[comp.lang.modula3] Twelve changes to Modula-3

gnelson (12/20/90)

                    Twelve Changes to Modula-3
                          19 Dec 90

"Systems Programming with Modula-3" will be appearing in a few months
at a bookstore near you.  

To prepare for this gala event, the Modula-3 committee has made twelve
final changes to the language definition, described in this message.

On behalf of the Modula-3 committee I would like to thank Bob Ayers,
Michel Gangnet, David Goldberg, Sam Harbison, Christian Jacobi, Nick
Maclaren, Eric Muller, and Thomas Roemke for their helpful comments
on these changes.  ---Greg Nelson


    Section 1  List of changes
    Section 2  Rationale
    Section 3  Details of generics
    Section 4  Details of floating-point

Section 1.  List of changes

1.1  The language will be extended to support generic interfaces and
modules.  The detailed semantics of generics are in Section 3, below.

1.2 In addition to REAL and LONGREAL the language will support the
new floating point type EXTENDED.  New required interfaces will allow
clients to use IEEE floating point if the implementation supports it.
The behavior of the interfaces is also defined for non-IEEE
implementations.  Listing of these interfaces, and other details, are
in Section 4, below.

1.3  The default raises clause will be the empty set instead of the set
of all exceptions.  RAISES ANY will be used to indicate that a
procedure can raise any exception.

1.4  The sentence:

    The declaration of an object type has the form

    TYPE T = ST OBJECT FieldList METHODS MethodList END

    where ST is an optional supertype, FieldList is a list of field
    declarations, exactly as in a record type, and MethodList is a
    list of "method declarations" and "method overrides".

will be changed to

    The declaration of an object type has the form


    where ST is an optional supertype, Fields is a list of field
    declarations, exactly as in a record type, Methods is a list of
    "method declarations" and Overrides is a list of "method

The syntax for individual method declarations and individual method
overrides remains the same.  

1.5  The semantics of method overrides supplied at NEW time will be
defined by the following rewriting:  

    NEW( T, m := P ) 
is sugar for 


As a consequence, the method overrides are restricted to procedure
constants, and the methods of an object are determined by its allocated
type.  It is no longer necessary to refer to "T's default m method",
you can just say "T's m method".

1.6  On page 48, the last sentence in the section "Constant
Expressions" will be changed from

    "All literals are legal in constant expressions; procedure
    constants are not"


    "Literals and top-level procedure constants are legal in 
    constant expressions"

Procedure application remains illegal in constant expressions, except
for the required procedures in the Word interface.

1.7  The word "not" will be removed from the sentence "T.m is not a
procedure constant" on page 39, and the grammar will be changed to
allow the syntax T.m as a method default.

1.8  The prohibition against NEWing an opaque object type will be
removed. The procedures Thread.NewMutex and Thread.NewCondition
will be removed from the Thread interface and replaced by comments
to the effect that a newly-allocated Mutex is in the unlocked state
and a newly-allocated Condition has no threads waiting on it.

1.9  The following sentence will be added to the "revelations" section:

    In any scope, the revealed supertypes of an opaque type must be
    totally ordered by the subtype relation.  For example, in a scope
    where it is revealed that T <: S1 and that T <: S2, it must also
    be revealed either that S1 <: S2 or that S2 <: S1.

1.10  The sentence

    The pragma <*EXTERNAL L*> precedes a procedure declaration to
    indicate that the procedure is implemented in the language L, or
    precedes an interface to indicate that the entire interface is
    implemented in the language L.

will be changed to

    The pragma <* EXTERNAL N:L *> precedes an interface or a declaration
    in an interface to indicate that the entity it precedes is
    implemented by the language L, where it has the name N. If ":L"
    is omitted, then the implementation's default external language
    is assumed.  If "N" is omitted, then the external name is determined
    from the Modula-3 name in some implementation-dependent way.

