[comp.dcom.fax] Complete Communicator and loadhi

nomura@meap.uta.edu (S. Nomura) (03/06/91)

I have been using the Complete Communicator (fax/ans.machine
and modem all in one) and am quite happy with it except one thing.

Since it is a memory resident progam and takes about 90K of
the PC RAM, I want to load it to high memory (between 640K and 1M)
on the 386 PC using loadhi of QEMM.

I have tried various combination of parameters of QEMM.SYS
without success.

I would be very much interested in hearing from someone with
similar experience.

-- S. Nomura
   Univ. of Texas at Arlington
   nomura@meap.uta.edu or b460nom@utarlg.uta.edu