[comp.sys.acorn] Binary Transfer on news MUST READ

atkinsd@sol.cc.deakin.OZ.AU (Damon Atkins,Archimedes Services,0000,1111) (01/22/91)

Part 1 OF 3

Here is a programme for all news readers with an Archimedes, this is the
first programme of two which encode a file recording all file
information and the second un-encoding the text file produced by the
first programme. This will allow the transfer of files over any text
media. They are two BASIC 5 programmes, save each programme as a text
file, then go into basic and load each file and then save them in
basic with SAVE

  There is also a small test to follow.

How it works.   The TextToFile programme searches for %Begin
when found it reads the file information off the same line.
the next line it searches for is 0........1 then 2.......3,....,
8.......9,0.......1. the ...... is the data for the line.
This continues until %End is found, and other information is
found on the same line, numberf of lines in hex. and chksum
of the encoded file of text.
    First programme.

   10 REM > FileToText
   20 REM Created By Damon Atkins  Copywrite (C) 15/1/91
   30 REM Nomad Software.
   40 REM This Software is free and may be freely copied
   50 REM under the condition it is not altered in any way
   55 REM and that no price is charged for it.
   60 REM Mail : nomad@cc.deakin.OZ.AU or datkins@cc.deakin.OZ.AU
   70 REM        6 Woodlands Drive,Ocean Grove 3226,Victoria,Australia.
   80 REM Current Status : Student & Staff member at Deakin University
   90 REM                  Not an owner of an Archimedes or any other computer.
  100 REM                  But owner of the RISC OS Programmer's Ref. Manual
  110 REM Wish List : Archimedes A260, and the Uni. to by some Archimedes.
  120 REM Disclaimer : All views are my own and may not represent views
  130 REM of people associated with me. I do not accept any responsibility
  140 REM whatsoever for damage to hardware or software or data
  150 REM as a result of using this software.
  160 :
  170 DIM argument$(3),Buffer% 256,writeBuffer% 80
  180 MaxArg%=3
  190 PROCargument("FileToText")
  200 IF argument$(0)="" OR argument$(1)="" OR argument$(0)="?" THEN
  210   PROChelp(argument$(0))
  220 ELSE
  230   PROCdatatotext(argument$(0),argument$(1))
  240 ENDIF
  250 END
  255 :
  260 DEF PROCargument(commandName$)
  270 LOCAL commline%,addr%,letter%,found%,nextarg%,arg%
  280 FOR letter%=1 TO LEN(commandName$)
  290     MID$(commandName$,letter%,1)=CHR$(ASC(MID$(commandName$,letter%,1)) OR 32)
  300 NEXT letter%
  310 SYS "OS_GetEnv" TO commline%
  320 addr%=commline%
  330 WHILE ?addr%>31
  340     addr%+=1
  360 ?addr%=13
  370 addr%=commline%
  380 WHILE ?addr%>31 AND NOT(found%)
  390     addr%+=1
  400     letter%=1
  410     WHILE CHR$(addr%?(letter%-1) OR 32)=MID$(commandName$,letter%,1)
  420         letter%+=1
  430     ENDWHILE
  440     found%=(letter%-1=LEN(commandName$))
  460 IF NOT(found%) THEN PRINT "Rename file back to orginal name - ";commandName$:END
  470 nextarg%=INSTR($addr%," ")
  480 arg%=0
  490 WHILE nextarg%<>0 AND arg%<MaxArg%
  500   addr%+=nextarg%
  510   nextarg%=INSTR($addr%," ")
  520   argument$(arg%)=LEFT$($addr%,nextarg%-1)
  530   IF argument$(arg%)<>"" THEN arg%+=1
  560 :
  570 DEF FNpaddedHex(a%)
  580 =RIGHT$("0000000"+STR$~(a%),8)