1.11  The result type of the built-in function TYPECODE will be changed

1.12  Changes to the syntax of text, character, and integer literals,
as follows:  On page 59, "Token Productions", the lines

    CharLiteral = "'" ( PrintingChar | Escape ) "'"

    TextLiteral = DQUOTE { PrintingChar | Escape } DQUOTE

will be changed to

    CharLiteral = "'" ( PrintingChar | Escape | DQUOTE ) "'"

    TextLiteral = DQUOTE { PrintingChar | Escape | "'" } DQUOTE

The effect is to allow "Don't" instead of "Don\'t" and '"' instead
of '\"'.  In the section on integer literals, we will add the words

    If no base is present, the value of the literal must be at most
    LAST(INTEGER); if an explicit base is present, the value of the
    literal must be less than 2^Word.Size, and its interpretation as
    a signed integer is implementation-dependent.  For example, on a
    sixteen-bit two's complement machine, 16_ffff and -1 represent
    the same value.

Section 2.  Rationale

2.1 In regard to generics: several programmers have invented ad-hoc schemes
for working around the absence of generics.  We have found a simple
design that seems to be in the Modula spirit, is easy to implement,
and has essentially no impact on the rest of the language.

2.2 In regard to floating-point revisions:  Jorge Stolfi and Stephen Harrison
have reported on their use of Modula-3 for floating-point graphics
computations, and David Goldberg has given us a critique of Modula-3
from the point of view of a numerical analyst.  We have used this
feedback to try to make Modula-3 better for floating-point computations,
an issue that was not taken too seriously in the original design.

2.3 In regard to the default raises clause, RAISES {} is far more frequent
than RAISES ANY, so it should be the default.  This change is not
backward-compatible: conversion will require

    Finding occurrences of RAISES {} and deleting them.  This is
    easy to do, and is not essential, since RAISES {} is still
    meaningful and legal, although now redundant.

    Finding procedures without raises clauses and adding RAISES ANY
    (or, more likely, noticing that they were incorrectly annotated
    and that the correct clause is RAISES {} in which case they can
    be left alone).  Since RAISES ANY is rare, this change should be
    necessary in very few places, e.g., for mapping functions.
2.4 In regard to the explicit OVERRIDES keyword: several programmers have
accidentally declared a new method when they meant to override an
existing one, strongly suggesting that the current syntax does not
distinguish between methods and overrides strongly enough.  This change
is not backwards compatible, but existing programs can be converted
easily, by sorting the method declarations in front of the method
overrides and adding the word "OVERRIDES" between the two groups.

2.5 In regard to defining the semantics of method overriding at NEW
time by syntactic sugar: the advantage of this change is that the method
suite becomes a constant function of the type.  That is, we no longer
have to talk about "T's default m method", we can just say "T's m
method".  For example, this is convenient for the implementation of
type-safe persistent storage (pickles), which can recreate an object's
method suite trivially, by asking the runtime system for the method
suite associated with the type.  (This is in fact what is done by both
the Olivetti and the SRC pickles packages: adopting the rewriting
semantics above will make both packages correct.)
The obvious cost of the change is that a procedure variable can no
longer be used as a method override.  However, no programs are known
to use this facility.  Furthermore, a strong argument can be made that
this facility is not useful.  For example, consider the following
program, which does use a procedure variable as a method override:
      h: PROCEDURE(t: Table.T, k: Key.T): INTEGER)
      : Table.T =
      NEW(Table.T, hashMethod := h)
    END New.

This is poor code: it would be better to make the hash method a
procedure-valued field in the table, since the usual argument for making
something a method rather than a procedure data field doesn't apply
here:  New cannot be used to construct a subtype of Table.T with a
hash method specific to that subtype, because New's signature requires
that h accept any Table.T as an argument.  Consequently there is no
flexibility gained by using a method.  Furthermore, if the hash
procedure is stored in the data part of the object, hash tables with
different hash procedures can share method suites, and thus save space.

