[net.followup] Algol 68 info

CSvax:cak (10/24/82)

Thanks to all who found time to respond to my request for info on
Algol 68. The overwhelming response was to look at

Informal Introduction to Algol 68, by C. H. Lindsey and S. G. Van Der
Meulen, North-Holland/American Elsevier, 1973 ISBN 0-7204-2048-2  Paperback

A few of the responses were interesting in and of themselves, so
I thought I'd pass them along.....

----Begin Forwarded Messages----

Date: 23 Oct 1982 01:19:54-EDT
From: Bryan.Lyles
To: seismo!harpo!ihps3!ixn5c!inuxc!pur-ee!CSvax:cak

Consider the original Algol 68 manual, especially section 4.4.1 and
the following ---single--- sentence:

No proper program contains an indication which as an operator-applied
occurrence identifies an operator-defining occurrence which as an indication-
applied occurrence identifies an indication-defining occurrence different
from the one identified by the given indication as an indication-applied

Take a DEEP breath and say that twice.  If you are still interested I
will send you some references.  (Try SIGPLAN for a start)   Algol 68 has
some good ideas but programming language design has passed it by.

-Bryan Lyles

Date: 23 Oct 1982 1953-EST (Saturday)
From: EEvax.teklabs!tekmdp!steveg
To: teklabs!pur-ee!CSvax.cak
Fcc: outbox
Date: 23 Oct 1982 at 1241-PDT (Saturday)
Subject: Re: Algol 68?
In-reply-to: Your news article purdue.410 of Fri Oct 22 09:47:36 1982

References I know of are:

Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68, Springer-Verlag, c
1976 ISBN 0-387-07592-5 or ISBN 3-540-07592-5 Paperback, about $10.

Informal Introduction to Algol 68, by C. H. Lindsey and S. G. Van Der
Meulen, North-Holland/American Elsevier, 1973 ISBN 0-7204-2048-2  Paperback

	Refers to the old language though I think there is a updated
	version of the book (which I don't have) for the newer language.

	Worth looking at just for its table of contents - orthogonal of
	course.  It's a 8 by 7 matrix - chapters down the side and
	sections across the top.  You can read the book either
	vertically or horizontally (e.g.  either sections ordered 1.1,
	1.1, 1.3 ... 2.1, 2.2, ... or 1.1, 2.1, ... 1.2, 2.2, ... where
	the numbers represent chapter.section).  The way you read it
	depends on what you want out of the book - if just an overview
	you read horizontally, if you want to really learn the language
	you read vertically.  It's a really intersting way of handling
	material that is very recursive (e.g. the dependency graph of
	what pieces you have to understand in order to understand any
	particular piece has many loops in it).  There's also an
	introductory chapter (chapter 0 of course) that has a more
	normal orientation.

Algol 68, a first and second course, Andrew D McGettrick, Cambridge
University Press, 1978 (32 East 57th street New Your, NY 10022) Paperback

I think you'll find it interesting.  Algol 68'ers invented entirely new
terms for common computer terms just so you would read the definitions
and understand the nuances.  Programs are not executed, they're
elaborated.  There is such a thing as collateral elaboration (a bit
like the "c" comma operator).

Steve Bourne (of the Bourne Shell) wrote (or at least worked on) Algol
68C (C for Cambridge, not "C").  I understand that it was ported to
Unix when he went to work for BTL.  See the "$a" command in the V7 adb
for hints of its existance.  Much of his convolution of the C language
(try reading his shell or the ucds stuff) has it's roots in Algol 68.

Steve Glaser, teklabs!steveg

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Does anyone (outside of Bell, I guess) have a pointer to Steve Bourne's
a68 compiler?
