[comp.sys.acorn] current index of Newcastle info server

Albert.Koelmans@newcastle.ac.uk (Albert Koelmans) (01/31/91)

For the benefit of all people new to this newsgroup, please find below the
latest index file of the info server. This is probably the last time I am
posting this - the list is getting very long, and will expand rapidly once
the binaries newsgroup gets under way. The archive is now over 10 megabyte,
with a total of 180 files.

In future I will probably only post a short reminder instead.

Please note that there is a new version of the stronged editor

I have also added some advice for those who are having trouble getting stuff
from the archive to work.


LAST UPDATED:  30-1-91

To retrieve a file a file from the archive, send a message to 
info-server@newcastle.ac.uk with the following content:

line-limit 1000
request: sources
topic: archimedes filename
request: end

where filename is replaced by the name of the file, as shown below.
A filename of 'index' will send you the latest version of this message.

All file sizes have been rounded down to the nearest K.  


Some software is being kept for anon ftp at apple.com, directory

The nethack posting is available for anon ftp from the tolsun archive
(internet address, directories pub/acorn and incoming/acorn.

A version of TeX for the Archimedes is available, also for anon ftp, from
phoibos.cs.kun.nl. The directory is pub/ToalTeX, and there are 17 sparked
files called TeX0.arm .... TeXg.arm. The '0' file contain's readme's, '8' and
'9' contain sources, 'a' ... 'g' contain fonts.

There is also a PC somewhere in Australia which keeps some useful software
for anon ftp. The address is, username anonymous, password ident.
Try 'cd ..' after signing on.


Most files in the archive have been compressed, using either Spark version 1 
or Spark version 2. These versions are incompatible, or, to be more precise,
most people use version 2 in an incompatible mode. You can use the sparkplug2
application from this archive to uncompress version 2 files. There is also
a version 1 of sparkplug, which, surprise surprise, should be used to
uncompress version 1 Spark files. Version one of sparkplug is not in this
archive. You can use the arc program from the archive instead, but the
unpacking process is more elaborate. The arc program will report CRC errors
on all files that are in fact subdirectories (all applications are, as you 
should know). In this case, you should rename the extracted file, create a
directory with the old name, move the renamed file into the newly created
directory, and repeat the extraction process. You should eventually end up
with a fully extracted archive.

If you download a file from the archive and find that it cannot be uudecoded,
something more sinister may be the cause of this. I should stress that most
files in the archive have been successfully tested, so the problem must lie
elsewhere. One common reason is that trailing spaces have been removed from
lines by mailers. You can easily test for this with a text editor. Another
common reason is that the file passed through an IBM mainframe on its way
to you, and a dodgy ASCII to EBCDIC to ASCII translation took place. A common
error is to translate the up-arrow (hex 5E) into a tilde (hex 7E). You can
easily check for this: none of the uuencoded files in the archive contain
tildes. Check the table at the start of the file for duplication.

If all else fails, please contact me for help.


Many people are afraid to post their software to the net. Yet your software
will undoubtedly be of great use to someone somewhere.
If you don't want to post your software to the newsgroup, you can mail it
directly to me for mounting on the server. Even if it is of use to only
one other person, it will have been worth while. The more, the merrier......


For help, suggestions, etc., please contact me at
I am doing this in my spare time, so don't expect an immediate response.