This change is not strictly backwards-compatible, but as no programs
are known to override methods at NEW time with non-constant procedures,
it is expected to be backwards compatible in practice.

2.6 In regard to the change that allows procedure constants in constant
expressions: this allows procedure constants as default parameters,
which is a convenience.  And it does not seem to be difficult for
implementations, or any less principled to allow procedure constants
in constant expressions than to allow TEXT literals.

2.7 In regard to allowing "T.m" as a procedure constant: you could already
write T.m to denote the m method of type T, but because this expression
was not considered a procedure constant, it couldn't be used as a method
default.  That usually meant that an interface exporting T would also
have to export each of T's methods by name, since somebody defining
a related class might reuse some of the methods.  Thus this change
allows less cluttered interfaces.

Allowing T.m as a procedure constant raises the following question:
    Are U and V the same after
      U = T OBJECT METHODS m := P END;
      V = T OBJECT METHODS m := T.m END;
Answering "yes" would be hard on the implementation, since although
in this case the identity of T.m with P is manifest, this would not
be true in general.
So we will define U and V to be different, on the grounds that the
expanded form of U contains "P" where the expanded form of V contains
"(expanded form of T).m".  With respect to structural equivalence, the
implementation should treat the occurrence of "T.m" the same as it
would treat a record field "m: T".
2.8 In regard to NEW(T) for opaque types T:  If an opaque type requires
initializations over and above what can be done with default field
values, then the implementor of the type must provide a procedure for
doing the initialization.  He might provide a New procedure that
allocates, initializes, and returns a value of the type, but this New
procedure couldn't be used by anybody implementing a subtypes of the
opaque type, since it allocates the wrong type of object.  Thus when
you declare an opaque type that is intended to be subclassed, you owe
it to your clients to provide an init routine that takes an object
that has already been allocated, or to comment that no initialization
in necessary beyond what is automatically provided by default field
values.  In either case, the effect of NEWing the opaque type will
be well-specified in the interface, and the old rule against it is
revealed as an attempt to legislate style.

In fact, the old rule interfered with a style that seems attractive:
for each object type T, define a method T.init that initializes the
object and returns it.  Then the call


allocates, initializes, and returns an object of type T. If T is an
subtype of some type S, and the implementer of S uses the same style,
then within T.init(self, ...)  there will be a call of the form EVAL
S.init(self, ...)  to initialize the supertype part of the object.
Note that this style involves NEWing the opaque object type T.

2.9 In regard to the requirement that the revealed supertypes of an
opaque type must be totally ordered by the subtype relation: this rule
was present in the original version of the report, and somehow got
deleted from the revised version, probably by an editing error, without
the committee ever deliberately rescinding it.  The advantage of the
rule is that the information about an opaque type in a scope is
determined by a single type, its "<:-least upper bound", rather than
by a set of types.  This simplifies the compiler; in fact, both the
SRC and Olivetti compilers depend on this rule.  Theoretically this
is not a backwards-compatible change, but since it is bringing the
language into conformance with the two compilers that are in use,
obviously it won't require conversion by clients.

2.10 In regard to the EXTERNAL pragma: in producing the Modula-3
interfaces to the X library the need for renaming as part of the
external declaration was acute.

2.11 Changing the result type of TYPECODE to CARDINAL is no burden
on the implementation, and the guarantee that negative integers cannot
be confused with typecodes is often convenient.

2.12  Allowing "Don't" instead of "Don\'t" makes programs more readable.
Allowing integer literals whose high-order bit is set is useful both
in graphics applications, where masks are being constructed, and in
low-level systems code, where integers are being loopholed into
addresses that may be in the high half of memory.

Section 3.  Details of generics

Before describing the generics proposal proper, we describe two minor
changes that are associated with generics: allowing renamed imports,
and allowing text constants to be brands. 

3.1  Allowing renamed imports.  

IMPORT I AS N means "import the interface I and give it the local name
N". The name I is not introduced into the importing scope.

