0 0 moveto width 0 lineto width height lineto 0 height lineto closepath clip newpath gsave proc grestore end end } def FontDict /key get currentdict definefont end } bind def /_Patternpath { dup type /dicttype eq { begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix }{ exch begin FontDict /ctm get setmatrix concat } ifelse currentdict setfont FontDict begin FontMatrix concat width 0 dtransform round width div exch round width div exch 0 height dtransform round height div exch round height div exch 0 0 transform round exch round exch ptm astore setmatrix pathbbox height div ceiling height mul 4 1 roll width div ceiling width mul 4 1 roll height div floor height mul 4 1 roll width div floor width mul 4 1 roll 2 index sub height div ceiling cvi exch 3 index sub width div ceiling cvi exch 4 2 roll moveto FontMatrix ptm invertmatrix pop { gsave ptm concat dup str length idiv { str show } repeat dup str length mod str exch 0 exch getinterval show grestore 0 height rmoveto } repeat pop end end } bind def /_Patternfill { gsave clip _Patternpath grestore newpath } bind def /_OpaquePatternfill { gsave 0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor fill grestore _Patternfill } bind def /_DefinePatterns { /AD_PatternLW .009375 AD_Resolution mul def /narrowdiagunit .046666 AD_Resolution mul def narrowdiagunit narrowdiagunit [1 0 0 1 0 0] { SquareCap setlinecap 0 narrowdiagunit 2 div moveto narrowdiagunit 2 div 0 lineto narrowdiagunit 2 div narrowdiagunit moveto narrowdiagunit narrowdiagunit 2 div lineto AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke } bind /narrowdiag true _DefinePattern pop /widediagunit .073333 AD_Resolution mul def widediagunit widediagunit [1 0 0 1 0 0] { SquareCap setlinecap 0 widediagunit 2 div moveto widediagunit 2 div 0 lineto widediagunit 2 div widediagunit moveto widediagunit widediagunit 2 div lineto AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke } bind /widediag true _DefinePattern pop /narrowhorzunit .053333 AD_Resolution mul def narrowhorzunit narrowhorzunit [1 0 0 1 0 0] { SquareCap setlinecap 0 narrowhorzunit 2 div moveto narrowhorzunit narrowhorzunit 2 div lineto AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke } bind /narrowhorz true _DefinePattern pop /widehorzunit .106666 AD_Resolution mul def widehorzunit widehorzunit [1 0 0 1 0 0] { SquareCap setlinecap 0 widehorzunit 2 div moveto widehorzunit widehorzunit 2 div lineto AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke } bind /widehorz true _DefinePattern pop /narrowvertunit .053333 AD_Resolution mul def narrowvertunit narrowvertunit [1 0 0 1 0 0] { SquareCap setlinecap narrowvertunit 2 div 0 moveto narrowvertunit 2 div narrowvertunit lineto AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke } bind /narrowvert true _DefinePattern pop /widevertunit .106666 AD_Resolution mul def widevertunit widevertunit [1 0 0 1 0 0] { SquareCap setlinecap widevertunit 2 div 0 moveto widevertunit 2 div widevertunit lineto AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke } bind /widevert true _DefinePattern pop /narrowhatchunit .053333 AD_Resolution mul def narrowhatchunit narrowhatchunit [1 0 0 1 0 0] { SquareCap setlinecap narrowhatchunit 2 div 0 moveto narrowhatchunit 2 div narrowhatchunit lineto 0 narrowhatchunit 2 div moveto narrowhatchunit narrowhatchunit 2 div lineto AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke } bind /narrowhatch true _DefinePattern pop /widehatchunit .106666 AD_Resolution mul def widehatchunit widehatchunit [1 0 0 1 0 0] { SquareCap setlinecap widehatchunit 2 div 0 moveto widehatchunit 2 div widehatchunit lineto 0 widehatchunit 2 div moveto widehatchunit widehatchunit 2 div lineto AD_PatternLW setlinewidth stroke } bind /widehatch true _DefinePattern pop } version (23.) anchorsearch {pop pop def}{pop bdef} ifelse systemdict /currentpacking known {AD_OldPacking setpacking} if /AldusDone AldusVersion def end AldusDict2 begin 3507 2480 false false false BEGJOB 300 SETRES 35000 S_WORKING save /SUsv exch def BEGPAGE SURSTR false S_LOADFONT (Times-Bold) FTRECODE SUSAVE 2040 1700 div SET_TX_WIDTH /|______Times-Bold 1700 100 mul 1000 div 16040 16 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 (Blu) false SET CLEAR_TX_WIDTH 411 803 0.0000 0.0126 (SUB) 3 0 1653 OUT SURSTR false S_LOADFONT (AvantGarde-Book) FTRECODE SUSAVE /|______AvantGarde-Book 480 100 mul 1000 div 3680 16 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 (Nero) false SET 378 1246 -0.0069 6.0752 (N E T W O R K) 19 12 1719 OUT SURSTR false S_LOADFONT (Times-BoldItalic) FTRECODE SUSAVE 1368 1440 div SET_TX_WIDTH /|______Times-BoldItalic 1440 100 mul 1000 div 10140 16 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 (Ro sso) false SET CLEAR_TX_WIDTH 749 941 0.0000 -0.0179 (link) 4 0 919 OUT ENDPAGE ENDJOB end %%EndDocument 73 154 a endTexFig 391 1464 a Fe(Una)21 b(soluzione)g(di)g(connettivit\022)-33 b(a)22 b(p)r(er)f(l'Italia)164 1633 y Fd(Cos')n(\022)-28 b(e)19 b(Sublink)i(Net)n(w)n(o)n(rk)164 1750 y Fc(Sublink)c(Net)o(w)o(o)o(rk)12 b(\022)-23 b(e)16 b(una)g(asso)q(ciazione)i(senza)e(\014ni)g(di)g(lucro)g (avente)g(lo)g(scop)q(o)h(di)f(riunire)164 1810 y(p)q(er)e(\014ni)i (scienti\014ci)e(e)h(culturali)g(i)g(gesto)o(ri)g(di)g(sistemi)f(info)o (rmatici,)h(al)g(\014ne)g(di)g(p)o(romuovere)164 1871 y(la)i(cultura)f (telematica)g(in)h(Italia.)164 1956 y(Sublink)12 b(Net)o(w)o(o)o(rk)d(si)i (con\014gura)h(come)e(una)h(rete)f(costituita)h(da)g(oltre)g(80)g(sistemi,)g (connessi)164 2016 y(tra)j(di)g(lo)o(ro)h(p)q(er)f(mezzo)g(di)g(linee)h (telefoniche)e(commutate)g(o)i(dedicate)e(e)h(mo)q(dem)g(ad)g(alta)164 2076 y(velo)q(cit)o(\022)-24 b(a)19 b(e)e(distribuiti)h(in)f(tutta)g (l'Italia)h(settentrionale)e(e)h(centrale.)23 b(A)o(ttraverso)16 b(questa)164 2136 y(rete)h(vengono)i(trasmessi)e(messaggi)h(p)o(rivati)h (\(e{mail\))g(e)f(a)o(ree)f(di)i(discussione)f(pubblica)164 2196 y(\(netnews\).)164 2282 y(Sublink)12 b(Net)o(w)o(o)o(rk)e(mantiene)g (attivamente)h(un)h(collegamento)g(diretto)e(con)i(gli)h(Stati)e(Uniti)164 2342 y(e)17 b(le)g(p)o(rincipali)i(reti)d(mondiali)j(\(Internet,)c(Usenet,)h (Bitnet,)h(Fidonet,)g(etc.