[comp.sys.acorn] C++

cbuckley@unix1.tcd.ie (Colm Buckley) (04/18/91)

I'm sure this is an old chestnut, but I'll ask anyway. Has anybody heard of a
C++ compiler for the Archimedes running RISC OS? I seem to remember this
topic being kicked around a while back - did anything come of it?
Failing this, has anybody ported any of the C++ - to - C translators?

I live in hope.


| Colm Buckley                        | "My program doesn't work."       |
| Computer Science,                   | "You forgot the semicolon."      |
| Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland  | "But..."                         |
|                                     | "Line 376. Check."               |
| cbuckley@unix1.tcd.ie               | "But..."                         |
| CBUCKLEY@vax1.tcd.ie                | "Trust me."                      |