rcpieter@wsinti02.info.win.tue.nl (Tiggr) (02/18/91)
nbvs@cl.cam.ac.uk (Nicko van Someren) writes: >| "Go and buy an Aleph One ARM3 card and stop whining!!!" I object to this commercial advertisement. Tiggr
rogersh%t5h@uk.ac.man.cs (02/19/91)
In article <1760@svin02.info.win.tue.nl> rcpieter@info.win.tue.nl writes: >nbvs@cl.cam.ac.uk (Nicko van Someren) writes: > >>| "Go and buy an Aleph One ARM3 card and stop whining!!!" > >I object to this commercial advertisement. > Stop whining - just like the man says. [ H.J.Rogers (INTERNET: rogersh%p4%cs.man.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu) ] [ ,_, (BITNET/EARN: rogersh%p4%cs.man.ac.uk@UKACRL.BITNET) ] [ :-(_)-o (UUCP: ...!uunet!cunyvm.cuny.edu!cs.man.ac.uk!p4!rogersh) ] [ _} {_ (JANET: rogersh%p4@uk.ac.man.cs) ]