[comp.sys.acorn] really FAST integer division

gcwillia@daisy.waterloo.edu (Graeme Williams) (06/29/91)

Following several posts regarding division routines, in particular one
with a lovely 3 instr. central loop I modified my old division routine
into the following (supersonic, lightning fast, ZR rated, :-) )
32bit routine:

;Essentially what's happening here is we are figuring out how far left
;we can shift the numerator before any actual dividing begins and thus save
;a significant number of useless trips through the (unrolled) 3 instr. loop.
; - Note we only go to the nearest 4 bits, trying to save another 2 bits
;   results in 3 extra instrs. for a saving of 6 instrs. half the time
;   and 0 instrs. the other half -  i.e. no nett benefit.

MOV cnt,#28 : MOV mod,num,LSR#4
CMP den,mod,LSR#12 : SUBLE cnt,cnt,#16 : MOVLE mod,mod,LSR#16
CMP den,mod,LSR#4 : SUBLE cnt,cnt,#8 : MOVLE mod,mod,LSR#8
CMP den,mod : SUBLE cnt,cnt,#4 : MOVLE mod,mod,LSR#4
MOV num,num,LSL cnt : RSB den,den,#0

ADDS num,num,num
;Now skip over cnt copies of the 3 instr. loop.
ADD cnt,cnt,cnt,LSL#1 : ADD pc,pc,cnt,LSL#2 : MOV R0,R0

{ADCS mod,den,mod,LSL#1 : SUBLO mod,mod,den : ADCS num,num,num} x 32 copies

The routine behaves as follows:
On Entry:  num - is a signed numerator A (but +ve)
           den - is a signed denominator B (but non-zero and +ve)
On Exit:   mod - contains A MOD B
           num - contains A DIV B

The routine requires 4 registers and 452 bytes of memory.

Execution time:
  Given numbers A and B (both +ve) chosen at random from a distribution in
  which the most significant bit of the numbers is uniformly distributed
  between bits 0 and 31 (i.e. the density of numbers goes as roughly log n)
  then the average execution time is:

       For A < B :  32 cycles      (no division actually required)
       For A >= B:  58.25 cycles

       The best and worst cases are 32 cycles and 116 cycles respectively.

Have fun. (Stuff like this ought to be worth good money!)

Graeme Williams

P.S. With any luck there's only a couple of typos :-).