\).)22 b(A)o(ttraverso)164 2402 y(questo)h (collegamento,)j(u\016cialmente)d(registrato)g(p)o(resso)g(gli)i(o)o (rganismi)g(di)f(gestione)164 2462 y(delle)c(reti)f(mondiali,)h(\022)-23 b(e)19 b(p)q(ossibile)i(scambia)o(re)e(p)q(osta)h(elettronica)f(con)g(ogni)i (angolo)h(del)164 2522 y(mondo.)164 2607 y(A)o(ttraverso)15 b(Sublink)j(Net)o(w)o(o)o(rk)c(mantengono)k(i)f(contatti)f(soft)o(w)o(a)o(re) f(house,)h(lab)q(o)o(rato)o(ri)h(di)164 2668 y(aziende)12 b(e)f(centri)f(di)i (ricerca)f(universita)o(ri,)h(il)g(tutto)f(in)h(un)f(clima)h(di)g(assoluta)g (co)q(op)q(erazione)p eop %%Page: 2 2 bop 164 195 a Fc(che)16 b(passa,)g(come)f(ra)o(ramente)f(accade,)i (attraverso)f(tutte)g(le)i(aziende)f(del)h(setto)o(re.)164 280 y(La)g(messaggistica)f(delle)h(netnews)e(USENET)h(\022)-23 b(e)16 b(gentilmente)f(o\013erta)i(da)616 365 y Fb(Oliv)n(etti)f(Systems)h(&) h(Net)n(w)n(orks)164 475 y Fc(ed)d(\022)-23 b(e)16 b(distribuita)g (gratuitamente)g(a)g(tutti)g(i)h(so)q(ci)f(della)i(rete)c(Sublink.)164 645 y Fd(Cosa)20 b(o\013re)f(Sublink)i(Net)n(w)n(o)n(rk)164 762 y Fc(Sublink)e(Net)o(w)o(o)o(rk)d(o\013re)j(ai)g(p)o(rop)o(ri)e(asso)q (ciati)j(la)f(p)q(ossibilit)o(\022)-24 b(a)21 b(di)e(essere)d(in)j(contatto)f (con)164 822 y(le)h(pi\022)-25 b(u)20 b(imp)q(o)o(rtanti)f(reti)f(mondiali)i (p)q(er)e(scambio)h(di)g(messaggi)g(p)o(rivati)g(e)f(di)i(pa)o(rtecipa)o(re) 164 882 y(ad)d(una)f(serie)g(di)h(conferenze)e(pubbliche)i(sui)f(pi\022)-25 b(u)18 b(dispa)o(rati)f(a)o(rgomenti)f(\(non)g(solo)i(info)o(r-)164 942 y(matici\).)i(Grazie)13 b(alla)i(p)q(olitica)h(di)d(\\cost{sha)o(ring")i (attuata)e(da)h(Sublink)g(Net)o(w)o(o)o(rk)d(,)j(tutto)164 1003 y(ci\022)-24 b(o)15 b(pu\022)-24 b(o)15 b(essere)e(ottenuto)h (esclusivamente)f(con)i(il)g(versamento)f(della)h(quota)g(asso)q(ciativa)164 1063 y(annuale,)e(senza)g(costi)f(aggiuntivi)j(dip)q(endenti)d(dal)h(volume)g (di)g(tra\016co)e(generato,)h(almeno)164 1123 y(\014no)17 b(ad)f(una)g (soglia)i(che)c(\022)-23 b(e)17 b(comunque)e(su\016cientemente)e(elevata)k(p) q(er)e(la)i(quasi)g(totalit)o(\022)-24 b(a)164 1183 y(delle)17 b(esigenze.)164 1268 y(T)l(ale)g(p)q(olitica)h(ci)e(p)q(ermette)e(di)j (o\013rire)f(un)h(servizio)g(dai)g(contenuti)e(pa)o(ragonabili)k(a)e(quelli) 164 1329 y(o\013erti)f(da)h(altre)f(soluzioni)i(analoghe,)g(ma)e(ad)h(una)f (frazione)h(minima)g(del)f(costo.)164 1414 y(La)24 b(pa)o(rte)e(pi\022)-25 b(u)25 b(consistente)d(del)h(tra\016co)g(di)g(dati)h(su)f(Sublink)h(Net)o(w)o (o)o(rk)c(\022)-23 b(e)23 b(data)h(dalle)164 1474 y(conferenze)11 b(\(netnews\))g(della)i(rete)d(americana)i(Usenet,)f(alla)j(quale)f(sono)f (collegate)h(pi\022)-25 b(u)13 b(di)164 1534 y(due)f(milioni)j(di)e(p)q (ersone,)f(tra)g(le)h(quali)h(sono)f(comp)o(resi)e(i)i(maggio)o(ri)h(esp)q (erti)e(dei)g(va)o(ri)h(setto)o(ri)164 1594 y(dell'info)o(rmatica.)24 b(Gli)18 b(utenti)f(di)g(Sublink)h(Net)o(w)o(o)o(rk)e(p)q(ossono)i(pa)o (rtecipa)o(re)e(attivamente)164 1654 y(a)g(tali)h(conferenze)e(e)g(scambia)o (re)g(opinioni)k(e)c(info)o(rmazioni)j(con)e(un)g(pubblico)h(vastissimo)164 1715 y(e)f(altamente)g(quali\014cato.)164 1800 y(Gli)f(a)o(rgomenti)g(di)h (queste)d(conferenze)h(spaziano)j(dai)f(linguaggi)i(di)d(p)o(rogrammazione,)g (ai)164 1860 y(sistemi)k(op)q(erativi,)i(dall'intelligenza)i(a)o (rti\014ciale)d(ai)h(virus)e(dei)h(computer,)f(p)q(er)h(limita)o(rci)164 1920 y(agli)15 b(asp)q(etti)e(info)o(rmatici.)20 b(Esistono)14 b(p)q(oi)h(a)o(ree)d(dedicate)h(alla)i(scienza)e(ed)g(alla)i(tecnologia,)164 1980 y(alla)j(p)q(olitica,)g(alla)f(so)q(ciet)o(\022)-24 b(a,)17 b(ai)h(divertimenti,)d(alla)j(cultura.)164 2065 y(Un)g(altro)h(degli)g(asp)q (etti)g(quali\014canti)g(di)g(Sublink)g(Net)o(w)o(o)o(rk)c(\022)-23 b(e)19 b(dato)f(dalla)i(p)q(ossibilit)o(\022)-24 b(a)21 b(di)164 2126 y(rep)q(erire)d(facilmente)h(una)i(eno)o(rme)d(quantit)o(\022)-24 b(a)21 b(di)f(soft)o(w)o(a)o(re)e(\\free",)i(quale)g(p)q(er)f(esempio)164 2186 y(l'intera)14 b(p)o(ro)q(duzione)i(della)f(F)o(ree)e(Soft)o(w)o(a)o(re)h (F)o(oundation.)21 b(Ci\022)-24 b(o)16 b(signi\014ca)f(avere)g(a)g(disp)q (osi-)164 2246 y(zione)e(una)h(miniera)e(di)i(so)o(rgenti)e(di)h(altissima)h (qualit)o(\022)-24 b(a,)15 b(sp)q(esso)d(sup)q(erio)o(re)g(a)h(quella)h (o\013erta)164 2306 y(da)j(pack)o(age)f(commerciali,)f(e)h(lib)q(eramente)g (ridistribuibili.)164 2475 y Fd(Cosa)i(\022)-28 b(e)19 b(necessa)n(rio)g(p)r (er)h(collega)n(rsi)g(a)f(Sublink)i(Net)n(w)n(o)n(rk)164 2593 y Fc(Un)c(calcolato)o(re)g(dotato)g(del)g(necessa)o(rio)e(soft)o(w)o(a)o(re)g (di)j(comunicazione)f(\(distribuito)g(gra-)164 2653 y(tuititamente)e (dall'Asso)q(ciazione\))k(e)d(un)g(mo)q(dem)g(p)q(er)g(linee)g(commutate.)p eop %%Page: 3 3 bop 164 195 a Fc(V)o(ersioni)21 b(del)g(soft)o(w)o(a)o(re)e(di)i(gestione)f (di)i(un)e(no)q(do)i(Sublink)g(sono)f(disp)q(onibili)i(p)q(er)e(S.O.)164 255 y(Unix,)h(Xenix,)f(MS-DOS,)f(Macintosh,)i(Amiga.)33 b(La)21 b(disp)q(onibilit)o(\022)-23 b(a)23 b(di)e(un)f(S.O.)f(Unix)j(o)164 315 y(Xenix)17 b(d)o(\022)-24 b(a)18 b(anche)e(la)h(p)q(ossibilit)o(\022)-24 b(a)19 b(ad)e(un)f(no)q(do)h(di)g(supp)q(o)o(rta)o(re)e(eventuali)i(sottono)q (di.)164 401 y(Le)c(quote)g(asso)q(ciative,)i(valide)f(p)q(er)f(l'anno)h (1991,)h(sono)e(indicate)h(nella)g(seguente)e(tab)q(ella:)p 585 534 778 2 v 584 594 2 61 v 942 594 V 1152 594 V 1361 594 V 584 655 V 942 655 V 968 637 a(Privati)p 1152 655 V 77 w(So)q(ciet)o(\022) -24 b(a)p 1361 655 V 584 715 V 942 715 V 1152 715 V 1361 715 V 585 716 778 2 v 584 777 2 61 v 942 777 V 1152 777 V 1361 777 V 584 837 V 609 819 a(So)q(ci)18 b(sostenito)o(ri)p 942 837 V 49 w(100.000)p 1152 837 V 52 w(400.000)p 1361 837 V 584 897 V 942 897 V 1152 897 V 1361 897 V 585 899 778 2 v 584 959 2 61 v 942 959 V 1152 959 V 1361 959 V 584 1019 V 609 1001 a(So)q(ci)g(o)o(rdina)o(ri)p 942 1019 V 105 w(200.000)p 1152 1019 V 52 w(600.000)p 1361 1019 V 584 1079 V 942 1079 V 1152 1079 V 1361 1079 V 585 1081 778 2 v eop %%Page: 