zrzm0111@helpdesk.rus.uni-stuttgart.de (MUFTI) (03/12/91)
Hi ! The FTP-server at the supercomputing-center of university Stuttgart rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de search for a partnership with a janet-server in UK to public acornsoftware in internet and in janet. The problem is: Most users have either janet- or internet-access, but only serveral have access to both nets. Maybe there is a janet-server which has want a possibility get files from ftp-sites. We can then ftp for it and it came tranfer files for us. We habe a rather new acorndirectory on our FTP-site and want to public useful software like /interpreter/compiler/assembler and utilities. We have also bitnet-access, so filetransfer would be uncomplicated, if the janet-server also have bitnet-access. thank you J. Scheurich zrzm0111@helpdesk.rus.uni-stuttgart.de (internet) or zrzm at ds0rus1i (bitnet)