dnjmb@rmatl.UUCP (Jeff M. Byrd) (01/29/91)
Stop paying the high cost of a dedicated line for your fax machine! Want to buy a FAX but hate the thought of the cost of a Phone Line! The "Fone Filter" from South Tech Instruments, is a unique line sharing device that allows up to 3 devices (FAX, Phone, Computer, etc) to be connected to the same Phone Line. The "Fone Filter" works in conjunction with the Bell Companies' "Distinctive Ringing" Service which allows one phone line to have up to 3 phone numbers assigned. The "Fone Filter" essencially allows each device connected to it, to have it's own phone number. For more information contact: South Tech Instruments 1-800-999-3297
kusumoto@chsun1.uchicago.edu (Bob Kusumoto) (01/31/91)
can you commercial ads people post to comp.newprod instead of here? Bob -- Bob Kusumoto | I just come from the land of Internet: kusumoto@chsun1.uchicago.edu | the sun/ from a war that must Bitnet: kusumoto%chsun1@uchicago[.bitnet] | be won in the name of truth. UUCP: ...!{oddjob,gargoyle}!chsun1!kusumoto | - New Order, "Love Vigilantes"
shanef@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca (Shane Fernandes) (02/05/91)
I am interested in the FONE FILTER.. and there was a telephone number posted for the states. Does anyone know 1) the equivalent 1-800 Canadian number? 2) the address of South Tech Industries? 3) common stores in the states / Canada where I can purchase it? 4) a FAX number to reach the company? Any assistance is appreciated Shane