4 4 bop 164 195 a Fd(P)n(er)20 b(info)n(rmazioni)286 308 y Fc(Sublink)d(Net)o(w)o (o)o(rk)286 368 y(,)g(15)h(-)g(MILANO) 286 429 y(tel.:)j(02/33911)q(392)286 489 y(e-mail:)i(segre@sublink.sublink.o) o(rg)702 753 y Fa(Sublink)16 b(Net)o(w)o(ork)f(in)h(Italia)336 875 y 20129214 23681433 1332080 -21165281 18242071 -1369049 startTexFig 336 875 a %%BeginDocument: /ellipsedict 6 dict def ellipsedict /mtrx matrix put /ellipse { ellipsedict begin /yrad exch def /xrad exch def /y exch def /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def x y translate xrad yrad scale 0 0 1 0 360 arc savematrix setmatrix end } def /arrowdict 14 dict def arrowdict begin /mtrx matrix def end /arrow { arrowdict begin /headlength exch def /halfheadthickness exch 2 div def /halfthickness exch 2 div def /tipy exch def /tipx exch def /taily exch def /tailx exch def /dx tipx tailx sub def /dy tipy taily sub def /arrowlength dx dx mul dy dy mul add sqrt def /angle dy dx atan def /base arrowlength headlength sub def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def tailx taily translate angle rotate 0 halfthickness neg moveto base halfthickness neg lineto base halfheadthickness neg lineto arrowlength 0 lineto base halfheadthickness lineto base halfthickness lineto 0 halfthickness lineto closepath savematrix setmatrix end } def /setuserscreendict 22 dict def setuserscreendict begin /tempctm matrix def /temprot matrix def /tempscale matrix def /concatprocs { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def /newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx } def /resmatrix matrix def /findresolution { 72 0 resmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform /yres exch def /xres exch def xres dup mul yres dup mul add sqrt } def end /setuserscreen { setuserscreendict begin /spotfunction exch def /screenangle exch def /cellsize exch def /m tempctm currentmatrix def /rm screenangle temprot rotate def /sm cellsize dup tempscale scale def sm rm m m concatmatrix m concatmatrix pop 1 0 m dtransform /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /veclength x1 dup mul y1 dup mul add sqrt def /frequency findresolution veclength div def /newscreenangle y1 x1 atan def m 2 get m 1 get mul m 0 get m 3 get mul sub 0 gt {{neg} /spotfunction load concatprocs /spotfunction exch def } if frequency newscreenangle /spotfunction load setscreen end } def /setpatterndict 18 dict def setpatterndict begin /bitison { /ybit exch def /xbit exch def /bytevalue bstring ybit bwidth mul xbit 8 idiv add get def /mask 1 7 xbit 8 mod sub bitshift def bytevalue mask and 0 ne } def end /bitpatternspotfunction { setpatterndict begin /y exch def /x exch def /xindex x 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def /yindex y 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def xindex yindex bitison { /onbits onbits 1 add def 1 } { /offbits offbits 1 add def 0 } ifelse end } def /setpattern { setpatterndict begin /cellsz exch def /angle exch def /bwidth exch def /bpside exch