The imported interfaces are all looked up before any of the local names
are bound; thus


imports the two interfaces I and J, perversely giving them the local
names J and I respectively.

It is illegal to use the same local name twice:


is a static error, and would be even if J and K were the same.

The old form IMPORT I is short for IMPORT I AS I. 

FROM I IMPORT X introduces X as the local name for the entity named
X in the interface I. A local binding for I takes precedence over a
global binding for I. For example,


simultaneously introduces local names I, J, and X for the entities
whose global names are J, I, and J.X, respectively.

3.2  Allowing text constants as brands.

The words from the section on Reference types:

  ... can optionally be preceded by "BRANDED b", where b is
  a text literal called the "brand".

will be changed to

  ... can optionally be preceded by "BRANDED b", where b is
  a text constant called the "brand".

This allows generic modules to use an imported text constant as the

3.3 Generics proper.

In a generic interface or module, some of the imported or exported
interface names are treated as formal parameters, to be bound to actual
interfaces when the generic is instantiated.

A generic interface has the form

    GENERIC INTERFACE G(F_1, ..., F_n); Body END G.
where G is an identifier that names the generic, F_1, ..., F_n is a
list of identifiers, called the formal imports of G, and Body is a
sequence of imports followed by a sequence of declarations, exactly
as in a non-generic interface.  An instance of G has the form

    INTERFACE I = G(A_1, ..., A_n) END I.

where I is the name of the instance and A_1, ..., A_n is a list of
"actual" interfaces to which the formal imports of G are bound.  The
semantics are defined precisely by the following rewriting:

    INTERFACE I; IMPORT A_1 AS F_1, ..., A_n AS F_n; Body END I.

A generic module has the form

    GENERIC MODULE G(F_1, ..., F_n); Body END G.

where G is an identifier that names the generic, F_1, ..., F_n is a
list of identifiers, called the formal imports of G, and Body is a
sequence of imports followed by a block, exactly as in a non-generic
module.  An instance of a G has the form

    MODULE I EXPORTS E = G(A_1, ..., A_n) END I.

where I is the name of the instance, E is a list of interfaces exported
by I, and A_1, ..., A_n is a list of actual interfaces to which the formal
imports of G are bound.  "EXPORTS E" can be omitted, in which case
it defaults to "EXPORTS I". The semantics are defined precisely by
the following rewriting:

    MODULE I EXPORTS E; IMPORT A_1 AS F_1, ..., A_n AS F_n; Body END I.

Notice that the generic module itself has no exports or UNSAFE
indication; they can be supplied only when it is instantiated.

For example, consider

  (* Extendible arrays of Elem.T, which can be any type
     except an open array type. *) 
  PROCEDURE Extend(VAR v: T);
  (* Extend v's length, preserving its current contents. *) 
END Dynarray.

GENERIC MODULE Dynarray(Elem);

PROCEDURE Extend(VAR v: T) = 
    VAR w: T;
    IF v = NIL OR NUMBER(v^) = 0 THEN
      w := NEW(T, 5)
      w := NEW(T, NUMBER(v^) * 2);
      FOR i := 0 TO LAST(v^) DO w[i] := v[i] END
    v := w
  END Extend;

END Dynarray.

To instantiate these generics to produce dynamic arrays of integers: 

INTERFACE IntArray = Dynarray(Integer) END IntArray.
MODULE IntArray = Dynarray(Integer) END IntArray.

Implementations are not expected to share code between different
instances of a generic module, since this will not be possible in

There is no typechecking associated with generics: implementations
are expected to expand the instantiation and typecheck the result.
For example, if one made the following mistake:

INTERFACE StringArray = Dynarray(String) END StringArray.
MODULE StringArray = Dynarray(String) END StringArray.

everything would go well until the last line, when the compiler would
attempt to compile a version of Dynarray in which the element type
was an open array.  It would then complain that the "NEW" call in Extend
does not have enough parameters.

