(Pop Mobility Freak) (05/21/91)
Dear Arc owner, Here is a brief overview of the applications I have sent to comp.binary.acorn and the newcastle info server. Each utility contains the source as I believe one of the nest ways to learn to program is to look at someone else's code. If you plan to do this I would recomend that you look at PlaceIt as it uses the most features. Unless of course you are into module applications upon which IconClock is the best to study. ============================================================================ FreeMem This utility displays the amount of free application space on the iconbar. This is a module application and so will start up every time the desktop does and takes very little memory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IconClock This program displays a clock on the iconbar. The clock may be either a twelve or twenty four hour clock. The clock also has three types of clockface available. These are raised, lowered and border. The time format and clockface type can be selected from the iconbar menu and its submenus. This is a module application and so will start up every time the desktop does and takes very little memory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UUDecode This program decodes uuencoded files. I have extended the syntax of uuencoded files to allow filetypes to be preserved. A line Filetype: <filetype> may appear before the table line (or the begin line if there is no table). Filetypes may be either text or numerical (with the optional & infront). So, for example, the following are all equivalent Filetype: &FFF Filetype: fff Filetype: Text Although the later is the most understandable form I recomend that it is only used with filetypes which are always known (text, data, obey, etcetera). For example if you use Filetype: DrawFile and !Draw has not been sent then the filetype will be unable to be recognised and the filetype of the last uudecode (or Text if this the first uudecode) will be used. My uuencoder adds this line automatically. Credit must go to Phil Colmer (Fil, at Acorn) for his help in fixing some minor bugs and making one minor alteration to the operation of the program. These are documented in the source. The final I thing I have to say about this program is sorry for the really corny sprite (two sheep - think about it). If you can't work it out there are rams and .... ? Note as Fil has modified this I cannot solely grant people permission to use this program (or parts of it) in their own programs. If you mail me and I will ask him (I doubt he will mind). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UUEncode This program uuencodes files. To uuencode a file drag it onto the iconbar. Awindow will be openned prompting you for the name to insert in the line begin 664 <filename> The default is the leafname of the file dragged onto the iconbar. After this a save window is openned (in a fairly random place due to the way the RiscOsLib works) allowing you to save the uuencoded file. The default filename is uuencode with filetype uuencode. I use this filetype because it enables me to use PCDir to add an automatic .UUE to the file when transfering onto a MSDOS disc. Files may be split in either number of lines (the usual way for uuencoded files) or in size in K (which I find a lot more useful). All parts are stored in the same directory (the one where the first part was dragged into). A line Filetype: <filetype in hex> is automatcally added for use with my uudecoder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetType This allows the filetype of files to be changed under the desktop. From it's icon on the iconbar (which shows the current selected filetype) a menu may be brought up which has a submenu filetype. This submenu contains a list of all the filetypes known (via the File$Type_xxx variables) and a writeable entry. This is a module application and so will start up every time the desktop does and takes very little memory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TurboFontLister This module makes the reading of the fontlist, for a given path, virtually instantaneous. Any calls to read the fontlist (such as when applications start up) are intercepted and if the fontpath being read is the one "known" to the module then the fontlist is returned from memory as opposed to being read from disc. If the fontpath being read is not the one recognised by the module then the call is passed onto the fontmanager. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PlaceIt For those of you who do not know what PlaceIt is here is a brief description. It allows files,directories and applications to be stuck to the background. From here they can be handled in exactly the same way as if they were in a filer window. A change directory icon may put on the background which allows the directory to be changed by dragging it into a filer window. A recent addition in 1.10 was the ability to display a sprite behind the background. The sprite can either be tiled or centred on the background. The menu structure has been radically changed in this release and a new feature added. See the !Help, History and ReadMe files for info. ============================================================================ For each application see the !Help or ReadMe for full details and disclaimers. If you like !PlaceIt (and the other applications) and want to show your appreciation, I'd like to enlist your support for the charity "BreakOut Children's Holidays". They run holidays for children who are really in need of a break. Seeing the difference it makes to the children's lives makes the time and effort put in by all the dedicated volunteers worthwhile. Like all charities they are constantly in need of funding. Please send donations to "Breakout Children's Holidays" to the appropriate address below: Until 28th June 1991 Ian Ashley, 55C Redfern, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL after 28th June 1991 Ian Ashley, 14 Whitelands Avenue, Chorleywood, HERTS. WD3 5RD I will place you on a list of appreciative PlaceIt users and would be more than willing to implement any additions to PlaceIt for you which I think would be beneficial to its users in general. GO ON MAKE A CHILD'S DAY. PMF