def /bstring exch def /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def cellsz angle /bitpatternspotfunction load setuserscreen {} settransfer offbits offbits onbits add div setgray end } def /inch {72 mul} def /showpattern { /ang exch def /pat exch def pat 8 1 ang 72 300 32 div div setpattern newpath 0 0 moveto 1 inch 0 lineto 1 inch dup lineto 0 1 inch lineto closepath fill } def /pat1 <ffffffffffffffff> def /pat2 <0000000000000000> def /pat3 <8000000008000000> def /pat4 <8800000022000000> def /pat5 <8800220088002200> def /pat6 <8822882288228822> def /pat7 <aa55aa55aa55aa55> def /pat8 <8040201008040201> def /pat9 <8844221188442211> def /pat10 <77bbddee77bbddee> def /pat11 <c1e070381c0e0783> def /pat12 <8040200002040800> def /pat13 <40a00000040a0000> def /pat14 <ff888888ff888888> def /pat15 <ff808080ff080808> def /pat16 <f87422478f172271> def /pat17 <038448300c020101> def /pat18 <081c22c180010204> def /pat19 <8080413e080814e3> def /Computer10 /Courier findfont [10 0 0 -10 0 10] makefont def /Computer13 /Courier findfont [13 0 0 -13 0 13] makefont def /Computer15 /Courier findfont [15 0 0 -15 0 15] makefont def /Computer19 /Courier findfont [19 0 0 -19 0 19] makefont def /centertext { dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto show } def /righttext { dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show } def 1.415 setmiterlimit gsave 0.565 -0.565 scale gsave pat5 8 1 0 72 300 32 div div setpattern newpath 180 45 moveto 180 48 lineto 180 48 lineto 181 51 lineto 180 53 lineto 179 56 lineto 179 58 lineto 179 60 lineto 179 62 lineto 180 62 lineto 181 65 lineto 181 68 lineto 180 69 lineto 179 69 lineto 176 68 lineto 175 68 lineto 171 64 lineto 169 64 lineto 167 64 lineto 165 69 lineto 165 73 lineto 169 74 lineto 167 78 lineto 169 81 lineto 167 84 lineto 165 82 lineto 161 77 lineto 155 77 lineto 152 78 lineto 151 81 lineto 147 78 lineto 144 74 lineto 143 69 lineto 141 69 lineto 137 68 lineto 137 72 lineto 137 78 lineto 136 82 lineto 134 86 lineto 130 87 lineto 130 89 lineto 127 93 lineto 128 95 lineto 127 95 lineto 128 97 lineto 130 98 lineto 128 101 lineto 124 101 lineto 124 98 lineto 123 95 lineto 119 93 lineto 120 89 lineto 120 87 lineto 116 87 lineto 113 87 lineto 111 84 lineto 108 81 lineto 108 74 lineto 108 73 lineto 108 69 lineto 103 72 lineto 103 73 lineto 99 77 lineto 95 78 lineto 95 81 lineto 96 84 lineto 95 86 lineto 91 87 lineto 91 91 lineto 87 93 lineto 86 95 lineto 83 95 lineto 76 91 lineto 72 93 lineto 68 95 lineto 64 95 lineto 63 97 lineto 59 97 lineto 56 93 lineto 52 97 lineto 48 97 lineto 47 98 lineto 47 105 lineto 50 106 lineto 52 107 lineto 54 115 lineto 58 120 lineto 56 126 lineto 56 128 lineto 54 130 lineto 54 130 lineto 50 128 lineto 44 131 lineto 39 138 lineto 40 140 lineto 40 144 lineto 44 148 lineto 50 149 lineto 50 152 lineto 52 157 lineto 48 157 lineto 48 163 lineto 47 164 lineto 47 171 lineto 44 171 lineto 44 173 lineto 47 176 lineto 50 179 lineto 52 185 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