(Jon Sreekanth) (01/28/91)
In article <> Barry Schoenfelner - writes:
I am new to this so could someone fill me in on what magazines review fax
The usual suspects such as PC Magazine, and Mac equivalents, will review
fax cards. Many office product or home business magazines will review
fax machines. Home Office Computing is an intersting hybrid magazine
focussing on home business issues, with a technology twist. Computer
Shopper is good for occasional articles, and for finding mail order
vendors. All these magazines should be available at any large
bookstore; Home Office Computing is P O Box 53561, Boulder, CO 80322
Another resource is "Fax Buyer's Guide", an occasional special issue
which is part of "Computer Buyer's Guide", which is a monthly. You
can subscribe to the latter, or pick up copies of either at larger
newsstands. They are at 800-435-0715, $32 per year.
Another review mag I've seen is "Home and Office Fax Buyer's Guide",
twice a year, from Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, NY NY 10010
Single copy $4.95
There are also books for fax buyers, which start out with an overview
of the technology and terminology, and have a few reviews. Obviously,
they won't be as current as magazines, but will give you more
background. You'll find them in the business or computer sections
of large bookstores, esp. university bookstores. One that I bought is
"Fax for Home and Office", Casey Dworkin, Chilton Book Company,
215-964-4000, 1989, $12.95
/ Jon Sreekanth
Assabet Valley Microsystems Fax and PC products
346 Lincoln St #722, Marlboro, MA 01752 508-562-0722