[comp.sys.acorn] How do I submit an application in binary form

rhh88@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Heywood RH) (02/11/91)

I have a few bits and bobs that I have written over the last few months
and thought I may as well put they on the board. Can someone tell me
where to send them to get them in the right group. Also, who should I
send them to to put them in the Newcastle library.

Thanks in advance

    /                                                      \
   /                  Richard Heywood (Rik)                 \ 
  /                   rhh88@uk.ac.soton.ecs                  \
  \                                                          /
   \                   The Spice must flow                  /
"All my friends and I are crazy.  That's the only thing that keeps us