SIZE      NAME                 DESCRIPTION
(software submitted to eunet.micro.acorn/comp.sys.acorn:)
 11 3d                 3d object manipulation                  
 23 adfsmenu           RiscOs mouse driven adfs menu           
 20 adfsswi            adfs swi trap utility                   
 45 arc100             terminal emulator
 48 arc                archiver/compress
 19 arcdoc             arc documentation
  6 asa                strip control codes from files
 15 aspect             preserve aspect ratio of Draw files
 13 astro              astronomy simulations                   
 14 bdf                arc version of df/bdf
  6 blanksrc           blank screen after N seconds            
 19 blist              list BASIC program from disc            
 42 boo                unpack PC boo files                     
  9 bullwinkle         (see for yourself)                      
 21 cellaut            cellular automata software              
  9 checksum           add self-checking CRC to binaries
  8 complex            complex arithmetic from basic           
  9 convertlf          CR <-> LF conversion             
 35 crossword          crossword puzzle generator              
  4 czarch             cheater for zarch world championship
  4 daily              desktop clock                           
  3 dclock             desktop clock channel 4                 
  6 demo.chan4         graphics demo with channel 4 logo   
 24 deskduck           another silly application               
 14 digclock           digital !clock                          
  3 dirtest            scan dir for name matches           
  2 disccopy           simple disc copy program                
 13 diskcloner         sophisticated disc copy program     
 22 dither             render draw files using dithering       
 30 dzarch             desktop Zarch                       
  2 e_virus            Info about 'extend' virus
 28 e_killer           killer program for extend virus
 14 ema                separate email messages
 32 emf                mail filter, source/manual
160 encdecutil         encode/decode utilities                 
 12 eval               expression evaluator                
 23 exshar.c           unshar program
 27 expro              C profiling                             
241 ex-sub             file (un)wrapping utilities             
  2 ex-sub-spr         sprites to go with ex-sub               
 19 fea                fractals everywhere, vol A              
 14 fileact            file manipulations                      
  6 fileconv           file name conversion routines
 16 file_text          encode file with attributes
 10 fina               find file utility
  6 findbl             find BL in machine code
 16 find.c             find program, source/manual
566 fonts              large collection of fonts
 33 fracs              random transformations/fractals         
 28 fractaut           fractals and automata                   
 34 freespace          monitor free space on devices
  2 getopt.c           C source of getopt                      
  2 getopt.c.bsd       C source of getopt (BSD version)        
 49 gnusort            gnu sort program                        
160 grapevine          comms program
 40 graphdemo          various graphics routines               
 89 hupbin             Humboldt prolog binaries
191 hupsrc             idem, sources                   
 32 iconclock          clock on icon bar
  2 insertdisk         trap 'empty drive' error                
 42 jive               english -> jive translation             
 32 julia              coloured julia sets
  2 keyboardinit       twin keyboard initialisation            
 13 life               the game of life                        
 79 lineeditor         VAX/VMS style line editor           
 87 lined2.30          version 2.22 of line editor (no docs)
 10 maa                unix 'man' program
 92 mandy              mandelbrot program
 12 man.c              man program, source/manual
 18 mathfun            various maths programs                  
 30 merrills           desktop game                            
  2 mode42             setup mode 42                           
 14 modeinfo           find out which mode you're in           
  7 mouse              simulate key presses for mouse events
 34 multifont          multi-level font menu                   
 10 multisprite        display multisync sprites on normal monitor
  1 multizoom          monitor saver / idle process            
 63 nm                 inspect symbol tables                   
  6 op.c               remoce control codes from ASCII file
 16 pathswitch         define and refer to pathnames           
 59 pcdir              PC utility                              
  5 pg                 replacement for *TYPE
  4 pixel2font         convert pixels to antialisased font     
 56 placeit            sticky desktop
  5 plotfancy          display fancy fonts as in pixel files   
  3 prnzoek            find disc hardware addresses         
 12 progfront          programmable desktop frontend           
  3 prompt             your own prompt in !Edit                
  2 pwd.bas            adfs pwd version                        
 51 pwd                adfs pwd version                        
 11 rename.c           convert unix to adfs file names
 29 rgbspr             24 bpp rgb to sprite conversion         
  1 roseplot           maurer rose program                     
131 rsdos              another PC utility                      
  3 scope              Beeb to Arc serial wiring / transfer    
  3 screencompact      screen save/restore/compact             
  9 setdir             various utilities                       
 24 settype            set file type from desktop
 13 shaa               unshar program
 20 showtemp           show info on template files             
 20 softconfigurator   temporary *CONFIGURE                 
  5 softvect           list vector owners                      
 21 soundapp           two sound applications                  
 79 soundtr            background soundtracker application
112 sparkplug2         decompress Spark2 files
 16 squares            redirect output to sprites              
  3 strings            examine strings in C executables        
117 tar                floppy/hard disc archiver               
 12 tbox               new desktop operations                  
 35 tetris             tetris game                             
  5 timestamp          arthur to unix time conversion       
190 translator         viewer/translator for various bitmaps
                       (NOTE includes MakeGif and MakeTiff utilities)
  9 trashcan           Mac style trashcan                      
 87 trashapp           Richard Lloyd's trashcan v1.40       
 10 turbofont          fast listing of fonts
 13 unique             unique key codes from numeric key pad   
141 unixlib            unix library routines
  7 unshar             unwrap shar files on Arc                
  2 unsqueeze          decompress exec image code              
 14 uucoder            uuencode/uudecode                    
 45 uudecode           uudecode from desktop
 57 vdusaver           sophisticated screen blanker v2.03   
 32 vdusaver.src       idem, with sources                      
 18 vdutil             vdu utilities                           
191 wanderer           repton style game (see note 1)          
 17 warfarin           simulate mouse movement without mouse
 16 war                population explosion visualisation      
440 xrun               shoot 'em up arcade game                
 10 xsort              sort routines
 10 xsort2             idem
  5 zoombox            windowing utility                       
 20 zoo.c              include files for porting zoo           

