[comp.dcom.fax] more on FAX format for PC

GSRGAAO@TECHNION.BITNET (David Tal) (01/11/91)

  Re: My query of 6.1.91 asking about FAX format.

     I received a number of private responses to my query of 6.1.91, in
 which I asked about FAX format on a PC.  It seems that not all fax card
 manufacturers store their FAX's in ".FAX" format.  Some use .PCX.  Which
 costs a lot of waiting around time unless you have a 60 MHz 80586 based

     The ".FAX" format in which I am interested is the one which is read
 by several FAX2PCX.exe's which I have found, and which is internally
 stored on systems using a package called JTFAX, or very similar. It is
 also recognized by HIGH JAAK.

     Since several board(bored?) readers have expressed interest to me
 privately on this subject, perhaps it should be opened up to the entire

     Incidentally, if anybody wants them, I have a couple of cluge
 programs I wrote in C, which will a) print out selected bytes (in Hex and
 ASCII) of a PC binary file, and 2) create a subfile of a binary file cut
 from any two byte locations of the original.  These I used to try to
 figure out the FAX format, but so far, I am stumped.

                                   David Tal