Section 4.  Details of floating-point

The new built-in floating-point type EXTENDED will be added.  The
character "x" will be used in place of "d" or "e" to denote EXTENDED

FIRST(T) and LAST(T) will be defined for the floating point types.
In IEEE implementations, these are minus and plus infinity,

MOD will be extended to floating point types by the rule 

    x MOD y = x - y * FLOOR(x / y).  

Implementations may compute this as a Modula-3 expression, or by a
method that avoids overflow if x is much greater than y.

All the built-in operations that take REAL and LONGREAL will take
EXTENDED arguments as well.  (To make the language specification shorter
and more readable, we will use the type class "Float" to represent any
floating point type.  For example:

    + (x,y: INTEGER) : INTEGER
      (x,y: Float)  : Float

    The sum of x and y.  If x and y are floats, they must have the
    same type, and the result is the same type as both.

LONGFLOAT will be removed and FLOAT will be changed to: 

    FLOAT(x: INTEGER; T: Type := REAL): T
    FLOAT(x: Float; T: Type := REAL): T

    Convert x to have type T, which must be a floating-point type.
Thus FLOAT(x) means the same thing it means today; FLOAT(x, LONGREAL)
means what LONGFLOAT(x) means today.

We will add to the expressions chapter a note that the rounding behavior
of floating-point operations is specified in the required interface
FloatMode, as well as a note that implementations are only allowed
to rearrange computations if the rearrangement has no effect on the
semantics; e.g., (x+y)+z should not in general be changed to x+(y+z),
since addition is not associative.  The arithmetic operators are
left-associative; thus x+y+z is short for (x+y)+z.  The behavior of
overflows and other exceptional numeric conditions will also be
determined by the interface FloatMode.  Finally, we will change the
definition of the built-in equality operation on floating-point numbers
so that it is implementation-dependent, adding a note that in IEEE
implementations, +0 equals -0 and Nan does not equal Nan.

Modula-3 systems will be required to implement the following interfaces
related to floating-point numbers.  The interfaces give clients access
to the power of IEEE floating point if the implementation has it, but
can also be implemented with other floating point systems.  For
definitions of the terms used in the comments, see the IEEE Standard
for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (ANSI/IEEE Std.  754-1985).


  Base: INTEGER = ...; 
  (* The radix of the floating-point representation for T *)
  Precision: INTEGER;
  (* The number of digits of precision in the given Base for T. *)
  MaxFinite: T = ...;
  (* The maximum finite value in T.  For non-IEEE implementations,
     this is the same as LAST(T). *)
  MinPos: T = ...;
  (* The minimum positive value in T. *)
  MinPosNormal: T = ...;
  (* The minimum positive "normal" value in T; differs from MinPos
     only for implementations with denormalized numbers. *)

END Real.



  Base: INTEGER = ...; 
  Precision: INTEGER = ...;
  MaxFinite: T = ...;
  MinPos: T = ...;
  MinPosNormal: T = ...;
  (* Like the corresponding constants in Real. *)
END LongReal.



  Base: INTEGER = ...; 
  Precision: INTEGER = ...;
  MaxFinite: T = ...;
  MinPos: T = ...;
  MinPosNormal: T = ...;
  (* Like the corresponding constants in Real. *)
END Extended.

INTERFACE RealFloat = Float(Real) END RealFloat.
INTERFACE LongFloat = Float(LongReal) END LongFloat.
INTERFACE ExtendedFloat = Float(Extended) END ExtendedFloat.


