[comp.sys.novell] Compaq Server Memory Upgrade - Problem

joel@gacvx2.gac.edu (01/24/91)


I recently added a memory upgrade to our Compaq 386/16 server running Advanced
Netware 286 v.2.15a.  The server had a fully populated 2MB on the system board
and I added a Micron Memory Expansion card with 4MB.  I reset the necessary
jumpers, ran the Compaq Setup program, and then re-booted the fileserver.  The
server came up off the Cold-Boot loader beautifully and everything appears to
be fine from the server end.  I logged on to the system from a pc workstation
and checked FCONSOLE - everything seems fine - all the memory is accounted for
and the server seems normal . . . BUT . . .

Now we have a number of workstations that alternately refuse to log into the
server or they do log in and run like molasses in January. At other times they
will log in and run normally.  It is one of those frustrating sporadic

The ONLY change to our system was the adding of memory to the server.  Why has
it affected our workstations in this manner?   Is  there something I have left
undone in the upgrade process?  Any ideas out there?

I used a Cablescanner to check cables and there are no obvious problems with
the cabling system.  

Here is our current Lab Setup:

	Thin Ethernet topology 

	Compaq DeskPro 386/16 Server w/6MB memory running AdvNW286 v.2.15a
		NP600A-3 (Rev. CB) Ethernet Card
		2MB System Memory Board w/ 4MB Expansion Card Add-On
		WD HardDrive controller running internal 80MB HardDrive
		Adaptec AHA1542A running 330MB External SCSI and internal
			Floppy Drive
		Serial/Parallel Board for Printer1
		Mono Diplay Adapter card w/Parallel port for  Printer2

	WorkStations:	21 PC XT's with NE1000 adapters
			3 PS/2 Model 25's with NE1000 adapters
	Printers:	1 - HPLaserJetII     (directly off server)
		        1 - HP RuggedWriter  (directly off server)

If anybody has had experience with Compaqs and has any clues as to what may be
wrong, I would greatly appreciate suggestions:

Joel Jackson			Bitnet:	   JOEL@GACVAX1.BITNET
Academic Computing Dept.	Internet:  joel@gac.edu
Gustavus Adolphus College	Phone:	   (507) 933-7015