  (amsterdam compiler kit / arminix stuff)
 99 ack.2.1            ACK backend for ARM processor / RiscOs  
 17 mkfs.arminix       format minix floppy under RiscOs        
 52 transfer.z.uu      minix <-> ADFS file transfer            
  8 chuggr1            how to use the transfer program, part1  
  7 chuggr2            how to use the transfer program, part2  

  (other stuff)
117 adl                adl adventure generator                 
  2 arcterm            simple terminal emulator with file save 
101 bia_brother        Brothers In ARM demo program
 60 bia_rotate         Brothers In ARM demo program
132 bia_sister         Brothers In ARM demo program
 42 bia_tech           Brothers In ARM demo program
 56 bia_stronged       Brothers In Arm desktop text editor, version 1.00
 10 dfsrw              read/write DFS discs                    
 23 dir.h              portable set of routines to read        
                       directory entries
 46 dosfs              MSDOS / Atari disc reader               
 36 mandel             desktop mandelbrot program              
 28 mandelscape        another mandelbrot program
344 minimoria          see note 2                              
 39 moriadoc           the moria user guide                    
 11 msdosread          read MSDOS discs                        
 12 palette            show mode info etc.                     
 40 player             play soundtracker music files           
  7 stereo             wimp based stereo balance               
469 sml                standard ML - binaries and sources      
  2 uudecode5          Basic version of uudecode               

(disc packages of PD software, including GNU ports)
(please notes SOURCES ONLY you'll need a C COMPILER)
(all files need to be uudecoded, then uncompressed, then untarred)

580 rcs      code management system
480 disc1    bison, diff, flex
450 disc2    flex, gawk, grep
690 disc3    gawk, grep, make, libraries
             (compiled versions of: utilities (see disc4), bison, diff,
              diff3, egrep, flex, gawk, make, sed)
410 disc4    make (including !make application), sed, utilities library
290 disc5    !dosfs, !vdutype, arc2dos, chess, compress, des, dos2arc,
             gnusort, regexp, strings, unzip, xxdecode, xxencode

1) this contains C source files and compressed/uuencoded binaries for the game
   plus some 25 screens.
2) this is a version of desktop AMoria with a smaller dungeon - only 22
   levels. It takes less than 700K memory and will easily run on a 310.

All responsibility for the software held in the Newcastle info server resides
with the person who submitted it, not with the archive maintainers. We do not
accept any responsibility whatsoever for bugs, malfunctioning or damage to
hardware or software as a result of using the software stored here.

JANET:  Albert.Koelmans@uk.ac.newcastle
UUCP:   ...!ukc!newcastle.ac.uk!Albert.Koelmans
Computing Laboratory, University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK (telephone +44 091-2228155,fax 2228232)