  590 :
  600 DEF PROCdatatotext(input$,output$)
  601 LOCAL objectType%,loadAddr%,execAddr%,length%,attrib%,q%
  602 LOCAL fileName$,chanInput%,chanOutput%,dot%
  603 LOCAL marker%,line%,chksum%
  610 SYS "OS_File",13,input$,,,"" TO objectType%,,loadAddr%,execAddr%,length%,attrib%
  620 IF objectType%=0 THEN PRINT input$;" Not Found" : END
  630 dot%=0
  640 FOR q%=1 TO LEN(input$)
  650   IF MID$(input$,q%,1)="." THEN dot%=q%
  660 NEXT q%
  670 fileName$=MID$(input$+"             ",dot%+1,14)
  680 chanInput%=OPENIN(input$)
  690 chanOutput%=OPENOUT(output$)
  700 PRINT STRING$(length% DIV 1026,"%");STRING$(length% DIV 1026,CHR$(8));
  710 $writeBuffer%="%Begin "+fileName$+" "+FNpaddedHex(loadAddr%)+" "
  720 $writeBuffer%+=FNpaddedHex(execAddr%)+" "+FNpaddedHex(length%)+" "
  730 $writeBuffer%+=FNpaddedHex(attrib%)
  740 writeBuffer%?57=&A
  750 SYS "OS_GBPB",2,chanOutput%,writeBuffer%,58
  760 marker%=0 : line%=0 : chksum%=0
  770 WHILE NOT(EOF#chanInput%)
  780   SYS "OS_GBPB",4,chanInput%,Buffer%,57 TO ,,,NotTrans%
  790   $writeBuffer%=STR$(marker%)
  800   PROCconvertBlock8to6(Buffer%,writeBuffer%+1,57)
  810   FOR q%=1 TO 76
  820     chksum%=(chksum%+q%*13+writeBuffer%?q%) MOD &7FFFFFFF
  830     writeBuffer%?q%+=59
  840   NEXT q%
  850   line%+=1
  860   IF line% MOD 18=0 THEN PRINT ;"/";
  870   marker%+=1
  880   $(writeBuffer%+77)=STR$(marker%)
  890   marker%=(marker%+1) MOD 10
  900   ?(writeBuffer%+78)=&A
  910   SYS "OS_GBPB",2,chanOutput%,writeBuffer%,79
  930 $writeBuffer%="%End "+FNpaddedHex(line%)+" "+FNpaddedHex(chksum%)
  940 writeBuffer%?22=&A
  950 SYS "OS_GBPB",2,chanOutput%,writeBuffer%,22
  960 CLOSE #chanInput%
  970 CLOSE #chanOutput%
  980 PRINT
 1000 :
 1010 DEF PROCconvertBlock8to6(input%,output%,size%)
 1020 LOCAL n%,n2%
 1030 IF (size% MOD 3)<>0 THEN PRINT "Error not a multipal of 24 bits" : END
 1040 FOR n%=0 TO size%-1 STEP 3
 1050   PROCconvert8to6(input%+n%,output%+n2%)
 1060   n2%+=4
 1070 NEXT n%
 1085 :
 1090 DEF PROCconvert8to6(input%,output%)
 1110 ?output%=?input%>>2
 1112 output%?1=(?input%<<4)+(input%?1>>4) AND %111111
 1120 output%?2=(input%?1<<2)+(input%?2>>6) AND %111111
 1122 output%?3=(input%?2 AND %111111)
 1155 :
 1280 DEF PROChelp(key$)
 1290 IF key$="?" THEN
 1300     PRINT"*FileToText: Created By Damon Atkins  Copywrite ) 15/1/91"
 1310     PRINT"             Nomad International Software."
 1320     PRINT"             This Software is free and may be freely copied"
 1330     PRINT"             under the condition it is not altered in any way"
 1335     PRINT"             and that no price is charged for it."
 1340     PRINT" Purpose   : Converts a file into text, for transmission over"
 1350     PRINT"             modems, electronic mail, etc."
 1360     PRINT"             <Data file>: the source file containing data."
 1370     PRINT"                          eg. Sprite, Template, Modules, etc."
 1380     PRINT"             <Text file>: the destination file containing"
 1390     PRINT"                          converted data into text."
 1400     PRINT" Syntax    : *FileToText <Data file> <Text file>"
 1410   ELSE
 1420     PRINT" Syntax    : *FileToText <Data file> <Text file>"
 1430     PRINT" For more information : *FileToText ?"
 1440 ENDIF
 1460 :
 1470 REM End Of Programme  FileToText