TYPE T = Real.T;

(* The purpose of the interface is to provide access to the
   floating-point operations required or recommended by the IEEE
   floating-point standard.  Consult the standard for the precise
   specifications of the procedures, including when their arguments
   are NaNs, infinities, and signed zeros, and including what exceptions
   they can raise.  Our comments specify their effect when the arguments
   are ordinary numbers and no exception is raised.  Implementations on 
   non-IEEE machines that have values similar to NaNs and infinities 
   should explain how those values behave for IsNaN, Finite, etc. in
   an implementation guide *)

(* Return x * (2 ** n). *)

PROCEDURE Logb(x: T): T;
(* Return the exponent of x.  More precisely, return the unique
   n such that ABS(x) / Base ** n is in the range [1..Base-1],
   unless x is denormalized, in which case return MinExp-1,
   where MinExp is the minimum exponent value for T. *)

(* Like Logb, but returns an integer, never raises an exception, 
   and always returns the n such that ABS(x)/Base**N is in [1..Base-1]
   even for denormalized numbers. *)

PROCEDURE NextAfter(x, y: T): T;
(* Return the next representable neighbor of x in the direction
   towards y.  If x = y, return x *)

PROCEDURE CopySign(x, y: T): T;
(* Return x with the sign of y. *)

(* Return TRUE if x is strictly between -infinity and +infinity.
   This always returns TRUE on non-IEEE machines. *)

(* Return FALSE if x represents a numerical (possibly infinite) value,
   and TRUE if x does not represent a numerical value.  For example,
   on IEEE implementations, returns TRUE if x is a NaN, FALSE otherwise;
   on Vaxes, returns TRUE of x is a reserved operand, FALSE otherwise.

PROCEDURE Sign(x: T): [0..1];
(* Return the sign bit x.  For non-IEEE implementations,
   this is the same as ORD(x >= 0); for IEEE implementations,
   Sign(-0) = 1, Sign(+0) = 0. *)

PROCEDURE Differs(x, y: T): BOOLEAN;
(* RETURN (x < y OR y < x).  Thus, for IEEE implementations,
   Differs(NaN, x) is always FALSE; for non-IEEE implementations,
   Differs(x,y) is the same as x # y.  *)
PROCEDURE Unordered(x, y: T): BOOLEAN;
(* Return NOT (x <= y OR y <= x).  For non-IEEE
   implementations, this always returns FALSE. *)

PROCEDURE Sqrt(x: T): T;
(* Return the square root of T.  Must be correctly rounded if 
   FloatMode.IEEE is TRUE.  *)

  {SignalingNaN, QuietNaN, Infinity, Normal, Denormal, Zero};
PROCEDURE Class(x: T): IEEEClass;
(* Return the IEEE number class containing x.  On non-IEEE systems,
   the result will be Normal or Zero. *)
END Float.


(* This interface allows you to test the behavior of rounding and of
   numerical exceptions.  On some implementations it also allows you
   to change the behavior, on a per-thread basis.  *)
(* TRUE for full IEEE implementations. *)


TYPE RoundingMode = 
  {MinusInfinity, PlusInfinity, Zero, Nearest, Vax, IBM370, Other};
(* Mode for rounding operations.  The first four are the IEEE modes. *)

CONST RoundDefault: RoundingMode = ...;
(* Implementation-dependent: the default mode for rounding arithmetic
   operations, used by a newly forked thread.  This also specifies
   the behavior of the ROUND operation in half-way cases. *)

PROCEDURE SetRounding(md: RoundingMode) RAISES {Failure};
(* Change the rounding mode for the calling thread to md, or raise the
   exception if this cannot be done.  This affects the implicit rounding
   in floating-point operations.  Generally this is possible only on
   IEEE implementations and only if md is an IEEE mode.  *)

PROCEDURE GetRounding(): RoundingMode;
(* Return the rounding mode for the calling thread. *)

TYPE Flag = 
  {Invalid, Inexact, Overflow, Underflow, DivByZero, IntOverflow, 

(* Associated with each thread is a set of boolean status flag recording
   whether the condition represented by the flag has occurred in the
   thread since the flag has last been reset.  The meaning of the first
   five flags is defined precisely in the IEEE floating point standard;
   roughly they mean:
   Invalid = invalid argument to an operation.  

   Inexact = an operation produced an inexact result.

   Overflow = a floating-point operation produced a result whose
   absolute value is too large to be represented.

