[comp.sys.acorn] ST506 interface in archi

djhr@crosfield.co.uk (dave redman) (03/20/91)

anyone out there ever fitted the st506 interface onto an A310 motherboard ?

I already have a Technomatic fitted but I want to free up the backplane slot,
I am an electronic engineer so am not afraid to do the work, but I want to know
if anyone has already tried.

I have a cct diagram but the relevant components are not marked ( useful eh )
perhaps some kind soul at acorn ( sigh - I wont be holding my breath ) could
tell me the relevant values of the components and IC's. I have a watford board
that i will scavange for the HDC and PLL devices but the rest....

Please dont insult my inteligence by telling me to look on the board I have
already, cos I tried that.. it helped a little but not enough.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

dave redman ( djhr@cel.co.uk ).