kagotani@cs.titech.ac.jp (02/22/91)
I am using GNU Make to build SRC Modula-3 1.6beta and it stops when compiling tools/coverage. /bin/make does not stop but complains that the Makefile is inconsistent. Here is the fix of util/m3all.tmpl file. *** dist-1.6beta4/util/m3all.tmpl Thu Feb 14 11:19:20 1991 --- new/util/m3all.tmpl Fri Feb 22 14:12:55 1991 *************** *** 76,82 **** #define C_program(n) @@\ all:: n @@\ ! n:: n.c ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(COPT) -D$(MACHINE) -o n n.c $(CLINKFILES) #define M3_program(name,libs) @@\ implementations:: name @@\ --- 76,82 ---- #define C_program(n) @@\ all:: n @@\ ! n: n.c ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(COPT) -D$(MACHINE) -o n n.c $(CLINKFILES) #define M3_program(name,libs) @@\ implementations:: name @@\ -- Hiroto Kagotani kagotani@cs.titech.ac.jp