[comp.dcom.fax] Trend Data for EDI and FAX required, please

8716579@ul.ie (05/16/91)

Dear Anyone,

	I am a 4th year undergraduate studying Applied Maths at the 
University of Limerick. I am currently doing my final year project on
the Market Growth of Telecommunications Innovations.

	What I am looking for is data showing a trend in the sales/use/
no_of_users of both FAX's and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). For example,
the no-of-users for the FAX (or EDI or both products) in some country (or 
worldwide or even some county) every year, over the past few years.

	Any information sent will be greatly appreciated, and will be
treated as confidential. If the data is to be treated as confidential,
please send the reply only to me. The information will be used only for
the models in my thesis.

	I am not sure of my mail address, but if it appears on this message
please feel free to send direct to this address. (Or an alternative address
called MU::SOLANA) if my mail address does not appear, please use the reply

	Any reply will be greatly appreciated,

		Andrew Solan

		P.P. Professor Tony Cahill (Supervisor of Project)