   Underflow = a floating-point operation produced a result whose
   absolute value is too small to be represented.

   DivByZero = floating-point division by zero.

   The meaning of the last two flags is:

   IntOverflow = an integer operation produced a result whose
   absolute value is too large to be represented.

   IntDivByZero = integer DIV or MOD by zero. *)

CONST NoFlags = SET OF Flags {};

PROCEDURE GetFlags(): SET OF Flag;
(* Return the set of flags for the current thread *)

PROCEDURE SetFlags(s: SET OF Flag): SET OF Flag;
(* Set the flags for the current thread to s, and return their previous
   values. *)

PROCEDURE ClearFlag(f: Flag);
(* Turn off the flag f for the current thread. *)  

  Behavior = {Trap, SetFlag, Ignore};

(* The behavior of an operation that causes one of the flag conditions
   is either
   Ignore = return some result and do nothing.

   SetFlag = return some result and set the condition flag.  For IEEE
     implementations, the result will be what the standard requires.
   Trap = possibly set the condition flag; in any case raise the Trap
     exception with the appropriate flag as the argument.

PROCEDURE SetBehavior(f: Flag; b: Behavior) RAISES {Failure};
(* Set the behavior of the current thread for the flag f to be b, or
   raise Failure if this cannot be done.  *)

PROCEDURE GetBehavior(f: Flag): Behavior;
(* Return the behavior of the current thread for the flag f. *)

END FloatMode.

gnelson (Greg Nelson) (12/21/90)

Jorge Stolfi asks several questions about the twelve changes to
Modula-3 described in my previous message.  First he mentions:

         A = OBJECT METHODS m() END;
         B = OBJECT METHODS p() := A.m END;

and correctly infers that this makes B.m be NIL.  

     B = OBJECT METHODS p() := A.m END;

This is legal; the value of B.m is the same as A.m, but this value
is unknown in the scope.

     A = OBJECT METHODS m() := M; p() := A.m END;

This is an illegal recursion, since the occurrence of A is not "within
a field or method type of the type constructor OBJECT", to quote from
the language definition.  Of course in this case the recursion is
harmless, but in the very similar A = OBJECT METHODS m() := A.m END 
the recursion is nonsensical.

     P = OBJECT METHODS m(); p() := A.m END;
     A <: P;

This is legal (or not illegal) as it stands, but I don't see any way
to write a complete revelation that will make it into a legal program.
For example, if you completed it by


then the expanded definition of P would contain an illegal occurrence
of A.  (I have altered Jorge's example by introducing the name P,
to make the revelation clearer to read.)

Jorge also asks

    Also, is it true that after the Twelve Changes I will be able to write
        INTERFACE Foo;
          IMPORT Wr;
          CONST Put = Wr.PutChar;
        END Foo.
        INTERFACE Foo;
          IMPORT Wr;
          VAR Put: PROCEDURE (wr: Wr.T; char: CHAR) RAISES {...} := Wr.PutChar
        END Foo.
    but not
        INTERFACE Foo;
          IMPORT Wr;
          PROCEDURE Put(wr: Wr.T; char: CHAR) RAISES {...};
        END Foo.
        MODULE Foo;
          IMPORT Wr;
          PROCEDURE Put(wr: Wr.T; char: CHAR) RAISES {...} = Wr.PutChar;
        END Foo.

He is correct in all three cases.

ml3q+@andrew.cmu.edu (Michael H. Lambert) (12/22/90)

I see from Greg Nelson's message that operator overloading is still not
included in the language definition.  I don't really see a conceptual
difference between operator and procedure overloading.  Can we expect
this to be included in the language at some time?

Michael H. Lambert
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

fkz@cs.brown.edu (Kenneth Zadeck) (12/31/90)

In section 3.1 of the 12 changes, are all IMPORTs done before the
IMPORT FROMs or are doen in order.

Another way of asking the question:

is this

the same as this?
