[comp.sys.acorn] Archive of comp.sys.acorn

rcpieter@wsinti02.info.win.tue.nl (Tiggr) (02/15/91)

I have made an archive of comp.sys.acorn available for anonymous ftp
from ftp.win.tue.nl (currently, but this could change) in
the directory /pub/comp/sys/acorn.  The archive contains (almost) all
articles which have ever appeared in comp.sys.acorn on the host
svin02.info.win.tue.nl; it is updated three times a day.

Below is the README file concerning the archive.  Since I'm a lazy
bastard there won't be a mail service.

----- README
This directory contains archives of the usenet newsgroup comp.sys.acorn.
The archives (maintained using ar(1)) have names like `yy_mmm_dd': each
archive covers one day and contains all articles mentioning that day in
their header's date field.

Each month's archives are described in a file; this file contains for
every article the From, Subject, Keywords, Message-ID and Date fields
of the header, together with the local article number.  To obtain an
article, extract the member named with the local article number from
the archive named after the date of the article.